§3P. Polynomial Rings

§3P. Polynomial Rings

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 08 March 2011

Polynomial rings

Let R be a commutative ring. Then R[x] is a commutative ring.

To show:
    1. If fx, gx Rx then fx+ gx= gx+ fx .
    2. If fx, gx, hx Rx then fx+ gx + hx= fx+ gx+ hx .
    3. There exists 0Rx such that if fxRx then 0+fx= fx+0= fx .
    4. If fxRx then there exists -fxRx such that fx+ -fx=0 .
    5. If fx, gx, hx Rx then fxgx = fx gx hx .
    6. There exists 1Rx such that 1fx= fx= fx1 for all fxRx .
    7. If fx, gx, hx Rx then fx gx+ hx = fxgx+ fxhx and gx+ hx fx= gxfx+ hxfx .
    8. If fx, gx Rx then fx gx= gx hx .
  1. Let fx, gx Rx such that fx= r0+ r1x+ r2x2 + and gx= s0+ s1x+ s2x2 + .
    Then fx+ gx = r0+s0+ r1+s1x+ r2+s2 x2+ and gx+ fx = s0+r0+ s1+r1x+ s2+r2 x2+ Since addition in R is a commutative operation, ri+si= si+ri   for all i. So fx+ gx= gx+ fx .
  2. Let fx, gx, hx Rx and fx= r0+ r1x+ r2x2+ , gx= s0+ s1x+ s2x2+ , and hx= t0+ t1x+ t2x2+ . Then fx+ gx + hx = r0+s0+ t0 + r1+s1+ t1 x+ r2+s2+ t2 x2+ and fx+ gx+ hx = r0+ s0+t0 + r1+ s1+t1 x+ r2+ s2+t2 x2+. Since addition in R is an associative operation, ri+si+ ti= ri+ si+ti  for all i. So fx+gx +hx= fx+ gx+hx .
  3. Let 0 denote the zero polynomial 0= 0+0x+0x2+. Let fxRx and let fx= r0+r1x +r2x2+. Then 0+fx= 0+r0+ 0+r1x+ 0+r2x2 +. Since 0+ri=ri for all i, 0+fx =fx. Since addition of polynomials is commutative by a), 0+fx= fx+0 =fx.
  4. Let fx Rx such that fx= r0+ r1x+ r2x2+ .
    Then let -fx= -r0+ -r1x+ -r2x2+ .
    Since -riR for all i, -fx Rx .
    Then fx+ -fx= r0-r0+ r1-r1x+ r2-r2x2 +. So fx+ -fx= 0+0x+0x2+=0. Since addition of polynomials is commutative by a), fx+ -fx= -fx+fx =0 .
  5. Let fx, gx, hx Rx and let fx= r0+r1x +r2x2+, gx= s0+s1x +s2x2+,
    and hx= t0+t1x +t2x2+.
    Then fxgx =c0+c1x+ c2x2+, where ck= i+j=k risj, and fx gx hx= d0+d1x+ d2x2+ where dn= k+l=n cktl. So dn= k+l=n i+j=k risj tl= i+j+l=n risjtl, by the distributive law in R.
    Also gxhx =e0+e1x+ e2x2+, where eq= a+b=q satb, and fx gx hx = d0+d1x + d2 x2+, where dn = p+q=n rpeq. Then dn = p+q=n rp a+b=q satb = p+a+b=n rpsatb, by the distributive law in R.
    So dndn.
    So fxgx hx= fx gxhx .
  6. Let fx,gx Rx and let fx= r0+ r1x+ r2x2+ and gx= s0+ s1x+ s2x2+.
    Then fxgx =c0+ c1x+ c2x2+, where cm= i+j=k risj, and gxfx = c0 + c1 x+ c2 x2+, where ck = i+j=k sjri. Since R is a commutative ring, ck= i+j=k rirj= i+j=k sjri = ck , for all k. So fxgx = gxfx .
  7. Let 1Rx be the polynomial given by 1= 1+0x+0x2+. Let fx Rx and fx= r0+ r1x+ r2x2+.
    Then 1fx = c0+ c1x+ c2x2+ where ck= i+j=k airj, and a1=1  and  ai=0  for all  i>0. So ck= a0rk+ 0+0++0= rk
    So 1fx= fx.
    Since multiplication in Rx is commutative by h), 1fx= fx1 =fx.
  8. Let fx, gx, hx Rx and suppose fx= r0+ r1x+ r2x2+ ,
    gx= s0+ s1x+ s2x2+ , and hx= t0+ t1x +t2x2+.
    Then fx gx+ hx = c0+ c1x+ c2x2+ where ck= i+j=k ri sj+tj. Also fxgx +fxhx = c0 + c1 x + c2 x2+ where ck = m+m=k rmsn+ m+n=k rmtn= m+n=k rmsn+ rmtn . So ck= ck for all k.
    Thus fx gx+ hx = fx gx + fx hx. Sine multiplication in Rx is commutative by h), gx+ hx fx = fx gx+ hx = fx gx + fx hx = gx fx + hx fx.
  9. So Rx is a commutative ring.

Let R be an integral domain. Then R[x] is an integral domain.

To show: If ax,bx Rx and axbx=0 then either ax=0 or bx=0 .
  1. Let ax= a0+ a1x+ a2x2+ and let bx= b0+ b1x+ b2x2+.
    Let cx= axbx = c0+ c1x+ c2x2+.
    Assume ax0.
    Then al0 for some l0.
    Let k be the smallest k0 such that ak0.
    To show: bx=0.
    1. To show: bN=0 for all N0.
      1. Proof by induction on N.
        Base case: N=0.
        1. We know ck=0 since cx= ax bx=0.
          So i+j=k aibj=0. Since ai=0 for all i<k, 0= i+j=k aibj= akb0. Since R is an integral domain and ak,b0R and ak0, we have b0=0.
        Induction assumption: assume bn=0 for all n<N.
        1. We know ck+N=0 since cx= ax bx=0 .
          So i+j=k+N ai bj=0. Since ai=0 for all i<k and bn=0 for all n<N, we have 0= i+j=k+N ai bj =akbN. Since R is an integral domain, and ak,bNR and ak0, we have bN=0.
        So bN=0 for all N0.
      So bx=0.
    So Rx is an integral domain.

Let F be a field. The ring F[x] is a Euclidean domain with size function given by deg: F[x] f(x) deg(f(x)).

To show: If ax,bx Fx and ax0 then there exist qx, rxFx such that bx= axqx+ rx where either rx=0 or degrx< degax.
  1. Assume ax, bx Fx and ax0.
    Case 1: bx=0.
    1. Then bx=ax 0+0.
      So qx=0 and rx=0 satisfies the condition.
    Case 2: degbx < degax .
    1. Then, since bx= ax0+ bx and degbx< degax, qx=0 and rx=bx satisfies the condition.
    Case 3: degbx degax .
    1. Let ax= a0+ a1x+ a2x2++ asxs and bx= b0+ b1x+ b2x2++ btxt ,
      where as,bt Fx , as0, bt0.
      Proof by induction on degbx.
      Base case: degbx=0 .
      1. Then degax=0 since degax degbx .
        So bx=b0 Fx and ax=a0 Fx .
        So bx= b0a0 ax+0 .
        So qx= b0 a0-1 and rx=0 satisfies the condition.
      Induction assumption: Assume that if b1x Fx and degb1x <t then there exist q1x, r1x Fx such that b1x= q1x ax+ r1x where either r1x=0 or degr1x <degax .
      Assume that degbx=t .
      1. Let b1x= bx- bt as-1 xt-s ax .
        Then degb1x< degbx . Note that the coefficient of xt in b1x is -bt+bt=0 .
      So degb1x<t =degbx .
      Thus, by the induction assumption, there exist q1x, r1x Fx such that b1x= q1x+ r1x where either r1x=0 or degr1x< degax .
      Then bx = b1x- bt as-1 xs-t ax = q1x ax+ r1x - bt as-1 xs-t ax = q1x- bt as-1 xs-t ax +r1x.
    So, if qx= q1x- bt as-1 xs-t and rx= r1x then bx= qxax +rx and either rx=0 or degrx< degax
So Fx with the size function given by deg is a Euclidean domain.

Let R,S be commutative rings and ϕ:RS be a ring homomorphism. Then the map ψ: R[x] S[x] r0+r1x+r2x2 + φ(r0)+φ(r1)x+φ(r2)x2 + is a ring homomorphism.

To show:
    1. If fx, gx Rx then ψ fx+ gx = ψfx+ ψgx .
    2. If fx, gx Rx then ψ fxgx = ψfx ψgx .
    3. ψ1R= 1S where 1R and 1S are the identities in R and S.
  1. Let fx,gx Rx and let fx= r0+r1x+ r2x2+ and gx= r0 + r1 x+ r2 x2+ .
    Then ψ fx+gx = ψ r0+ r0 + r1+ r1 x+ r2+ r2 x2+ = φ r0+ r0 +φ r1+ r1 x+φ r2+ r2 x2+ Since φ is a homomorphism, φ fx+gx = φr0+ φ r0 + φr1+φ r1 x+ φr2+ φ r2 x2+ = φr0+ φr1x+ φr2x2+ + φ r0 +φ r1 x+φ r2 x2+ = ψ fx + ψ gx .
  2. Let fx,gx Rx and let fx= r0+ r1x+ r2x2+ and gx= r0 + r1 x+ r2 x2+ .
    Then ψ fxgx = ψ c0+ c1x+ c2x2+ , where ck= i+j=k ri rj . So ψ fxgx = φc0+ φc1x+ φc2x2 +.
    Since φ is a homomorphism, φck= φ i+j=k ri rj = i+j=k φ ri rj = i+j=k φri φ rj . So ψ fxgx = d0+d1x+ d2x2+, where dk= i+j=k φri φ rj . So, by the distributive law in S, ψ fxgx = φr0+ φr1x+ φr2x2+ φ r0 + φ r1 x+ φ r2 x2+ = φfx φgx.
  3. Let 1R be the identity in R. ψ1R = ψ 1R+0Rx +0Rx2+ = φ1R+ φ0Rx+ φ0Rx2+ Since φ is a homomorphism, φ1R=1S and φ0R=0S .
    So ψ1R= 1S+0Sx+ 0Sx2+.
So ψ is a homomorphism.

Let R be a commutative ring and let αR. Then the evaluation homomorphism evα:R[x]R is a ring homomorphism.

To show:
    1. If fx,gx Rx then evα fx+ gx = evαfx +evαgx .
    2. If fx, gx Rx then evα fxgx = evα fx evα fx.
    3. evα 1R = 1R where 1R is the identity in R.
  1. Let fx, gx Rx and let fx= r0+r1x+ r2x2+ and gx= s0+s1x+ s2x2+.
    Then evα fx+gx = evα r0+s0+ r1+s1x+ r2+s2x2 + = r0+s0+ r1+s1α+ r2+s2 α2+. By the distributive law in R, evα fx+gx = r0+s0+ r1α+s1α+ r2α2+ s2α2+ = r0+ r1α+ r2α2+ + s0+ s1α+ r2α2+ = evα fx+ evα gx.
  2. Let fx, gx Rx and let fx= r0+r1x+ r2x2+ and gx= s0+s1x+ s2x2+.
    Then evα fxgx = evα c0+c1x+ c2x2+ , where ck= i+j=k rirj. So evα fxgx = c0+c1α +c2α2+ .
    Now compute evα fx evα gx. evα fx evα gx= r0+r1α+ r2α2+ s0+s1α+ s2α2+ . By the distributive law in R, evα fx evα gx = r0s0+ r1s0α+ r0s1α+ r0s2α2+ r1s1α2+ r2s0α2+ = r0s0+ r1s0+ r0s1 α+ r0s2+ r1s1+ r2s0 α2+ = c0+ c1α+ c2α2+ where ck= i+j=k risj. So evα fxgx = evα fx evα gx.
  3. Let 1R be the identity in R and 0R be the zero in R.
    Then evα1R= evα 1R+0Rx+ 0Rx2+ = 1R+0Rα+ 0Rα2+ =1R.
So evα is a ring homomorphism.

(Gauss' Lemma) Let R be a unique factorization domain. Let f(x),g(x)R[x] be primitive polynomials. Then f(x)g(x) is a primitive polynomial.

Assume fx= r0+r1x +r2x2+ and gx= s0+s1x+ s2x2+ are primitive polynomials in Rx .
Proof by contradiction.
  1. Assume fxgx is not primitive.
    Then there exists an irreducible element pR that divides all the coefficients of fxgx.
    Since fx is primitive there must be at least one coefficient of fx which is not divisible by p.
    Since gx is primitive there must be at least one coefficient of gx which is not divisible by p.
    Let m be the smallest m such that rm is not divisible by p.
    Let n be the smallest n such that sn is not divisible by p.
    Suppose that fxgx =c0+c1x+ c2x2+. Then, since p divides ri for all i<m, and p divides sj for all j<n, cm+n = rmsn+ rm-1sn+1+ rm+1sn-1+ + r0sm+n+ rm+ns0 = rmsn+pc, where c is some element of R.
    Since cm+n is divisible by p it follows that rmsn= cm+n- pc is divisible by p.
    1. Suppose that dR such that rmsn=pd.
      Let rm= a1ak, sn= b1bl, and d= d1dq, be factorizations of rm,sn and d into irreducible elements a1,,ak, b1,,bl, d1,,dq R.
      Then a1ak b1bl= pd1dq. By the uniqueness of factorizations, either p is an associate to ai  for some 1ik. or p is an associate to bj  for some 1jl. So either pi=up or qj=up for some unit uR.
      Then, either a= upa1 ai-1 ai+1 ak , or b= upd1 dj-1 dj+1 dq .
    Thus, either rm or sn is divisible by ai or dj.
So fxgx is a primitive polynomial in Rx.

Let R be a unique factorization domain. Let F be the field of fractions of R and let f(x)F[x]. Then

  1. There exists an element cF and a primitive polynomial g(x)R[x] such that f(x)=cg(x).
  2. The factors c and g(x) are unique up to multiplication by a unit.
  3. f(x) is irreducible in F[x] if and only if g(x) is irreducible in R[x].

  1. Let fx= a0b0 + a1b1 x ++ akbk xk Fx .
    Then fx= 1b0b1bk c0+c1x+ ckxk where ci= ai b1bi-1 bi+1bk .
    Let d=gcd c0c1ck .
    Then fx= d b0bk c0 + c1 x++ ck xk where ci = cid .
    Note that ci R since d divides ci.
    Furthermore c0 + c1 x++ ck xk =gx is primitive since gcd c0 , c1 ,, ck =1 .
    So fx= cgx where c= d b0b1bk F and gx= c0 + c1 x++ ck xk Rx is a primitive polynomial.
  2. Suppose fx= cgx and fx= CGx where c,CF and gx,Gx Rx are primitive polynomials.
    Let gx= a0+ a1x++ akxk and let Gx= b0+ b1x++ bkxk .
    Suppose c= ab and C= AB where a,b,A,BR .
    Since fx= ab gx = AB Gx , aBgx= bAGx. So aBai= bAbi for all 1ik .
    Since gx is primitive, gcd aBa0, aBa1,, aBak = aB .
    Since Gx is primitive, gcd bAb0, bAb1,, bAbk = bA .
    Thus by Proposition 1.6 of §2.T, aB=ubA  for some unit uR. So ab = u AB .
    So c=uC where uR is a unit.
    So CGx=cgx =uCgx .
    By the cancelation law, Gx= ugx .
    So c=uC and Gx= ugx .
    So c and gx are unique up to multiplication by a unit.

  3. Assume that fx is irreducible in Fx.
    Proof by contradiction.
    1. Assume gx is not irreducible in Rx.
      Then there are g1x and g2x in Rx such that gx= g1x g2x .
      So fx= cgx= cg1x g1x .
      Since Rx Fx then g1x, g2x Fx .
    So gx is irreducible in Rx.

    Assume gx is irreducible in Rx .
    Proof by contradiction.
    1. Assume fx is not irreducible in Fx.
      Then there are f1x and f2x in Fx such that fx= f1x f2x .
      So by a), there exist c1,c2F and primitive polynomials g1x, g2x Rx such that f1x= c1g1x and f2x= c2g2x. Let c=c1c2.
      Then fx= c1c2 g1x g2x .
      By Gauss' lemma g1x g2x is a primitive polynomial in Rx. So, by b), gx= ug1x g2x , where uR.
      So gx is not irreducible in Rx.
    So fx is irreducible in Fx.

Let R be a unique factorization domain. Then R[x] is a unique factorization domain.

Assume gxRx and let gx= a0+ a1x+++ akxk .
To show:
    1. gx has a unique factorization into irreducible factors in Rx.
    2. The factorization of gx is unique up to multiplication by units in Rx and rearrangement of factors.
  1. By Theorem 1.3 and Theorems 1.1 of §2T and 1.3 of §2T, Fx is a UFD, so gx has a factorization in Fx, gx= f1x f2x frx, where fix Fx  are irreducible in  Fx. Then, by Proposition 1.7 a), there exist elements c1,,cr F
    and primitive polynomials g1x,, grx such that fix= cigix, for each  1ik. Since the factors fix are irreducible in Fx, it follows from Proposition 1.7 c), that the polynomials gix are irreducible in Rx.
    Since the gix are primitive, by Gauss's lemma, the product ggx grx is primitive.
    So gx= cg1x g2x grx, where c=c1c2 crF .
    We also know that gx= gcda0ak gx where gx is a primitive polynomial in Rx.
    Thus, by Proposition 1.7 b), c=ugcda0ak where uR is a unit.
    It follows that cR.
    Since R is a UFD, c has a factorization c=d1ds, where the elements dj are irreducible elements in R.
    So gx= d1ds g1x grx, is a factorization of gx into irreducibles in Rx.
  2. Suppose that gx= d1 d2 dl g1 gm , is another factorization of gx into irredicibles in Rx.
    By Proposition 1.7 c), each of the factors gi x is irreducible in Fx.
    So gx= d1 d2 dl g1 gm , and gx= d1ds g1x grx are both factorizations of gx in Fx.
    By Theorem 1.3 and Theorems 1.1 of §2T and 1.3 of §2T, Fx is a UFD,
    so r=m and there is a permutation σ such that gσi = αigix for some αi which are units in F.
    Proposition 1.7 b), gives that each αi is a unit in R.
    Let u= α1α2αr .
    Then gx = d1ds g1x grx = d1 d2 dl g1 x g2 x gm x = u d1 d2 dl g1x g2x gmx. Theny Proposition 1.7 b) implies there is a unit vR such that d1dl= vu d1 dl . Since Rx is a UFD, s=l and there is a permutation τ such that dτi =ui di , wehere the ui are units in R.
    So there is a rearrangement of the factors di and gj such that, up to multipication by units in R, they are the same as the factors di and gjx .
    So the factorization of gx in Rx is unique.
So Rx is a UFD.

Let R be a UFD. For each irreducible element pR, let πp:RR/p be the canonical surjection (Part 1, Ex. 2.1.5). Let π ˆ p :Rx Rx/ px be the corresponding homomorphism between polynomial rings (Prop 3.1.6). Let fxRx. Then fx is not primitive if and only if there exists an irreducible element pR such that π ˆ p fx=0 .

  • Assume fx= c0+c1x+ ckxk is not primitive.
    Then there exists pR irreducible such that p divides c0, p divides c1,…, p divides ck.
    So c0,c1,,ck p .
    So πpc0= πpc1== πpck=0 .
    So π ˆ p fx= πpc0+ πpc1x++ πpckxk =0 .
  • Assume that fx= c0+c1x++ ckxk and that there exists an irreducible element pR such that π ˆ p fx=0 .
    Then π ˆ p fx=0 .
    Then πpc0= πpc1== πpck=0 .
    So c0,c1,,ck p .
    So p divides c0, p divides c1,…, p divides ck.
    So fx is not primitive.

(Gauss' Lemma) Let R be a UFD. Let fx,gxRx be primitive polynomials. Then fxgx is a primitive polynomial.

We shall prove the contrapositive:
If fxgx is not primitve then either fx is not primitive or gx is not primitive.
Assume fxgx is not primitve.
Then by Lemma 1.9, there exists an irreducible elemnet pR such that π ˆ p fxgx=0, where π ˆ p :Rx Rx/p x is the homomorphism between polynomial rings induced by the canonical surjection πp:RR/p. Since π ˆ p is a homomorphism, π ˆ p fxgx = π ˆ p fx π ˆ p gx=0. Thus, by Lemma 1.4 of §2T, p is a prime ideal.
Thus by Proposition 1.4 of §1T, R/p is an integral domain.
So either π ˆ p fx=0 or π ˆ p gx=0. Thus, by Lemma 1.9, either fx is not primitive or gx is not primitive.


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