Affine Hecke algebras

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 9 January 2013

The affine Hecke algebra: presentations

Cm are fundamental regions for W acting on 𝔥m such that

  1. C0_ C2_ C1_ 0,
  2. 𝔥α0, 𝔥α1 ,, 𝔥αl are the walls of C0,
  3. 𝔥α0, 𝔥α1 ,, 𝔥αn are the walls of C1,
  4. s0,, sn are the reflections in 𝔥α0, 𝔥α1 ,, 𝔥αn , and
  5. Ω = {gW | gC1 =C1}.
where siλ = λ- λ,αi αi determines αi 𝔥.

The Dynkin diagram, or Coxeter diagram, of W is the graph with vertices α0, α1, , αn and labeled edges αi mij αj, (the graph of the "1-skeleton of C1").

For wW define (w) = ( the number of hyperplanes between C1 and wC1).

(Coxeterish presentation) The affine Weyl group W is presented by generators s0, s1,, sn and Ω such that Ω is a subgroup, si2 = 1, sisjsi mij factors = sjsisj mij factors for ij, gsi g-1 = sg(i) , where g𝔥 αi = 𝔥α g(i) , for i= 0,1,...,n, and where π mij = 𝔥 αi 𝔥αj.

(Weylish presentation) Let W be the affine Weyl group. Let q be an indeterminate and let 𝕂 =[q, q-1]. The affine Hecke algebra H is presented by generators Tw, wW, and relations Tw1 Tw2= Tw1w2, if(w1w2) =(w1)+ (w2), TsiTw= (q-q-1)Tw+ Tsiw, if(siw)< (w) (0in). for i{0, 1,,n}.

(Coxeterish presentation) Let t1/2 be an indeterminate and let 𝕂 =[ ti1/2 , ti -1/2 ]. HOW SHOULD WE DEAL WITH THE ISSUE OF MULTIPLE PARAMETERS--PERHAPS AN EXERCISE??
The affine Hecke algebra H is presented by generators Ts0, Ts1, , Tsn and Ω such that Ω is a subgroup and Tsi2 = ( ti1/2 - ti-1/2 ) Tsi+1 , Tsi Tsj Tsi mij factors = Tsj Tsi Tsj mij factors for ij, g Tsi g-1 = T sg(i) , where g𝔥 αi = 𝔥α g(i) , for i= 0,1,...,n, and where π mij = 𝔥 αi 𝔥αj.

(Bernstein presentation) The affine Hecke algebra H is presented by generators Ts1, Ts2, , Tsn and Xλ, λ𝔥 , with relations Tsi2 = ( ti1/2 - ti-1/2 ) Tsi+1 , Tsi Tsj Tsi mij factors = Tsj Tsi Tsj mij factors for ij, XλXμ = Xλ+μ, and Tsi Xλ = Xsiλ Tsi + ( ti1/2 - ti-1/2 ) Xλ-Xsiλ 1-X-αi ,

(Intertwiner presentation) The affine Hecke algebra H is presented by generators τ1, τ2, , τn and Xλ, λ𝔥 , with relations τi2 = ( ti1/2 - ti-1/2 Xαi ) ( ti1/2 - ti-1/2 X-αi ) (1- Xαi ) (1- X-αi ) , τi τj τi mij factors = τj τi τj mij factors for ij, XλXμ = Xλ+μ, and τiXλ = Xsiλ τi ,

(Graded presentation) The affine Hecke algebra H is presented by generators ts1, ts2, , tsn, and xλ, λ𝔥 , with relations tsi2 =1 , tsi tsj tsi mij factors = tsj tsi tsj mij factors for ij, xλxμ = xλ+μ, and tsi xλ = xsiλ tsi + λ,αi ,

(Homogeneous presentation) The affine Hecke algebra H is presented by generators ψ1, ψ2, , ψn , xλ, λ𝔥 , and eu, u Γ with relations KLR LIKE RELATIONS

Normalization. Setting T= ti1/2 Tsi , the relation Tsi2 = ( ti1/2 - ti-1/2 ) Tsi+1 is equivalent to T2 = (ti-1) T +ti.

Remark. The identities g= Yωg Tw0 wg-1, T0= Yφ Tsφ-1 , Xλ= Xtλ, Xλ Tw-1 = Xtλw , help to provide conversions between the Coxeterish and Bernstein presentations. It is also useful to note that Xw=Tw, if wW is dominant.

Remark. In the presence of the relations Tsi2 = ( ti1/2 - ti-1/2 ) Tsi+1 , and XλXμ = Xλ+μ, the relation Tsi Xλ = Xsiλ Tsi + ( ti1/2 - ti-1/2 ) Xλ-Xsiλ 1-X-αi is equivalent to TiXμ= Xsiμ Ti , if μ, αi =0, TiXμ Ti =Xsiμ , if μ, αi =1 , for i=1,2, ,n, (2.23)

The conversion between the Bernstein and graded presentations is given by Xλ = exλ, ti1/2 = eci, τi = Tsi + ti-1/2 (1-ti) 1- X-αi = Tsi-1 + ti-1/2 (1-ti) X-αi 1- X-αi and τi = tsi + cαi αi THE NORMALIZATION NEEDS TO BE FIXED HERE SO THAT τi2 matches both cases.

Bases of H

The periodic orientation has
  1. (a) If 0 𝔥α then C0 is on the positive side of 𝔥α.
  2. (b) Parallel hyperplanes have parallel orientation.
For example, when 𝔤0= 𝔰𝔩3,
Hα2+δ Hα2 H-α2+δ H-α2+3δ H-α2+5δ H-φ+4δ H-φ+3δ H-φ+2δ Hα0 Hφ Hφ+δ Hφ+2δ Hφ+3δ Hφ+4δ H-α1+δ Hα1 Hα1+δ Hα1+3δ Hα1+5δ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - 1 s0 w0 w0s0 s1 s2 s0s1 s0s2 s1s0 s2s0

The alcoves are the triangles and the (centers of) hexagons are the elements of Q.

Let wW. A reduced word for w, w= gsi1 sil, gΩ, i1,, il {0,1,, l} is a minimal length sequence w = ( g, C1 𝔥β1 si1C1 𝔥β2 si1 si2C1 𝔥βl si1 sil C1 ).

1 w Hβ2 Hβ4 Hβ1 Hβ3 Hβ5
The elements of R(w)= {β1, ...,βl} are the elements of R˜reI corresponding to the sequence of hyperplanes crossed by the walk.

For a reduced word w= gsi1 si define Tw = gTi1 Til and Xw = gTi1ϵ1 Tilϵl where ϵj = { +1, if the jth step of w is 𝔥βj + - -1, if the jth step of w is 𝔥βj - + }

The affine Hecke algebra H has 𝕂-bases { Tw | wW} , {Xw | wW} , { Tw-1 -1Xλ | wW0, λP }, and { Xμ Tv-1-1 | μP, vW0 } .

Conversions between presentations

The conversion between presentations is given by the relations Tw= Tg Tsi1 Tsi, if wW and w= gsi1 si is a reduced word, (1.22)

Let w0 be the longest element of W and let wi be the longest element of the subgroup Wωi= { wWwωi =ωi } . Let φ=c1α1+ +cnαn. Then let

Ω= { gW (g)=0 } ={1} {gici=1}, wheregi=tωi wiw0, (1.19)

(see [Bou1981, VI § no. 3 Prop. 6]). Each element gΩ sends the alcove A to itself and thus permutes the walls Hα0, Hα1,, Hαn of A. Denote the resulting permutation of {0,1,,n} also by g. Then

gsig-1= sg(i), for0in, (1.20)

With notations as in (1.10-1.20) the conversion between the two presentations is given by the relations Tw=Ti1 Tip, ifwWaff andw=si1 sipis a reduced word, Tgi= xωi Tw0wi-1, forgiΩ as in (1.19), xλ=Ttμ Ttν-1, ifλ=μ-νwith μ,νP+, Ts0=Tsϕ x-ϕ, whereϕis the highest short root ofR . (1.22)

For wW and λP define elements Tw-1-1 = ( image in H˜ of a minimal length alcove walk from A to wA ), Xλ = ( image in H˜ of a minimal length alcove walk from A to tλA ). Tw-1-1 = A wA 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xλ = WA λ+WA The following proposition shows that the alcove walk definition of the affine Hecke algebra coincides with the standard definition by generators and relations (see [IM] and [LU]). A consequence of the proposition is that the  finite Hecke algebra, H = span{ Tw-1-1 | wW }, and the Laurent polynomial ring, 𝕂[P] = span{ Xλ | λP }, (AHA 6) are subalgebras of H˜.

Let gΩ, λ,μP,wW and 1in. Let φ be the element of R+ such that Hα0 = Hφ,1 is the wall of A which is not a wall of C and let sφ be the reflection in Hφ. Let w0 be the longest element of W. The following identities hold in H˜.

  1. XλXμ = Xλ+μ = XμXλ.
  2. TsiTw = { Tsiw, if l(siw)>l(w), Tsiw + (q-q-1)Tw, if l(siw)<l(w). }
  3. If λ,αi = 0 then TsiXλ = XλTsi.
  4. If λ,αi = 1 then Tsi Xsiλ Tsi = Xλ.
  5. TsiXλ = XsiλTsi + (q-q-1) Xλ-Xsiλ 1-X-αi .
  6. Ts0 Tsφ = Xφ.
  7. Xωi = gTw0wi, where the action of g on A sends the origin to ωi and wi is the longest element of the stabilizer Wωi of ωi in W.

Use notations for alcove walks as in (AHA 4).
  1. If pλ is a minimal length walk from A to tλA and pμ is a minimal length walk from A to tμA then pλpμ and pμpλ   are both nonfolded walks from   A   to   tλ+μA . Thus the images of pλ pμ and pμ pλ are equal in H.
  2. If l(wsi) > l(w) and pw is a minimal length walk from A to wA then pwsi = pwci-   is a minimal length walk from   A   to   wsiA, and so Tsiw-1-1 = Twsi-1-1 = Tw-1-1 Tsi-1 = ( Tsi Tw-1 )-1 in H˜. Taking inverses gives the first result, and the second follows by switching w and wsi and using the relation Tsi-1 = Tsi-(q-q-1) which follows from (AHA 2) and (AHA 5).
  3. Let pλ be a minimal length alcove walk from A to tλA. If λ,αi=0 then Hαi is a wall of tλA and siλ = λ and ci-pλci+ is a nonfolded walk from   A   to   tλA. Thus Tsi-1XλTsi = Xλ = Xsiλ in H˜. Hα1 Hα1+α2 Hα2 H α1+2α2 Hα0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
  4. Let pλ be a minimal length walk from A to tλA. If λ, αi = 1 then there is a minimal length walk from A to tλA of the form pλ = ptλsici+ where ptλ si is a minimal length walk from A to tλsiA . Then ci- ptλsi   is a minimal length walk from   A   to   tsiλA. Thus Tsi-1( Xλ Tsi-1 ) = Xsiλ in H. Hα1 Hα1+α2 Hα2 H α1+2α2 Hα0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
  5. Note that (c) and (d) are special cases of (e). If the statement of (e) holds for λ then, by multiplying on the left by X -siλ and on the right by X-λ , it holds for -λ. If the statement (e) holds for λ and μ then it holds for λ+μ since Tsi XλXμ = ( Xsiλ Tsi + (q-q-1) Xλ- Xsiλ 1- X-αi ) Xμ = Xsiλ ( Xsiμ Tsi + (q-q-1) Xμ- Xsiμ 1- X-αi ) + (q-q-1) ( Xλ-Xsiλ 1-X-αi ) Xμ = Xsi(λ+μ) Tsi + (q+q-1) Xλ+μ -Xsi (λ+μ) 1-X-αi . Thus, to prove (e) it is sufficient to verify (c) and (d), which has already been done.
  6. Let psφ be a minimal length walk from sφA to A, then pφ = c0+ psφ   is a minimal length walk from   A   to   tφA. Thus T0Tsφ = Xφ in H˜.
  7. If pw0wi is a minimal length walk from wiw0A to A then pωi = gpw0wi   is a minimal length walk from   A   to   tωiA. Thus Xωi = gTw0wi in H˜. For example, in type C2, w0 = s2s1s2s1 and there is one element g in Ω such that g1 for which gω2 = 0 and w2=s1 so that w0w2 = s2s1s2.

The sets { Tw-1 -1Xλ | wW0, λP } and { Xμ Tv-1-1 | μP, vW0 } (AHA 7) are bases of H.

If p is an alcove walk then the weight of p and the final direction of p are wt(p) P and φ(p) W0 such that p ends in the alcove wt(p)+ φ(p)A. (AHA 8) Let f-(p) = ( number of negative folds of p ), f+(p) = ( number of positive folds of p ), and f(p) = ( total number of folds of p ). (AHA 9) The following theorem provides a combinatorial formulation of the transition matrix between the bases in (AHA 7). It is a q-version of the main result of [LP] and an extension of Corollary 6.1 of [Sc].

Use notations as in (AHA 4). Let λP and wW. Fix a minimal length walk pw = ci1- ci2- cir- from A to wA and a minimal length walk pλ = cj1ε1 cjsεs from A to tλA. Then, with notations as in (AHA 8) and (AHA 9), Tw-1-1Xλ = p (-1)f-(p) (q-q-1)f(p) Xwt(p) Tφ(p)-1-1, where the sum is over all alcove walks p = ci1- cir- pj1 pjs such that pjk is either cjkεk,  cjk-εk or fjkεk.

The product pwpλ = ci1- ci2- cir- cj1ε1 cjsεs may not necessarily be a walk, but its straightening produces a sum of walks, and this decomposition gives the formula in the statement.

The initial direction ι(p) and the final direction φ(p) of an alcove walk p appear naturally in Theorem 2.2. These statistics also appear in the Pieri-Chevalley formula in the K-theory of the flag variety (see [PR], [GR], [Br] and [LP]).

In Theorem 2.2, for certain λ the walk pλ may be chosen so that all the terms in the expansion of Tw-1-1Xλ have the same sign. For example, if λ is dominant, then pλ can be taken with all εk=+, in which case all folds which appear in the straightening of pwpλ will be positive folds and so all terms in the expansion will be positive. If λ is antidominant then pλ can be taken with all εk=- and all terms in the expansion will be negative. This fact gives positivity results for products in the cohomology and the K-theory of the flag variety (see [PR], [Br]).

The affine Hecke algebra H˜ has basis { XλTw-1-1 | λP, wW } in bijection with the alcoves in Ω×𝔥*, where Xλ Tw-1-1 is the image in H˜ of a minimal length alcove walk from A to the alcove λ+wA. Changing the orientation of the walls of the alcoves chances the resulting basis in the affine Hecke algebra H˜. The orientation in (AHA 1) is the one such that the most negative point is   -ρ,  deep in the chamber   w0C. (AHA 10) Another standard orientation is where the most negative point is the center of the fundamental alcove  A. (AHA 11) Using the orientation of the walls given by (AHA 11) produces the basis commonly denoted { Tw | wW˜ } by taking Tw to be the image in H˜ of a minimal length alcove walk from A to w-1A. Since Ti-1 = Ti - (q-q-1) the transition matrix between the basis { Xλ Tw-1-1 | λP, wW } and the basis { Tw | wW˜ } is triangular.

Convolution algebra presentation

Let 𝔽q be a finite field with q elements, G =G( 𝔽q) a finite Chevalley group over 𝔽q | Ba Borel subgroup | T a maximal torus. The Weyl group of G is W0=N/T, where N={gG | gTg-1 =T} is the normalizer of T in G.

(a) Let wW0. Then BwB BsjB = { BwsjB, if wsj> w, BwB BwsjB, if wsj< w, (b) Bruhat decomposition: G= wW0 BwB. (c) The characteristic functions {Tw | wW} of the double cosets BwB are a basis of the Hecke algebra H= C(B\G/B) and Tw Tsj = { Twsj, ifwsj >w, q Twsj + (q-1)Tw, ifwsj <w.

For the moment, we refer to affflags1.14.07.pdf for the proof.

Leftover junk

Let wW and let w= si1 si be a reduced word for w. For k=1,, let

βk= si si-1 sik+1 sikand tβk= tik, (2.35)

so that the sequence β, β-1,, β1 is the sequence of labels of the hyperplanes crossed by the walk w-1= si si-1 si1. For example, in Type A2, with w= s2 s0 s1 s2 s1 s0 s2 s1 the picture is

1 w-1 𝔥β7 𝔥β5 𝔥β8 𝔥β6 𝔥β4 𝔥β2 𝔥β3 𝔥β1

Let vW. An alcove walk of type i1,,i beginning at v is a sequence of steps, where a step of type j is

z zsj - + z zsj - + z zsj - + z zsj - + positivej–crossing negativej–crossing positivej–fold negativej–fold

Let (v,w) be the set of alcove walks of type w=(i1,,i) beginning at v. For a walk p(v,w) let

f+(p) = { kthe kth step ofp is a positive fold } , f-(p) = { kthe kth step ofp is a negative fold } , (2.36)


end(p)= endpoint ofp(an element ofW ). (2.37)

Notes and References

These notes are intended to supplement various lecture series given by Arun Ram. These important facts about Iwahori-Hecke algebras are found in Bourbaki ????. The original papers are [Iw] Iwahori ????, and [IM] Iwahori-Matsumoto ????. One can also see Steinberg Lecture notes ?????.



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