The double affine braid group

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 19 September 2012

The double affine braid group

Following Ion-Sahi [IS] the double affine braid group is generated by T0,T0,T0, T1,,Tn with

= T0,T1, ,Tn , T0,T1 ,,Tn ,= T0,T1 ,,Tn ,

which are affine braid groups,

qZ(), whereq=T0T0 T0Tsφ,


T0T1-1T0 T1=T1-1 T0T1T0, if nodes 0 and 1 are connected by a double edge.

The conversion between presentations is given by

T0=Yφ Tsφ-1, T0=Xφ Tsφ,q=T0 T0T0 Tsφ

We should extend this to include the effect of Ω by using the relations

g=Yωg Tw0wg-1 andg= XωgTw0wg,

or whatever the correct versions of these are.

The braid group 𝒜3 on 3 strands is generated by a1,a2 with relation a1a2a1= a2a1a2. Using the automorphism of the Dynkin diagram PICTURE build

𝒜3/2= { beb 𝒜3,e/2 } ,withea1=a2 e,ea2=a1e, e2=1.

The isomorphism

𝒜3/2 GL2() a1 ( 1 1 0 1 ) a2 ( 1 0 -1 1 ) e ( 0 1 1 0 )

giving exact sequences

{1} (a1a2a1)4 𝒜3SL2() {1} {1}Z(𝒜3)= (a1a2a1)2 𝒜3PSL2() {1}

The group GL2() acts on by automorphisms via

a1: T0 T0 T0 (T0)-1 T0T0 T0 T0 Ti Ti a2: T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 (T0)-1 T0T0 Ti Ti e T0 (T0)-1 T0 (T0)-1 T0 (T0)-1 Ti Ti-1 Xμ Yμ

as the automorphism of cB. The existence of the automorphism e is sometimes called duality.

The affine braid group is given by T0,T0, ,Tn and Ω with relations

TiTj mij = TjTi mij ,and gTi (g)-1= Tg(i), forgΩ. (1)

The affine Weyl group

W= { Xμwμ 𝔥*,wW0 } acts onY= { qk/e Yλ k,λ𝔥 } , (2)

by conjugation. Write

Yvλ=v Yλv-1, forvW, λ𝔥. (3)

The double affine braid group B is the group generated by B and Y with relations

TiTj mij = TjTi mij , gTi (g)-1= Tg(i), gYλ= Ygλ g, (4) (Ti)-1 Yλ= { Ysiλ (Ti)-1 , if λ,αi =0 , Ysiλ Ti , if λ,αi =1 , (5)

for gΩ,λ 𝔥 and i=0,1,,n.

For wW, view a reduced word w=gsi1 si as a minimal length path p from the fundamental alcove to w in 𝔥 and define

- + - + Yw=g (Ti1)ε1 (Ti1)ε, withεk= { +1 , if thekth step ofp is , -1 , if thekth step ofp is , (6)

with respect to the periodic orientation (see (??) and the pictures in the appendix). For vW, view a reduced word v=gsi si as a minimal length path p from the fundamental alcove to v in 𝔥* and define

- + - + Xv=g (Ti1) ε1 (Ti) ε , withεk= { -1 , if thekth step of pis , +1 , if thekth step of pis , (7)

Let Ti=Ti, for i=1,2,,n,

g=Xωg Twgw0, (T0)-1= XφTsφ, g=Yωg Tw0wg-1, T0=Yφ Tsφ-1. (8)

where φ and φ are as in (??) and, using the action in (2.7), ωg=g·0 and wg is the longest element of the stabilizer of ωg in W0.

The following theorem, discovered by Cherednik [1, Thm. 2.2], is proved in [15, 3.5-3.7], in [7], and in [6, 4.13-4.18].

(Duality) Let Yd=q-1. The double affine braid group is generated by T0,T1, ,Tn,Ω and Y with relations

TiTj mij = TjTi mij , gTi (g)-1= Tσ(i), gYλ= Ygλ g, (2.28)

for gΩ, and

Ti= Ysiλ Ti , if λ,αi =0 , (Ti) -1 Yλ (Ti) -1 =Ysiλ , if λ,αi =1 , fori=0,1, ,n, (2.29)

where the action of W on 𝔥d is as in (2.10).

Notes and References

This page is taken from a paper entitled Relating double affine Hecke algebras and Rational Cherednik algebras by Stephen Griffeth and Arun Ram, May 4, 2009. (2.7) is a reference to the section entitled The double affine Weyl group.

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