Cyclic groups, Dihedral groups Dn, Proofs and Alternating groups

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 5 September 2013

Cyclic groups

a) Let H be a subset of the integers . Then H is a subgroup of if and only if H=m for some m.
b) Let m and n be positive integers. Then mn if and only if n divides m.
c) Let n be a positive integer. Then the quotient group /n𝒵n.


To show: a) If H is a subgroup of Z then H=mZ for some positive integer m. b) If m is a positive integer then m is a subgroup of .

a) The subgroups of the cyclic group 𝒵n are gm, 0mn-1.
b) Let 0mn-1 and let d=gcd(m,n). Then gm=gd where d=gcd(m,n) and |gd|=n/d.
c) Let 0m,kn-1. Then gmgk if and only if gcd(k,n) divides gcd(m,n).
d) Let 0dn and suppose that d divides n. Then the quotient group 𝒵n/ gd 𝒵n/d.

Let ×=-{0} with the operation of multiplication. Every homomorphism from to × is of the form φk: n × g ξk ,where ξ=e2πin.

Let S be a circular necklace with n equally spaced beads b0,b1,,bn-1, numbered counterclockwise around S.

a) There is an action of the cyclic group 𝒵n on the necklace S such that g acts by rotating S counterclockwise by an angle of 2π/n.
b) This action has one orbit, 𝒵nb0={b0,b1,,bn-1} and the stabilizer of each bead is the subgroup (1).


Every homomorphism from to is of the form φm: n mn, for some positive integer m.

The dihedral groups Dn

a) The conjugacy classes of D2 are 𝒞1={1}, 𝒞x={x}, 𝒞y={y}, 𝒞xy={xy}.
b) If n is even and n2, then the conjugacy classes of Dn are the sets 𝒞1={1}, 𝒞xn/2= {xn/2}, 𝒞xk= {xk,x-k}, 0<k<n/2, 𝒞y= { y,x2y, x4y,, xn-2y } ,𝒞xy= { xy,x3y,x5 y,,xn-1y }
c) If n is odd then the conjugacy classes of Dn are the sets 𝒞1={1} 𝒞xk= {xk,x-k}, 0<k<n/2, 𝒞y= { y,xy,x2y,x3y ,,xn-1y }


Sketch of Proof.

a) The group D2 abelian, so each element is in a conjugacy class by itself.
b) and c)

By the multiplication rule, x(xk)x-1 = xk, y(xk)y = x-ky2= x-k, and x(xky) x-1 = xk+2y, y(xky) = yxk= x-ky, Thus, if xk is in a conjugacy class then x-k is also in the conjugacy class, and
If xky is in a conjugacy class then xk+2y and x-ky are also in the conjugacy class.
One checks case by case that the sets given in the statement of the proposition satisfy these two properties.
Since these sets partition the group Dn, they must be the conjugacy classes.

a) Dn is generated by the elements x and y.
b) The elements x and y in Dn satisfy the relations xn=1, y2=1, yx=x-1y.


Both parts follow directly from the definition of the dihedral group Dn.

The dihedral group Dn has a presentation by generators x and y and relations xn=1, y2=1, yx=x-1y.

Let a,b, denotes the subgroup generated by elements a,b,.

a) The normal subgroups of the dihedral group D2 we the subgroups x, y, xy,
b) If n is even and n2 then the normal subgroups of the dihedral group Dn are the subgroups xk, 0kn-1, x2,y, x2,xy.
c) If n is odd then the normal subgroups of the dihedral group Dn are the subgroups xk, 1kn-1.


The subgroups given in the statement of the proposition are unions of conjugacy classes of Dn as follows. xk = 𝒞xjk x2,y = 𝒞yx2 x2,xy = 𝒞xy x2 Thus these subgroups are normal.

It remains to show that these are all the normal subgroups.

The orders of the elements in the dihedral group Dn are o(1)=1, o(xk)=gcd (k,n), o(xky)=2, 0<kn-1.


This follows from the definition of the multiplication in Dn.

Let F be an n-gon with vertices vi numbered 0 to n-1 counterclockwise around F.
 There is an action of the group Dn on the n-gon F such that

x acts by rotating the n-gon by an angle of 2π/n.
y acts by reflecting about the line which contains the vertex v0 and the center of F.



For each permutation σSm, let det(σ) denote the determinant of the matrix which
represents the permutation σ. The map ε: Sm ±1 σ det(σ) is a homomorphism from the symmetric group Sm to the group 2=±1.

To show: a) If σ and τ are permutation matrices then det(στ)=det(σ)det(τ).
b) If σ is a permutation matrix then det(σ)=±1.

a) This follows from Proposition ().
b) Any permutation matrix is an orthogonal matrix, i.e. σσt=1.
Thus, 1=det(σσt)= det(σ)det(σt) =det(σ)2.
Thus det(σ)=±1.

Suppose σSm has cycle type λ=(λ1,λ2,) and let γλ be the permutation in Sm which
is given, in cycle notation, by γλ= (1,2,,λ1) (λ1+1,λ1+2,,λ1+λ2) (λ1+λ2+1,) .

a) Then σ is conjugate to γλ.
b) If τSm is conjugate to σ then τ has cycle type λ.
c) Suppose that λ=(1m12m2). Then the order of the stabilizer of the permutation γλ, under the action of Sm on itself by conjugation, is 1m1m1! 2m2m2!.

To show: σ is conjugate to γλ= (1,2,,λ1) (λ1+1,λ1+2,,λ1+λ2) (λ1+λ2+1,) .
Suppose that, in cycle notation, σ= (i1,i2,,iλ1) (iλ1+1,,iλ1+λ2) .
Let π be the permutation given by π(ij)=j.
Then πσπ-1=γλ.
b) Suppose that τSm is conjugate to σ.
Then τ=πσπ-1 for some πSm.
To show: The lengths of the cycles in πσπ-1 are the same as the lengths of the cycles in σ.
Suppose that, in cycle notation, σ= (i1,i2,,iλ1) (iλ1+1,,iλ1+λ2) .
Then πσπ-1(π(ij))= π(σ(ij))= π(ij+1).
Thus, in cycle notation, πσπ-1= ( π(i1), π(i2), , π(iλ1) ) ( π(iλ1+1), , π(iλ1+λ2) ) . So, the lengths of the cycles in πσπ-1 are the same as the lengths of the cycles in σ.
So, τ has cycle type λ.
c) Suppose that πSm is in the stabilizer of γλ.
Then πγλπ-1=γλ.
In cycle notation, πγλπ-1= ( π(1), π(2), , π(λ1) ) ( π(λ1+1), , π(λ1+λ2) ) .
Since πγλπ-1=γλ, it follows that each of the sequences (π(λj+1),,π(λj+λj+1)) must be a cyclic rearrangement of some cycle of γλ.
This means that π must be a permutation that
1) permutes cycles of γλ of the same length and/or
2) cyclically rearranges the elements of the cycles of γλ.
Note that,
1) Each cycle of length k in γλ can be cyclically rearranged in k ways.
Thus, there are a total of kmk ways of cyclically rearranging the elements of the mk cycles of length k in γλ.
2) The mk cycles of length k in γλ can be permuted in mk! different ways.
Thus, there are a total of 1m1m1!2m2m2! permutations π which stabilize γλ under the action of conjugation.

a) The conjugacy classes of Sm are the sets 𝒞λ= {permutationsσwith cycle typeλ} , where λ is a partition of m.
b) If λ=(1m12m2) then the size of the conjugacy class 𝒞λ is |𝒞λ|= m! m1!1m1 m2!2m2 m3!3m3 ,

To show: aa) If λm then 𝒞λ is a conjugacy class of Sm.
ab) Every conjugacy class is equal to 𝒞λ for some λm.

aa) Let λ be a partition of m.
Let 𝒪γλ denote the conjugacy class of γλ.
To show: 𝒪λ=𝒞λ.
To show: aaa) 𝒞λ𝒪γλ.
aab) 𝒪γλ𝒞λ.

aaa) Suppose that σ𝒞λ.
Then σ has cycle type λ.
Thus, by Lemma (), σ is conjugate to γλ.
So, σ𝒪γλ.
Thus, 𝒞λ𝒪γλ.
aab) Suppose that σ𝒪γλ.
Then, σ is conjugate to γλ.
Thus, by Lemma (), σ has cycle type λ.
So, σ𝒞λ.
So, 𝒪γλ𝒞λ.
So 𝒞λ=𝒪γλ.
So 𝒞λ is a conjugacy class of Sm.
ab) Let σSm and let 𝒪σ be the conjugacy class of σ.
Suppose that σ has cycle type λ.
Then, by Lemma (), σ is conjugate to γλ.
Thus, by Proposition (), 𝒪σ=𝒪γλ.
So, by part a), 𝒪σ=𝒪γλ=𝒞λ.
So every conjugacy class is equal to 𝒞λ for some λm.
So the sets 𝒞λ, λm, are the conjugacy classes of Sm.
b) Let λ=(1m12m2) be a partition of m.
By, Lemma (), the stabilizer of the permutation γλ, has order 1m1m1!2m2m2!.
Thus, by Proposition (), the order of the conjugacy class 𝒞λ is |𝒞λ|= |Sm| 1m1m1! 2m2m2! = m! 1m1m1! 2m2m2! .

a) Sm is generated by the simple transpositions si, 1im-1.
b) The simple transpositions si, 1im-1, in Sm satisfy the relations sisj = sjsi,if |i-j|>1, sisi+1si = si+1sisi+1 ,1im-2, si2 = 1,1im-1.

To show: Every permutation σ can be written as a product of simple tranpositions.
This is most easily seen by "stretching out" the function diagram of σ. We must give some argument to show that this can always be done, for an arbitrary permutation σ. The set of inversions of σ is the set inv(σ)={(i,j)|1i<jm,σ(i)>σ(j)}.
Let ki be the number of inversions of σ that have first coordinate i.
Then define γ(i)= { sisi+1 si+ki-1, ifki1; 1, ifki=0. Then σ=γ(m-1)γ(m-2)γ(1). Thus σ can be written as a product of simple transpositions.
To show: ba) sisj= sjsi, if|i-j|>1.
bb) sisi+1si= si+1sisi+1, 1im-2.
bc) si2=1, 1im-1.

ba) PICTUREsisjsjsi
bb) PICTUREsisip1
bc) PICTUREsi2

Alternating group

Suppose that σAm. Let 𝒞σ denote the conjugacy class of σ in Sm and let §σ denote the conjugacy class of σ in Am.

a) Then σ has an even number of cycles of even length.
b) |𝒜σ|= { |𝒞σ|2, if all cyclesσ are of different odd lengths; |𝒞σ|, otherwise;

a) Suppose that σ has cycle type λ=(λ1,λ2,,λk).
To show: An even number of the λj, 1jk, are even.
Let γλ be the permutation given, in cycle notation, by γλ= (1,2,,λ1) (λ1+1,λ1+2,,λ1+λ2) (λ1+λ2+1,). Since Am is a normal subgroup of Sm and σAm it follows that Cσ=𝒞γλAm.
So γλAm.
So the length (γλ) of γλ is even.
So (γλ)=i=1k(λi-1) is even.
So there are an even number of 1jk such that λj-1 is odd.
So there are an even number of 1jk such that λj is even.
So σ has an even number of cycles of even length.
b) Let Sσ be the stabilizer of σ under the action of Sm on itself by conjugation.
Let Aσ be the stabilizer of σ under the action of Am on itself by conjugation.
Then, by Proposition (), 12 |Sσ| |𝒞σ|= |Sm|2= |Am|= |Aσ| |𝒜σ|. So, |𝒜σ|= { |𝒞σ|, if|Aσ| |Sσ|; |𝒞σ|2, if|Aσ| =|Sσ|. Since AσSσ, |𝒜σ|= { |𝒞σ|, ifSσAσ; |𝒞σ|2, ifSσAσ. So, |𝒜σ|= { |𝒞σ|, ifSσAm; |𝒞σ|2, ifSσAm. Then, by Lemma (), |𝒜σ|= { |𝒞σ|, ifSγλAm; |𝒞σ|2, ifSγλAm. By Lemma (), |𝒜σ|= { |𝒞σ|2, if all cyclesσare of different odd lengths; |𝒞σ|, otherwise;

Let σAm and let λ=(λ1,λ2,,λk) be the cycle type of σ. Let γλ be the permutation given, in cycle notation, by γλ= (1,2,,λ1) (λ1+1,λ1+2,,λ1+λ2) (λ1+λ2+1,). Let Sσ denote the stabilizer of σ under the action of Sm on itself by conjugation. Then,

a) SσAm if and only if SγλAm.
b) SγλAm if and only if γλ has all odd cycles of different lengths.

To show: SσAm if and only if SγλAm.
To show: aa) If SσAm then SγλAm.
ab) If SγλAm then SσAm.
Then, by Proposition (), there exists πSm such that πσπ-1=γλ.
Thus, Sγλ=πSσπ-1.
aa) Assume SσAm.
Let τSγλ.
Then π-1τπSσ.
So π-1τπAm.
So 1=ε(π-1τπ).
Since ε is a homomorphism, ε(τ)= ε(π)-1 ε(τ) ε(π) =ε(π-1τπ) =1.
So τAm.
So SγλAm.
ab) Assume SγλAm.
Let τSσ.
Then πτπ-1Sγλ.
So πτπ-1Am.
So 1=ε(πτπ-1).
Since ε is a homomorphism, ε(τ)= ε(π)ε(τ) ε(π)-1 =ε(πτπ-1) =1.
So τAm.
So SσAm.
So SσAm if and only if SγλAm.
To show: SγλAm if and only if γλ has all odd cycles of different lengths.
To show: ba) If SγλAm then γλ has all odd cycles of different lengths.
bb) If γλ has all odd cycles of different lengths then SγλAm.

ba) Proof by contradiction.
Assume λ does not have all odd parts of different lengths.
To show: SγλAm.
Case 1: Assume γλ has an even cycle, say (k+1,,k+2n).
Let π be the permutation which cyclically permutes this cycle, π=(k+1,,k+2n).
Then πSγλ.
But ε(π)=(-1)2n-1=-1.
So πAm.
So SγλAm.
Case 2: Assume γλ has two cycles of the same odd length, say (k+1,,k+n) and (k+n+1,,k+n+1).
Let π be the permutation which switches these two cycles, π=(k+1,k+1+n)(k+2,k+2+n)(k+n,k+n+n).
Then πSγλ.
But ε(π)=(-1)n2=-1, since n is odd.
So πAm.
So SγλAm.
bb) Assume γλ has all different odd cycles.
Suppose that τSγλ.
This means that τ must be a permutation that
1) permutes cycles of γλ of the same length and/or
2) cyclically rearranges the elements of the cycles of γλ.
Since all cycles of γλ are different lengths, τ cyclically permutes the elements of the cycles of γλ.
Define permutations c1=(1,2,,λ1), c2=(λ1+1,λ1++2,,λ1+λ2), etc. Then τ=c1n1c2n2cknk for some positive integers n1,n2,,nk.
Then ε(cj)=(-1)λj-1=1, since λj is odd.
So ε(τ)=ε(c1)n1ε(c2)n2ε(ck)nk=1.
So τAm.
So SγλAm.

a) If m4 then Am is simple.
b) The alternating group A4 has a single nontrivial proper normal subgroup given by { (1234), (2143), (3412), (4321) }

Case a: n=1,2,3.
The groups A1={1}, A2={1} and A3={(123),(213),(312)} have no nontrivial proper subgroups.
So A1, A2 and A3 have no nontrivial proper normal subgroups.
Case b: n=4.
The conjugacy classes of A4 are {1}, {(123),(134),(243),(142)}, {(132)(124),(234),(143)}, {(12)(34),(13)(24),(14)(23)}. Let N be a normal subgroup of A4.
Case ba: π=(123)N.
Then π-1=(132) and (123)(124)=(12)(34) are in N.
So N contains all the conjugacy classes.
So N=An.
Case bb: π=(132)N.
Then π-1=(123) and (123)(124)=(12)(34) are in N.
So N contains all the conjugacy classes.
So N=An.
Thus, the only possible union of conjugacy classes which could be a normal subgroup is N= { 1,(12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23) } .
It is easy to check that this is a subgroup of A4.
Case c: n5.
Let N be a normal subgroup of An such that N(1).
To show: N=An.
Let σN and suppose that σ has cycle type λ.
Let γλ

Case ca: σ has a cycle (i1i2ir) of length r>3.
Then σ-1N and (i2i3i4)σ(i4i3i2)N.
So σ-1 ((i2i3i4)σ(i4i3i2)) = (σ-1(i1i2i3)σ) (i4i3i2) = (i1i2i3) (i4i3i2) = (i1i2i4)N.
Thus, by Lemma (), N=An.
Case cb: σ does not have all odd cycles of different lengths and σ has a cycle of length >2.
Then, by Propositions () and (), 𝒜σ=𝒞σ=𝒞γλ.
Since N is normal, Cγλ=𝒜σN.
So γλN and s1γλs1N.
Since N is a subgroup γλ-1N.
So γλ-1(s1γλs1)= (γλ-1s1γλ)s1= s2s1=(123)N.
Thus, by Lemma (), N=An.
Case cc: σ has all cycles of length 2 or 1.
Since σAn, σ has at least two cycles of length 2.
Thus, by Proposition (), 𝒜σ=𝒞σ=𝒞γλ.
Since N is normal, 𝒞γλ=𝒜σN.
So γλN and s2γλs2N.
Since N is a subgroup γλ-1N.
So γλ-1s2γλs2=(14)(23)N.
So π1=(12)(34)(5) and π2=(12)(3)(45)N.
So π1π2=(345)N.
Thus, by Lemma (), N=An.

Suppose N is a normal subgroup of An, n>4, and N contains a 3-cycle. Then N=An.

To show: AnN.
Let π=(i1,i2,i3) be a 3-cycle in N.
Since n>4, π has more than one 1-cycle and it follows from Proposition (), that 𝒜π=𝒞π.
Thus, since N is normal, 𝒞πN.
So (123) and (143) are elements of N.
Then σ=(143)(123)=(12)(34)=s1s3N.
Since σ has an even cycle, it follows from Proposition (), that 𝒜σ=𝒞σN. Then sisj { 𝒞π, ifj=i+1; 𝒞σ, otherwise. So sisjN for all i,j.
By, Proposition () and Proposition (), the elements sij generate An.
So AnN.

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