The Virasoro algebra

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 20 April 2012

The Virasoro algebra

Let A be an algebra over . A derivation of A is a linear map d:AA such that d(a1a2) = d(a1)a2 + a1d(a2), for all   a1,a2 A. The vector space of derivations on A is a Lie algebra with bracket [d1,d2] = d1d2 - d2d1.

Let 𝔤 be a Lie algebra. A central extension of 𝔤 is a short exact sequence of Lie algebras 0𝔠 𝔤1 φ1 𝔤0 such that 𝔠Z(𝔤1), the center of 𝔤˜. A morphism of central extensions is a Lie algebra homomorphism ψ: 𝔤1𝔤2 such that φ2ψ = φ1. A universal central extension is a central extension 𝔤˜ such that there is a unique morphism from 𝔤˜ to every other central extension of 𝔤. It classifies the projective representations of 𝔤 (at least this is right for GROUPS, see Steinberg). Isomorphism classes of one-dimensional central extensions are in bijection with elements c H2(𝔤;𝔽) via the formula [x,y]˜ = [x,y] + c(x,y) c, for   x,y𝔤, where c is a basis element of Z(𝔤˜).

The Witt algebra is the Lie algebra of derivations of [t,t-1]. If d: [t,t-1] [t,t-1] is a derivation then d(1) = 0, d(tk) = ktk-1 d(t), for all   k, and hence d is determined by the value d(t). Thus W has basis {dj | j}, where dj = -tj+1 ddt, and [dn,dm] = (n-m) dn+m. Note that [t,t-1] is the complexification of the ring of smooth functions on the circle S1.

The Virasoro algebra is the universal central extension of W. It has basis {c,di | i} with [c,di] = 0, [dn,dm] = (n-m)dn+m + δn,-m n3-n12 c. To try to prove this note that if [dn,dm] = (n-m)dn+m + c(n,m)z, then [dn,dm] = -[dm,dn] forces c(n,m) = -c(m,n), and the Jacobi identity forces c(n+m,l) + c(l+n,m) + c(m+l,n) = 0.

The Virasoro algebra has triangular structure and skew linear ( θ(ξx) = ξ_θ(x), for ξ and xVir ) Cartan involution given by Vir<0 = span{di | i<0}, Vir0 = span{c,d0}, Vir>0 = span{di | i>0}, with θ: Vir Vir dn d-n c c

Let U be the universal enveloping algebra of Vir. The action of 𝔥 = Vir0 on U<0 given U<0 a <0 grading such that U-n has basis {d-λ | λ is a partition of n} where dPICTURE = d-λ = d-λ1d-λl, if λ=(λ1,...,λl). This is the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt basis of U<0.

The action of admissible 𝔤^ modules

Because the Witt algebra is the space of derivations of [t,t-1] the Witt algebra acts on the loop algebra 𝔤[t,t-1], and the Virasoro algebra also acts on 𝔤[t,t-1] by [ d˜k, tnx ] = tk+1 ddt (tnx) = ntn+k x and c acting by 0?? We can "extend" this action to an action on admissible 𝔤^ modules.

Let h be the Coxeter number of 𝔤 and let Tk = 12 ji : ui(-j) ui(j+k) : where the normal ordering is : ui(-j) ui(j+k) : = { ui(-j) ui(j+k), if   -jj+k, ui(j+k) ui(-j), if   -j>j+k. }

If V is a restricted 𝔤^-module of level l and l-h then dk 1l+h Tk and z ll+h dim(𝔤) define an action of Vir on V.

Let 𝔤=𝔰𝔩2 and use the imbedding ι: 𝔰𝔩2 𝔰𝔩2 𝔰𝔩2 x (x,x) to define an action of Vir on L(ξ) L(mξ+n2α) by dk 1l+h (Tk1 + 1Tk) - 1l+h ι(Tk). This action of Vir commutes with the action of 𝔰𝔩^2. By a character computation L(ξ) L(mξ+n2α) kI L𝔰𝔩^2 (ξ+λ-kα) Um,n,k, as   ( 𝔰𝔩^2, Vir )   bimodules, and L(ξ) L(mξ+n2α) kI jk2 L𝔰𝔩^2 (ξ+λ-kα-jδ) Um,n,kj, as   𝔰𝔩^2   modules, where I = {k | n2 - m+12 k n2}, and char(Um,n,k) = j0 dim(Um,n,kj) qj = (fm,n,k - fm,n,n+1-k) j0 11-qj, with fm,n,k = j q (m+2) (m+3) j2 + (n+1+2k(m+2))j +k2 . Then z acts on Um,n,k by the constant n(n+2) 4(m+2) - (n-2k) (n-2k+2) 4(m+3) +j and the minimum value of j for which Um,n,kj 0 is j = k2 when   d0   acts by hr,s = ((m+3)r-(m+2)s)2-1 4(m+2)(m+3) where r = n+2, s = n+1-2k, if   k0, r = m-n+1, s = m-n+2+2k, if   k<0.

The Shapovalov determinant

The highest power of h in det( M(h,c) (h+n,c)) is λn l(λ), with coefficient λn z2λ, where, for a partition λ of n, n!zλ is the cardinality of the conjugacy class of the symmetric group Sn labeled by λ.

Let us first analyze the entries d-μ v+, dλ v+ in the matrix. Then d-μ v+, d-λ v+ = v+, dmu d-λ v+ = p0,0 (h,c), where p0,0(d0,z) is the polynomial in d0 and z in the PBW basis expansion dμ d-λ = ν,τ d-ν pν,τ (d0,z) dτ. This expansion is obtained by using the relations dkdj = djdk + (k-j) dj+k, if   j+k 0, dkd-k = d-kdk + ( 2kd0 + k2(k-1) 12 z ), for   k>0, d1d-1 = d-1d1 + 2d0, d0d-k = d-kd0 + kd-k = d-k (d0+k), zd-k = d-kz, to put the di in increasing order. The first relation "combines" j and k into j+k. If d-ν pν,τ (d0,z) dτ is a term in the PBW expansion then the parts of -ν and τ are combinations of parts of μ and -λ and the degree in d0 of the polynomial pν,τ (d0,z) is the maximal number of 0 parts that can be obtained by combinations of the remaining parts of μ and -λ (those that do not contribute to ν and -τ).

Thus the degree (in d0) of p0,0 (d0,z) is the maximal number of 0 parts that can be obtained by combinations of the parts of μ and -λ and is at most l(μ) and at most l(λ). Since both λ and μ are partitions of n, a term of degree l(λ) is produced only when λ=μ and each part of λ is combined with a single part of -λ. Thus the maximal degree term in row λ of A(h,c) (h+n,c) appears in column λ, i.e. on the diagonal.

The identity drd-rs = d-rsdr + d-rs-1 ( 2rsd0 + 2r2 (s2) + s ( r3-r 12 )z ), is verified by induction on s, the induction step being drd-rs = d-rdrd-rs-1 + ( 2rd0 + ( r3-r 12 )z ) d-rs-1 = d-r ( d-rs-1dr + d-rs-2 ( 2r(s-1)sd0 + 2r2 ( s-12 ) + (s-1)s ( r3-r 12 )z ) ) + d-rs-1 ( 2r ( d0 + r(s-1) ) + ( r3-r 12 )z ) = d-rsdr + d-rs-1 ( 2rsd0 + 2r2 (s2) + s( r3-r 12 )z ). Suppose that drk d-rs = d-rs drk + d-rs-1 p1k,s drk-1 + d-r2 p2k,s drk-2 + + d-rs-k pkk,s, where pik,s are polynomials in d0 and z. Then drk+1 d-rs = dr j=0k d-rs-j pjk,s(d0,z) drk-j = j=0k d-rs-j dr pjk,s(d0,z) drk-j + d-rs-j-1 ( 2r(s-j)d0 + 2r2 (s-j2) + (s-j) ( r3-r 12 )z ) pjk,s(d0,z) drk-j = j=0k d-rs-j pjk,s(d0-r,z) drk-j+1 + d-rs-j-1 ( 2r(s-j)d0 + 2r2 (s-j2) + (s-j) ( r3-r 12 )z ) pjk,s(d0,z) drk-j, from which it follows that plk+1,s(d0,z) = plk,s(d0-r,z) + ( 2r(s-l+1)d0 + 2r2 (s-l+12) + (s-j) ( r3-r 12 )z ) pl+1k,s(d0,z). (I'm not quite sure if this calculation is exactly right, I need to do some checks for s=2 and s=3 to make sure.)

In particular, pk+1k+1,s = j=1k+1 ( 2r(s-j)d0 + 2r2 (s-j2) + (s-j) ( r3-r 12 )z ) = (2r)k+1 (k+1)! d0k+1 +   lower degree terms in   d0.

There is a bijection {(λ,i) | λn, 1il(λ)} {(μ,(rs)) | rs=, |μ| + rs = n} (λ,i) ( λ-(λisi), (λisi) ) (μ(rs),j) (μ,(rs)) PICTURE where λ - (λisi) is the partition obtained by removing all rows of length λi which are in rows with number i, si is the number of ji such that λj = λi and j-1 is the row number of the largest part r in the partition μ.

This bijection proves the identity λn l(λ) = (rs) n-rs0 p(n-rs), where p(k) is the number of partitions with k boxes.

If k<n and d0-h divides the determinant det(M+k) then (d0-h)p(n-k) divides the determinant det(M+n).

Crs (h,c) divides the determinant det(M+rs).

First proof:

Second proof: Define a Vir action on the space of semi-infinite forms (α,β) = span{ fikfi1 | with i1<i2< and ik=-k for k large }, by setting dn(fj) = ( j+β-(1-n)α ) fj-n. Then, for appropriate choice of α and β, the Vir module (α,β) becomes a highest weight module of highest weight (h,c). One can construct a number of highest weight vectors in (α,β), see ???.


Given (h,c) the equation μ+1μ = 13-c6 determines {μ,1μ}, and for each choice of μ in this set, y2 = 4μ( 1-c24-h ) determines {y,-y} giving 4 lines s = μr+y, s = μr-y, s = 1μr - 1μy, s = 1μr + 1μy. Conversely, given (μ,y) then 13-c6 = μ+1μ determines c, and h = -y2 4μ + 1-c24 determines h. Define Crs (h,c) = 142 ( s-μr+y ) ( s-μr-y ) ( s-1μr-1μy ) ( s-1μr+1μy ) = 142 ( (s-μr)2-y2 ) ( (s-1μr)2 - y2μ2 ) = ( (s-μr) (1μs-r) 4 - y2 4μ ) ( (s-1μr) (μs-r)4 - y2 4μ ) = ( μr2 - 2rs + 1μs2 4 - y2 4μ ) ( μr2 - 2rs + μs2 4 - y2 4μ ) = ( 14 ( μr2 + 1μs2 ) - rs2 + h - 1-c24 ) ( 14 ( 1μ r2 + μs2 ) - rs2 +h- 1-c24 ). If x = 12 25-c1-c then (x-12) (x+12) = x2-14 = 14 (25-c1-c) - 14 = 14 ( 25-c-1+c 1-c ) = 14 (241-c) = 61-c so that 1-c6 = 1 (x-12)(x+12) and 13-c6 = 2+1-c6 = 2+ 1 (x-12)(x+12) . Then the solutions to μ+1μ = 13-c6 are μ = x+12 x-12 and 1μ = x-12 x+12 , since x+12 x-12 + x-12 x+12 = x2-x+14+x2+x+14 (x-12)(x+12) = 2x2+12 x2-14 = 2x2-12+1 x2-14 = 2+ 1 (x-12)(x+12) . Then 1-c24 - 14 ( μr2 + 1μs2 ) + rs2 = 1-c24 - 14 ( x+12 x-12 r2 + x-12 x+12 s2 ) + rs2 = 1-c24 - 14 ( (x2+x+14) r2 + (x2-x+14) s2 (x-12)(x+12) ) + rs2 = 1-c24 - 14 ( 2x2+12 (x-12)(x+12) (r2+s2) + x (x-12)(x+12) (r2-s2) ) + rs2 = 1-c24 - 14 ( (13-c6) (r2+s2) + 12 25-c1-c (1-c6) (r2-s2) ) + rs2 = 1-c24 - 14 ( (13-c6) (r2+s2) + 112 (25-c) (1-c) (r2-s2) ) + rs2 and 1-c24 - 14 ( μr2 + 1μ s2 ) + rs2 = 1-c24 - 14 (s-μr)2 μ = 1-c24 - 14 ( s - x+12 x-12 r )2 x-12 x+12 = 14 ( 1 (x-12)(x+12) - ( (x-12)s - (x+12)r )2 (x-12)(x+12) ) = ( (x+12)r - (x-12)s )2-1 -4(x-12)(x+12) . Now put m+52 = x so that x+12 = m+3 and x-12 = m+2.

det(A-n) = 1rsn ( (2r)s s! ) p(n-rs) - p(n-r(s+1)) r,s0 rsn ( h-hrs ) p(n-rs) , where hrs = 148 ( (13-c) (r2+s2) + (c-1) (c-25) (r2-s2) - 24rs - 2+2c ). Then Cr,s (h,c) = { (h-hrs) (h-hsr), if rs, h-hrr, if r=s. }

Notes and References

These notes are from lecture notes of Arun Ram from 2005.


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