Last updates: 02 July 2012
Let . Let be commutative rings with a subring of .
HW: Show that an -module is finitely generated if and only if there is a finite subset such that .
Let be commutative rings with a subring of .
HW:Show that if , and is finitely generated as a module and is finitely generated as an module then is finitely generated as an module.
HW:Show that if and then is integral over if and only if is finitely generated as an module.
HW:Show that if and are integral over then is a finitely generated -module.
HW:Show that if then the integral closure of in is .
HW:Show that if then the integral closure of in is the largest subring of , , which is finitely generated as an module.
Example. is integrally closed.
Let be an integral extension.
Let be a ring and let be an module.
Let be a ring, let be an module and let be a submodule of . Then
Let be a ring and let be an module.
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Proof. |
(a) Follows from Theorem 2.4 below.
(b) ⇐: Assume that every submodule of is finitely generated. Let be an ascending chain. Then is a finitely generated submodule of Let be generators and let be such that Then where So and for all So in noetherian. (b) ⇒: Assume that is noetherian and let be a submodule of Then has a maximal element If let Then and is finitely generated, which is a contradiction to the maximality of So So every submodule of is finitely generated.
(Jordan-Hölder theorem.) Let be an module.
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Proof. |
are chains of submodules of . Change
and change
This claim will be established by Lemma 2.6.
(Modular Law) If , , are submodules of , and , then
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Proof. |
If then
. If then .
(Zassenhaus Isomorphism) If and are submodules of then
(Hilbert basis theorem) Let be a commutative Noetherian ring. Then is a commutative Noetherian ring.
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Proof. |
To show: Every ideal of is finitely generated.
Let be an ideal of . Let an ideal of . Since is Noetherian, is finitely generated. Let be generators of . Let be polynomials in corresponding to the generators of . Then Let , . If then Thus, if then If Since is finitely generated, is Noetherian. So is finitely generated as an -module. Let generate . Then generate . So is Noetherian.
(Finite generation of invariants.) Let be a field and let be a finitely generated algebra. Let be a finite group acting on by automorphisms. Then
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Proof. |
be generators of as an algebra. Let
Then is a finitely generated algebra.
So is a quotient of
for some .
Thus, by the Hilbert basis theorem, is Noetherian.
If then satisfies the polynomial and so is an integral extension of . Thus, since are generators of , we have that is a finitely generated module. So is a finitely generated module. So is a finitely generated algebra.
Composition series and the Jordan-Hölder theorem are treated in [Bou, Alg. Ch. I § 4.7] and in [AM, Proposition 6.7]. Chain conditions, Noetherian rings and Artinian rings are covered in [AM] Chapters 6, 7 and 8. The Hilbert basis theorem is [AM, Theorem 7.5] and [Bou, Comm. Alg. Ch. III § 2 No. 10] and the Finite generation of invariants theorem is [AM, Ch. 7 Ex. 5] and [Bou, Comm. Alg. Ch. V § 1 No. 9, Theorem 2]. An alternative, efficient treatment is found in [Ben], where the Hilbert basis theorem is [Ben, Theorem 1.2.4] and the Finite generation of invariants theorem is [Ben, Theorem 1.3.1].
The basics of noetherian and artinian modules and rings are treated in [Bou, Alg. Ch. 8 § 1].
[AM] M. Atiyah and I.G. Macdonald, Introduction to commutative algebra, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.-London-Don Mills, Ont. 1969 ix+128 pp. MR0242802.
[Ben] D.J. Benson, Polynomial invariants of finite groups, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 190, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993. x+118 pp. ISBN: 0-521-45886-2 MR1249931.
[Mac] I.G. Macdonald, Algebraic geometry. Introduction to Schemes, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York-Amsterdam 1968 vii+113 pp. MR0238845.