Representations of the symmetric group

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 8 October 2012

Representations of the symmetric group

The symmetric group is Sd=Aut({1,2,,d}).

The symmetric group is presented by generators

si= 1 ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ i i+1 ˙ ˙ ˙ d , i=1,2,,d-1

with relations

() si2=1andsi sj=sjsiif ji±1,si si+1si= si+1sisi+1.

The degenerate affine Hecke algebra d is given by generators x1,,xd and s1,,sd-1 with relations xixj=xjxi and () and sixj=xjsi if ji, i+1, and sixi=xi+1si+1, sixi+1=xisi-1.

The group algebra of Sd is d with additional relation



dSd sisi x10 xj 1i<jsij wheresij= 1 ˙ ˙ i ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ j ˙ ˙ d

KLR Quiver Hecke algebras

I=vertex set of Dynkin diagram= {colours}.

The KLR quiver Hecke algebra Rd is given by generators

y1,,yd, euforuId, ψ1,,ψd-1

with relations

yiyj=yjyi, euev=δuv eu,1=uId eu, euyi=yieu, euψr=ψresru, ψryi=yiψr ifir,r+1, ψryreu= { (yr+1ψr+1)eu , if(ur,ur+1) =(ur,ur) , yr+1ψreu , otherwise. ψryr+1eu= { (yrψr-1)eu , if(ur,ur+1) =(ur,ur) , yrψreu , otherwise. ψrψs=ψsψr, ifsr,r±1, ψr2eu= { 0, if(ur,ur+1) =(ur,ur) , (yr+1-yr)eu , if(ur,ur+1) is ur ur+1 , -(yr+1-yr)eu , if(ur,ur+1) is ur ur+1 , eu , otherwise. ψrψr+1ψr eu= { ( ψr+1 ψr ψr+1 +1 ) eu, if ( ur,ur+1, ur+2 ) = ( ur,ur+1, ur ) with ur ur+1 , ( ψr+1 ψr ψr+1 -1 ) eu, if ( ur,ur+1, ur+2 ) = ( ur,ur+1, ur ) with ur ur+1 , ψr+1 ψr ψr+1 eu , otherwise.


Id= { u=(u1,,ud) sequences of lengthdinI } sruisuwith urand ur+1switched.

If Q= 4 3 0 1 2 then, after a completion,


([[x1,,xd]] is a completion of [x1,,xd] which contains 11-x1=1+x1+x12+)

Sd is Rd for Q= -1 0 1 2 3 with

eu=0ifu10 andy1eu=0ifu1=0.

The Glass Bead game

Board Beads

A skew shape is a configuration of beads λ such that any two beads on the same runner are separated by two beads

if then or

A standard tableau of shape λ is a runner sequence T=(T1,,Td) which results in λ.


Rdλ=span { vTT is a standard of shapeλ }


euvT= δuTvT, yivT=0, ψrvT= { vsrT, ifsrT is a standard shape, 0, otherwise.

(Kleshehev-Ram) Rdλ are simple Rd-modules.

Young's lattice

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 0 -1 1 -2 2 -1 1 -3 3 -1 1 -2 2 0

Standard tableaux of shape λ correspond to paths from 0 to λ.

Rdλ for λ in Young's Lattice (with d beads) are all simple Sd-modules.

Notes and References

These are a typed version of lecture notes for the second in a series of lectures given at the Brazil Algebra Conference, Salvador, 17 July 2012.

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