The affine Hecke algebra

The affine Hecke algebra

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Last updates: 20 May 2010

The affine Hecke algebra

Let q * . The affine Hecke algebra H~ n is the algebra given by generators X ε1 , T2 , T3 ,, Tn and relations Ti Tj = Tj Ti if   i-j >1, Ti T i+1 Ti = T i+1 Ti T i+1 if  2in-1, X ε1 Tj = Tj X ε1 , j>1 X ε1 T2 X ε1 T2 = T2 X ε1 T2 X ε1 , Ti2 = q- q -1 Ti +1, 2<i<n. If q=1 then H~ n = S~ n , the group algebra of the affine symmetric group.

Define X εk = Ti T i-1 T2 X ε1 T2 T i-1 Ti ,for  1in, and Xλ = X1ε λ1 Xnε λn , for  λ= λ1 ε1 + λn εn , λi . Then Xλ Xμ = X λ+μ , for all  λ,μ. Then X =-span Xλ | λ= λ1 ε1 + λn εn , λi is a commutative subalgebra of H~ n isomorphic to the group algebra of n .

The affine Hecke algebra is the unique algebra structure on X H such that X = X 1 and H=1H are subalgebras and Xλ Ti = Ti X si λ + q- q -1 Xλ - X si λ 1- X εi - ε i-1 , for all λ n and 1in.

Define T0 = X ε1 - ε n Tn T n-1 T3 T2 T3 Tn andω= X - ε1 T2 T3 Tn .

The affine Hecke algebra H~ n is presented by generators T0 , T1 ,, Tn ,ω and relations Ti Tj = Tj Ti if   i-j >1, Ti T i+1 Ti = T i+1 Ti T i+1 , ω Ti ω -1 = T i+1 , Ti2 = q- q -1 Ti +1, 0in-1, where the indices are always taken modulo n.

If w Sn let Tw = T i1 T ip if w= s i1 s ip and p is minimal. The affine Hecke algebra H~ n has basis Xλ Tw ,where  w Sn ,λ= λ1 ε1 ++ λn εn , λj.

The evaluation homomorphism is the surjective homomorphism defined by H~ n H r,1,n Ti Ti , X εk Tk T2 X ε1 T2 Tk . Via this homomorphism every irreducible H r,1,n module M is an irreducible H~ n -module. Conversely, let M be an H~ n -module. Let u0 ,, u r-1 be such that the minimal polynomial p t of the linear transformation of M determined by the action of X ε1 dived the polynomial t- u0 t- u1 t- u r-1 . The H~ n action on M is an H r,1,n u0 u r-1 ; q action on M.

So any H r,1,n u0 u r-1 ; q -module M is an H~ n and conversely, any H~ n module M is an H r,1,n u0 u r-1 ; q module for some appropriate choice of r and u0 ,, u r-1 . So H~ n 's representation theory "contains the representation theory" of all the algebras H r,1,n u0 u r-1 ; q .

References [PLACEHOLDER]

[BG] A. Braverman and D. Gaitsgory, Crystals via the affine Grassmanian, Duke Math. J. 107 no. 3, (2001), 561-575; arXiv:math/9909077v2, MR1828302 (2002e:20083)

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