The Radon-Nikodym and Riesz representation theorems

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 10 March 2011

The Radon-Nikodym and Riesz representation theorems

[Ru, Theorem 1.29] Let X be a measurable space and let μ:[0,] be a positive measure on . Let f:X [0,] be a measurable function.

(a)   The function φ: [0,] given by
φ(E)= E fdμ
is a positive measure on .
(b)   If g:X [0,] is measurable then
X gdφ = X gfdμ .

Let (X,) be a measurable space and let μ:[0,] be a positive measure on .
A measure λ is absolutely continuous with respect to μ, λμ, if λ satisfies

if E and μ(E)=0 then λ(E)=0.
Two measures λ1 and λ2 are mutually singular, λ1 λ2 if there exist A,B such that
(a)  AB=,
(b)  If E then λ1(E) =λ1(AE) , and
(b)  If E then λ2(E) =λ2(BE) .
A σ-finite positive measure is a positive measure μ on X such that there exist E1, E2, such that
X= i=1 Ei     and     if i>0 then μ(Ei)<.

[Ru, Theorem 6.10] Let (X,) be a measurable space and let μ:[0,] be a σ-finite positive measure. Let λ: be a complex measure.

(a)   There exist unique complex measures λa : and λs : such that
λ=λa +λs, λaμ and λsμ.
(b)   There is a unique hL1 (μ) such that
if E    then  λa(E) = E hdμ .

Let (X,) be a measurable space and let μ be a σ-finite positive measure on X. Let Φ:L1(μ) be a bounded linear functional on L1(μ).

(a)   There exists a unique g L(μ) such that
if f L1(μ)     then     Φ(f) = E fgdμ .
(b)   If g is as in (a) then
Φ = g .

Let (X,) be a measurable space and let μ be a σ-finite positive measure on X. Let p>1 and let

q>1     be given by     1p + 1q =1.
Let Φ:Lp(μ) be a bounded linear functional.
(a)   There exists a unique g Lq(μ) such that
if f Lp(μ)     then     Φ(f) = E fgdμ .
(b)   If g is as in (a) then
Φ = g q .

(Positive Reisz representation theorem) Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. Let Λ:Cc(X) [0,] be a positive linear functional. Then there exists a unique regular positive Borel measure μ: [0,] such that

if f Cc(X)     then     Λf = X fdμ .

(Complex Reisz representation theorem) Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. Let Φ:C0(X) be a bounded linear functional.

(a)   There exists a unique regular complex Borel measure μ: such that
if f C0(X)     then     Φ(f) = X fdμ .
(b)   If μ is as in (a) then
Φ = |μ| (X) ,
where |μ| is the total variation measure corresponding to μ.

NonExistential versions

[Ru, Theorem 6.10] Let (X,) be a measurable space and let μ:[0,] be a σ-finite positive measure. Let λ: be a complex measure. Let

w= n=1 wn ,     where     wn = { 2-n 1+μ(En) , ifx En, 0, ifx En.
Define a positive measure φ: [0,]???? by
φ(E) = X χEdλ + X χEwdμ .
Φ:L2(φ)    be given by    Φ(f) = Xfdλ.
A= {xX | 0g(x)<1}     and     B= {xX | g(x)=1} .
Define λa : and λs : by
λa(E) = λ(AE)     and     λs(E) = λ(BE) .
Let h:X be given by
h= limn g(1+g++ gn)w .
(a)   λa is a complex measure.
(b)   λs is a complex measure.
(c)   λ=λa + λs,
(d)   λaμ ,
(e)   λsμ ,
(f)   h L1(μ),
(g)   if E then λa(E) = E hdμ .
(a)   If νa and νs are complex measures such that
ν=νa +νs, νaμ and νsμ.
then νa =λa and νs =λs .
(b)   If hL1 (μ) such that
if E    then  λa(E) = E hdμ
then h=h.

Let (X,) be a measurable space and let μ: [0,] be a σ-finite positive measure on X. Let p>1 and let

q>1     be given by     1p + 1q =1.
Let Φ:Lp(μ) be a bounded linear functional.
Let λ: be given by λ(E)= Φ(χE).
Use Radon-Nikodym to produce gL1 (μ) such that λ(E) = X χE gdμ.
(a)   λ is a complex measure,
(b)   λμ,
(c)   gLq(μ) ,
(d)   if f Lp(μ)     then     Φ(f) = X fgdμ ,
(e)   Φ = g q ,
(f)   If g Lq(μ) such that
if f Lp(μ)     then     Φ(f) = E fgdμ
then g=g.

(Positive Reisz representation theorem) Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. Let Λ:Cc(X) [0,] be a bounded linear functional. Let 𝒫(X) be the set of all subsets of X and let μ:𝒫(X) [0,] be given by

μ(V) = sup { Λf | fCc( X), 0f1, suppfV } ,     for V open,
μ(E) = inf { μ(V) | EV and Vis open } ,
(a)   μ: [0,] is a positive regular Borel measure,
(b)   If f Cc(X) then Λf = X fdμ .
(c)   If ν: [0,] is a positive regular Borel measure which satisfies
if f Cc(X)     then     Λf = X fdν
then ν=μ.

(Complex Reisz representation theorem) Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. Let Φ:C0(X) be a bounded linear functional. Define Λ:Cc(X) by

Λf= sup{ |Φ(h)| | h Cc(X), |h|f } ,     if f:X 0,
Λf= Λf+ - Λf- ,     if f:X, f= f+- f-, and |f|= f++ f-,
Λf= Λu +iΛv ,     if f:X, f=u+iv with u,vX .
Use the Positive Reisz representation theorem to get a positive regular Borel measure λ: [0,] such that
Λf= Xfdλ ,     for f Cc(X) .
Use L1(λ) * = L(λ) to get gL(λ) such that
Φf= Xfgdλ ,     for f L1(λ) .
Define μ: by
μ(E)= X χEgdλ .
(a)   Λ:Cc(X) is a positive linear functional on Cc(X),
(b)   Φ:Cc(X) extends to a bounded linear functional on Φ:L1(λ) ,
(c)   μ is a regular complex Borel measure,
(d)   if f C0(X) then Φ(f) = X fdμ .
(e)   Φ = μ ,
(f)   If μ is a regular complex Borel measure such that
if f C0(X)     then     Φ(f) = X fdμ
then μ=μ.

Notes and References

These notes were written for a course in "Measure Theory" at the Masters level at University of Melbourne. This presentation follows [Ru, Chapters 1-6]. The nonExistential versions above need work: they don't cover the various cases clearly, and are slightly inaccurate in places. See [Ru, Chapters 1-6].


[Ru] W. Rudin, Real and complex analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. MR0924157.

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