Metric spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 23 July 2014

Metric spaces

A metric space is a set X with a function d:X×X0 such that

(a) if xX then d(x,x)=0,
(b) if x,yX and d(x,y)=0 then x=y,
(c) if x,yX then d(x,y)=d(y,x),
(d) if x,y,zX then d(x,y)d(x,z)+d(z,y).

Let (X,d) be a metric space. Let xX and ε>0. The ball of radius ε at x is the set Bε(x)= {yX|d(x,y)<ε}.

Let (X,s) be a metric space.

The metric space uniformity on X is the uniformity generated by the sets Bε= {(x,y)X×X|d(x,y)<ε} for ε>0.

The metric space topology on X is the topology generated by the sets Bε(x)= {yX|d(x,y)<ε} for xX and ε>0.

Homework: Let (X,d) be a metric space. Show that X is Hausdorff.

Homework: Let (X,d) and (Y,ρ) be metric spaces and let f:XY be a function. Show that f is uniformly continuous if and only if f satisfies if ε>0 then there exists δ>0 such that if x,yX and d(x,y)<δ then ρ(f(x),f(y))<ε.

Homework: Let (X,d) and (Y,ρ) be metric spaces and let f:XY be a function. Show that f is continuous if and only if f satisfies if ε>0 and xX then there exists δ>0 such that if yX and d(x,y)<δ then ρ(f(x),f(y))<ε.

Homework: Show that the function f: given by f(x)=x2 is continuous but not uniformly continuous.

Compactness in metric spaces

Let (X,d) be a metric space and let AX.

A totally bounded subset of X is a subset AX such that if ε>0 then there exists N>0 and x1,x2,,xNX such that A B(x1,ε) B(x2,ε) B(xN,ε). A bounded subset of X is a subset AX such that there exists C>0 such that if x,yA then d(x,y)<C.

Let (X,d) be a metric space and let AX.

(a) If A is compact then A is totally bounded.
(b) If A is totally bounded then A is bounded.


(a) Assume AX is compact.
Let ε>0.
Then {B(x,ε)|xX} is a cover of A.
Since A is compact there exists N>0 and x1,x2,,xNX such that { B(x1,ε),, B(xN,ε) } is a finite cover of A.
So A is totally bounded.

(b) Assume AX is totally bounded.
Let N>0 and x1,x2,,xNX such that { B(x1,1),, B(xN,1) } is a cover of A.
Let C=3+max{d(xk,x)|k,{1,2,,N}}.
Let x,yA. Let i,j{1,2,,N} such that xB(xi,1)and yB(xj,1). Then d(x,y) d(x,xi)+ d(xi,xj)+ d(xj,y) 1+max { d(xk,x) |k, {1,2,,N} } +1 < C. So A is bounded.

Homework: Let X= with metric d:X×X>0 given by d(x,y)=min {|x-y|,1}. Show that X is bounded but not totally bounded.

Homework: Let A=(0,1) where has the standard metric d(x,y)=|x-y|. Show that A is totally bounded but not compact.

(This is [BR, Theorem 2.37]) Let X be a metric space and let E be a subset of X. The set E is compact if and only if every infinite subset of E has a close point in E.

  1. :
    Let K be a compact set and let E be an infinite subset of K. If there is no close point of E in K then for each pK there is a neighborhood Np of p which contains no other element of E. Then the open cover 𝒩= { Np | pK} , of K has no finite subcover.
  2. :
    Let S be an infinite subset of E. The metric space E has a countable base. So every open cover of E has a countable subcover 𝒞= { C1,C2, }. If 𝒞 does not have a finite subcover then, for each n, (Cn) c but n Cnc =. Let S be a set which contains a point from each Cnc. Then S has a limit point. But this is a contradiction.

Let X be a metric space and let E be a compact subset of X. Then E is closed and bounded.

  1. A k-cell is compact. [DEFINE K-CELL?]
  2. Let E be a subset of k. If E is closed and bounded then E is compact.

  1. If E is closed and bounded then E is a closed subset of a k-cell. Since closed subsets of compact sets are compact E is compact.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of handwritten notes from the pdf 140721UniformSpacesscanned140721.pdf.

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