
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 19 March 2011

Locally compact Hausdorff topological spaces

A locally compact topological space is a topological space (X,𝒯) such that if xX then there exists U𝒯 such that xU and U is compact, where U is the closure of U.

A Hausdorff topological space is a topological space (X,𝒯) such that if p,qX and pq then there exist U,V𝒯 such that pU, qV and UV=.

Let k >0. The topological space k is a locally compact Hausdorff topological space.

(Heine-Borel) Let k >0 and let Kk . Then K is compact if and only if K is closed and bounded.

The Banach space C0(X)

Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. Let f:X be a continuous function. The support of f is

supp(f) = {xX | f(x)0} ,
the closure of {xX | f(x)0} . Define
Cc(X) = { f:X | fis continuous and supp(f) is compact}
A function f:X vanishes at infinity if f satisfies
if ε>0 then there exists a compact set KX such that if xK then |f(x)|<ε.
C0(X) = { f:X | fis continuous and f vanishes at infinity}
Define : C0(X) >0 by
f = sup{ |f(x)| | xX} .

Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space.

(a)   C0(X) with is a Banach space.
(b)   C0(X) is the completion of Cc(X) with respect to .

Regular measures

Let (X,) be a measurable space and let μ: be a complex measure. The total variation of μ is the positive measure |μ|: [0,] given by

|μ| (E) = sup { i=1 |μ(Ei) | | E1, E2, partitionE } .

Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space with topology 𝒯 and let be the σ-algebra generated by 𝒯. A regular positive Borel measure is a positive measure μ: [0,] such that if E then μ (E) =sup{ μ (K) | KE is compact } =inf { μ (U) | UE is open }. A regular complex Borel measure is a complex measure μ: such that the total variation measure |μ| is regular. The norm of μ is

μ =|μ|(X) .

[Ru, Chapt. 6 Ex. 3] Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. The space M(X) of regular complex Borel measures on X with is a Banach space.

(Reisz representation theorem) [Ru, Theorem 6.19] Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. Let Φ:C0(X) be a bounded linear functional.

(a)   There exists a unique regular complex Borel measure μ such that
if f C0(X)     then     Φ(f) = X fdμ .
(b)   If μ is as in (a) then
Φ = |μ| (X) ,
where |μ| is the total variation measure corresponding to μ.

Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. Let μ: [0,] be a regular positive Borel measure on X.

(a)   If p1 then the space Lp(μ) is the completion(COMPLETION VS DENSE???) of Cc(X) with respect to p.
(b)   The space L(μ) is not necessarily the completion of Cc(X) with respect to .

A positive linear functional on Cc(X) is a linear functional μ: Cc(X) such that if f:X and f(X) 0 then μ(f) 0 .


A distribution on X is a continuous linear functional μ: Cc(X). SAY WHAT THE TOPOLOGY ON Cc(X) is. THIS NEEDS REFERENCES!

Parts (a) and (b) of the following theorem form the Reisz representation theorem.

[Ru, Theorems 2.14 and 6.19] Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space.

(a)   The map {regular complex Borel measures} {bounded linear functionals on Cc(X)} given by
μ(f) = X fdμ
is an isometry of Banach spaces.
(b)   The map {regular positive Borel measures} {positive linear functionals on Cc(X)} given by
μ(f) = X fdμ
is an isometry of Banach spaces.

Notes and References

These notes were written for a course in "Measure Theory" at the Masters level at University of Melbourne. This presentation follows [Ru, Chapters 1-6]. WHAT IS THE RIGHT REFERENCE FOR DISTRIBUTIONS???


[Ru] W. Rudin, Real and complex analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. MR0924157.

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