Tangent spaces and Differential forms

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 7 December 2011


An 𝔽-algebra is a ring 𝒪X that is also a vector space over 𝔽. A homomorphism of algebras is an 𝔽-linear map R: 𝒪X𝒪Y such that if f1,f2 𝒪X then R(f1f2 ) =R(f1 R(f2). A derivation of 𝒪X is an 𝔽-linear map : 𝒪X𝒪X such that if f1,f2 𝒪X then (f1f2 ) = f1 (f2) + (f1) f2.

Let X be a space and let 𝒪X= {functions f:X𝔽} be the algebra of functions on X. If xX and f 𝒪X let x (f)=f(x) so that if f1,f2 𝒪X then x(f1f2 ) =x(f1) x(f2). Hence, X=Hom𝔽-alg (𝒪X,𝔽) . A morphism φ:XY corresponds to the morphism φ* :𝒪Y 𝒪X given by φ*(f) =fφ, for f𝒪Y.

The tangent bundle

Let X be a space with 𝒪X the ring of functions on X. Let xX. A tangent vector to X at x is a linear map η:𝒪X 𝔽 such that η(f1 f2) = f1(x) η(f2) + η(f1) f2(x), for f1,f2 𝒪X. The tangent bundle to X is T(X) = Hom𝔽-alg( 𝒪X, 𝔽[t]/ t2) with T(X) t= t=0 X If γT(X) and ξ:𝒪X 𝔽 and η:𝒪X 𝔽 are such that γ=ξ+tη then ξ(f1 f2) = ξ(f1) ξ(f2) and η(f1 f2) = ξ(f1) η(f2) + η(f1) ξ(f2) so that, by identifying ξ with a point xX, η(f1 f2) = f1(x) η(f2) + η(f1) f2(x) ,for f1,f2 𝒪X, and η is a tangent vector to X at x. A vector field is a section of T(X), i.e. a choice of a tangent vector at each point xX. Hence :𝒪X 𝒪X satisfies (f1f2 ) = f1 (f2) + (f1) f2, for f1,f2 𝒪X, and {derivations of 𝒪X} = {vector fields on X} = {sections of T(X)} .

If φ:XY is a morphism then dφ: Tx(X) Tφ(x) (Y) η ηφ* and d(φψ) = dφdψ is a generalization of the chain rule from calculus. (Proof: Let ηTx (X) and f 𝒪Z. Since d(ψφ) (η)(f) = ( η(ψφ) *f) = η(fψφ) and (dψdφ) η(f) = dψ(η φ*)(f) = (ηφ* ψ*)(f) = η(φ*( ψ*f)) = η(fψφ). it follows that d(φψ) = dφdψ . Since dφ(η) (f1f2) = ηφ* (f1f2) = η( φ*(f1) φ*(f2) ) = (φ*f1) (x) ηφ* (f2) +ηφ* (f1) (φ*f2) (x) = f1(φ(x)) dη(f2+ dη(f1) f2(φ(x) ) it follows dη is a tangent vector to Y at φ(x). Thus the map dφ is well defined.

Differential forms

Let X be a space with ring of functions 𝒪X. The de Rham cohomology of X is the cohomology of the complex 0𝒪X d ΩX1 d ΩX2 d , where the p-forms on X are the elements of ΩXp = Λp( ΩX1) , ΩX1 =I/I2, where I= ker( 𝒪X 𝒪X 𝒪X f1f2 f1f2 ) and d is the unique antiderivationWHAT DOES THIS WORD MEAN? of degree 1 extending d: 𝒪X ΩX1 f f1- 1f Then 𝒪X acts on ΩX1 by f( gi fi ) = fgi hi = gifhi mod I2 , for f𝒪X and gi hi I. As 𝒪X-modules Hom𝒪X( ΩX1, 𝒪X) Der(𝒪X) d ωd Note that, if ω Hom𝒪X( ΩX1, 𝒪X) then 𝒪X d ΩX1 ω 𝒪X and f1 (ωd) (f2) + (ωd) (f1) f2 = f1 ω(f21 -1f2) + ω(f11 -1f1) f2 = ω(f1f2 1-f1 f2) + ω(f1 f2-1 f1f2) = ω(f1f2 1-1f1f2) = (ωd)(f1 f2). If ΩX1 is a reflexiveWHAT DOES THIS WORD MEAN? 𝒪X-module then ΩX1 = Hom𝒪X( Der(𝒪X), 𝒪X) .

Example. Let 𝒪X= 𝔽[x1, ,xn] so that X=𝔽n. If v𝔽n then the homomorphism 𝒪X 𝔽[t] t2 spacerspacerspa f f(x+tv) = f(x)+ tv |x defines the derivative v in the direction v, v= i=1n vi xi xi , if v=(v1, ,vn) . Then

and ΩXp ={ dxi1 dxip | 1i1< <ip n} with df= v= i=1n f xi dxi and d(f( dxi1 dxip )) = df dxi1 dxip , for f 𝔽[x1, ,xn] .

Bourbaki, Varietes Differentielles et Analytiques §5.7-5.10.

Tangent spaces, immersions, submersions and étale morphsisms.

Let X be a variety and aX.

An immersion at a is a morphism XfY of varieties such that Ta(f): Ta(X) Tf(a)(Y) is injective.

An immersion is a morphism XfY of varieties such that

ifaXthen Taf: Ta(X) Tf(a)(Y) is injective.

A local isomorphism at a, or étale morphism at a, is a morphism XfY of varieties such that

Taf: Ta(X) Tf(a)(Y) is an isomorphism.

An étale morphism is a morphism XfY such that

ifaX then Taf: Ta(X) Tf(a)(Y) is an isomorphism.

An submersion at a is a morphism XfY of varieties such that Ta(f): Ta(X) Tf(a)(Y) is surjective.

An submersion is a morphism XfY of varieties such that

ifaXthen Taf: Ta(X) Tf(a)(Y) is surjective.

HW: If XfY is a morphism then

f: X j X×Y pr2 Y x (x,f(x)) (x,y) y

with j an immersion and pr2 a submersion.

Notes and References

This page is influenced by Macdonald [CSM, ???] and [KL, ???]. The fundamental idea that a space (collection of points in space) is characterized by its ring of functions revolutionized mathematical thought in the 20th century. Significant exploration of this idea occurred in the development of functional analysis (Gelfand school) and algebraic geometry (Grothendieck school).


[CSM] R. Carter, G. Segal and I.G. Macdonald, Lectures on Lie groups and Lie algebras, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes, ??????

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