The Casimir

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 10 December 2011

The Casimir element

A Lie algebra is a vector space 𝔤 with a bilinear map [,] :𝔤×𝔤𝔤 such that

(a)   if x,y𝔤 then [x,y] =-[y,x] ,
(b)   (Jacobi identity) if x,y,z𝔤 then [x,[y,z]] + [z,[x,y]] + [y,[z,x]] =0 .

A bilinear form ,: 𝔤×𝔤 is ad-invariant if, for all x,y,z 𝔤 , adx(y), z = - y, adx(z) , where adx(y) =[x,y] , for x,y𝔤 . The Killing form is the particular inner product on 𝔤 given by x,y = Tr( adx ady ) . If the Killing form is nondegenerate then the Jacobi identity is equivalent to the fact that the Killing form is ad-invariant.

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional Lie algebra with a nondegenerate ad-invariant bilinear form. The nondegeneracy of the form means that if {bi} is a basis of 𝔤 then the dual basis {bi*} of 𝔤 with respect to , exists. The enveloping algebra U𝔤 is the algebra generated by 𝔤 with the relation xy-yx = [x,y] for x,y𝔤. The Casimir element of 𝔤 is κ= i bi bi* , in U𝔤. The element κ is central in U𝔤 since, for y𝔤, yκ = i ybi bi* = i ([y,bi] + biy) bi* = i,j [y,bi] , bj* bj bi* + i biy bi* = i,j -bj bi, [y, bj* ] bi* + j bjy bj* = j -bj [y, bj* ] + bjy bj* = j bj bj* y = κy. If c is a constant and (,)=c, then (bi, bj* ) =c bi, bj* = δij c and the Casimir with respect to the form (,) is κ = i bi 1c bi* = 1c i bi bi* = 1c κ.

Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional Lie algebra with a nondegenerate ad-invariant bilinear form i.e., ,: 𝔤𝔤 , with [ x1, x2], x3 + x2, [ x1, x3] =0 and x1, x2 = x2, x1 , for x1 , x2 , x3 𝔤 . Let κ be the Casimir with respect to ,. The Casimir is κ= b1 b1* + + bn bn* = bB b b* , and κZ(U𝔤), the center of the enveloping algebra U𝔤. Since Δ(x)= x1+ 1x for x𝔤,

Δ(κ)= κ1+ 1κ +2t, where t= i=1 n bi bi* = bB bb*. (tdf)
For a U𝔤-module M let κM: M M m κm

Fix a triangular decomposition 𝔤= 𝔫- 𝔥 𝔫+ with Cartan subalgebra 𝔥 and let R+ be the set of positive roots. If M is a U𝔤-module generated by a highest weight vector vλ+ of weight λ then (see [Bou, VIII §2 no. 3 Prop. 6 and VIII §6 no. 4 Prop. 7) κM = λ,λ+ρ idM where ρ= 1 2 αR+ α, and , is the form on 𝔥* obtained by restricting the form , to 𝔥 and identifying 𝔥 with 𝔥*. More specifically, λ,μ = i=1 r λ(hi) μ( hi* ), for λ,μ 𝔥* , if h1,, hr is a basis of 𝔥 and h1* ,, hr* is the dual basis with respect to ,. By equation (tdf), if M=L(μ), N=L(ν) are finite dimensional irreducible U𝔤-modules of highest weights μ and ν respectively, then t acts on the L(λ)-isotypic component of the decomposition L(μ) L(ν) λ L(λ) cμνλ by the constant

1 2 ( λ,λ+2ρ - μ,μ+2ρ - ν,ν+2ρ ) (tval)

Let U=Uh𝔤 be the Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum group corresponding to 𝔤. Let ρ 𝔥 be such that αi(ρ) =1 for all simple roots αi. Then v= e -hρ u is a ribbon element in Uh𝔤. For a Uh𝔤-module M let

CM: M M m vm so that C MN = ( Rˇ MN Rˇ NM ) -1 (CM CN ). (casR)
If M is a Uh𝔤-module generated by a highest weight vector v+ of weight λ then
CM = q -λ, λ+2ρ idM, (qcas)
see [
LR, Prop. 2.14] or [Dr, Prop. 3.2]). From (qcas) and the relation (casR) it follows that if M=L(μ), N=L(ν) are finite dimensional irreducible Uh𝔤-modules of highest weights μ and ν respectively, then Rˇ MN Rˇ NM acts on the L(λ)-isotypic component L(λ) cμνλ of the decomposition
L(μ) L(ν) λ L(λ) cμνλ by the scalar q λ,λ+2ρ - μ,μ+2ρ - ν,ν+2ρ . qtval

[Bou, VIII §2 no. 3 Prop. 6 and VIII §6 no. 4 Cor. to Prop. 7] Let κU𝔤 be the Casimir and let e-hρu Uh𝔤 be the quantum Casimir as defined in (??) and (???), respectively. Then π0(κ) = σρ ( -ρ,ρ + i=1 r hi hi* ) and evν (π0(κ)) = ν,ν+ρ , ,


Let h1,, hr be a basis of 𝔥 and let h1* ,, hr* be the dual basis of 𝔥 with respect to the restriction of , to 𝔥. The nondegenerate bilinear form ,: 𝔥×𝔥 is equivalent to a vector space isomorphism ν:𝔥 𝔥* given by ν(h)= h, and ν-1( λ)= i=1r λ(hi) hi* , for h𝔥 and λ𝔥*. The isomorphism ν:𝔥 𝔥* and the form ,: 𝔥×𝔥 provide a form ,: 𝔥*× 𝔥* given by λ,μ = ν-1 (λ), ν-1(μ) = i=1r λ(hi) hi* , j=1r μ(hj*) hj = i=1r λ(hi) μ(hi*) .

Let xα 𝔤α . There is a unique hα𝔥 such that ifh𝔥 then h,hα = α(h) . Thus ν(hα) =α. A different element h α is obtained by choosing yα 𝔤-α and h α 𝔥 such that xα, yα, hα span an 𝔰𝔩2-subalgebra of 𝔤, [xα, yα] = hα, [ hα , xα ] = 2 xα , [ hα , yα ] = -2 yα . Then 2= α( hα ) and 2= α( hα ) = hα, hα = hα, [xα, yα] = - [ xα,hα ] , yα = α(hα) xα,yα = hα,hα xα,yα gives xα,yα = 2 hα,hα and hα = 2hα, hα hα. Thus { h1,,hr, xα , hα,hα 2 yα αR+ } is a basis of 𝔤, and { h1* ,, hr* , hα,hα 2 yα,xα αR+ } is the dual basis of 𝔤, with respect to ,.

Then κ = i=1 r hi hi* + αR+ xα hα,hα 2 yα + αR+ hα,hα 2 yαxα = i=1 r hi hi* + αR+ hα,hα 2 [ xα, yα] +2 αR+ hα,hα 2 yαxα = i=1 r hi hi* + αR+ hα,hα 2 hα +2 αR+ hα,hα 2 yαxα = i=1 r hi hi* + αR+ hα +2 αR+ hα,hα 2 yαxα and so if ρ= ν( 12 αR+ hα ) = 12 αR+ α then 12 αR+ hα = i=1 r ρhi hi* . Then π0(κ) = i=1 r hi hi* + αR+ hα = i=1 r hi hi* +ρhi hi* + hi ρ hi* = - ρ,ρ + i=1 r hi + ρhi hi* +ρ hi* = σρ ( - ρ,ρ + i=1 r hi hi* ) since ρ,ρ = i=1 r ρ(hi) ρ(hi*) .


In the case where 𝔤=𝔤𝔩n, κ = 1i,jn EijEji = i=1 n EiiEii + 1i<jn EijEji + 1i<jn [Eij, Eji] +Eji Eij = i=1 n EiiEii +2 1i<jn EijEji + 1i<jn ( Eii-Ejj ). Since Eii vλ+ = λi vλ+ and Eij vλ+ =0 for i<j, κ vλ+ = cλ vλ+ where cλ = i=1 n λi2 +0 + 1i<jn (λi -λj) = i=1 n λi2 + (n-i)λi - (i-1)λi = i=1 n λi +n-2i+1 λi = i=1 n ( λi +2n-2i ) λi - (n-1) λi =λ, λ+2δ -(n-1) |λ| = λ+δ, λ+δ - δ,δ - (n-1) |λ| , where δ= (n-1)ε1 + (n-2)ε2 ++ εn-1.

The Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group is a ribbon Hopf algebra

In the definition of the quantum group: If Ki = Kαi then

Ki Ej Ki-1 = Kαi Ej K-αi = Kdi αi Ej K-di αi = q di αi ,αj Ej = q diaij Ej = qi aij Ej
EiFj - FjEi = δij Kαi - K-αi qdi - q-di = δij (Kαi ) di - (Kαi ) -di qdi - q-di .
The coproduct is given by
Δ(Ei) = Ei1 + KiEi , Δ(Ki) = KiKi , Δ(Fi) = Fi Ki-1 + 1Ei ,
ε(Ei) = ε(Fi) = 0 , ε(Ki) =1 , S(Ei) = -Ki-1 Ei , S(Fi) = - Fi Ki , S(Ki) = Ki-1 .
uEiu-1 = S2( Ei) = S( - Ki-1 Ei ) = Ki-1 Ei Ki = q- diαi ,αi Ei = q-2di Ei .
Kρ Ei K-ρ = q ρ,αi Ei = q ρ,di αi Ei = qdi Ei, and K2ρu Z(U) .
This matches with [Bau, §2.1-2.3] and [Kac, Chapt 10] (note that [Kac] has the difference between ρ and ρ clear in [Kac, §10.8]; see also the clear use of ν-1 in the definition of the Casimir just before [Kac, (2.5.2)] ).

Let H1, , Hr be an orthonormal basis of 𝔥. The algebra Uh𝔤 is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra and the element can be written in the form, see [Dr, Sect. 4],

= exp( h2t0 ) +ai+ bi-, where t0 = i=1 r Hi Hi , (Rfm)
and the elements ai+ Uh𝔤 0, and bi- Uh𝔤 0, are homogeneous elements of degrees 1 and -1, respectively.

[Dr, Prop. ???], [LR, Prop. (2.14)] Let Uh𝔤 be a Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group and let ρ be an element of 𝔥 such that αi,ρ =1 for all simple roots αi. Let u be as given in (???). Then

  1. if aUh 𝔤 then ehρ ae-hρ =S2(a),
  2. e-hρ u =u ae-hρ is a central element in Uh𝔤,
  3. ( e-hρ )2 -uS(u) =S(u)u ,
  4. e-hρ u acts in an irreducible representation L(λ) of Uh𝔤 of highest weight λ by the constant e-h2 λ,λ +2ρ = q- λ,λ +2ρ ,
  5. Δ( e-hρu ) =( 21 )-1 ( e-hρu e-hρu ),
  6. S( e-hρu ) = e-hρu , and
  7. ε( e-hρu ) = 1 ,
so that ( Uh𝔤,, e-hρu) is a ribbon Hopf algebra.


  1. Since both S2 and conjugation by ehρ are algebra homomorphisms it is sufficient to check this on generators. We shall show how this is done for the generator Xj. It follows from the fact that [ρ,Xj] =ρXj- Xjρ = αj, ρXj, that ehρ Xj e-hρ = ehρ e-h (ρ- αj, ρ) Xj = eh αj, ρ) Xj = ehXj = q2Xj =S2 (Xj) .
  2. This follows from (1) and the relation ua u-1 =S2(a), since e-hρ uau-1 ehρ = S-2 (S2(a)) =a.
  3. Let H1, , Hr be an orthonormal basis of 𝔥. Let L(λ) be an irreducible Uh𝔤-module of highest weight λ and let vλ be a highest weight vector in L(λ). Since element of Uh𝔤 0 which are of degree 1 annihilate vλ it follows that uvλ = exp( h2 i=1 r S(Hi) Hi ) vλ = exp( -h2 i=1 r Hi Hi ) vλ = exp( -h2 i=1 r λ(Hi) λ( Hi ) ) vλ = exp( -h2 λ,λ ) vλ . The result follows since e-hρ vλ = e-h λ,ρ vλ .
  4. This follows from Δ(u) = ( 21 )-1 (uu), since Δ( e-hρu ) = Δ( ue-hρ ) = Δ(u) Δ( e-hρ ) = ( 21 )-1 (uu) ( e-hρ e-hρ ) = ( 21 )-1 ( e-hρu e-hρu ) .
  5. and 6. and 7. follow from the equality ehρ S(u) = e-hρu which is proved as follows. Since ehρ S(u) = S( e-hρu ) is a central element of Uh𝔤, it is sufficient to check that both ehρ S(u) and e-hρu act by the same constant on an irreducible representation L( λ) of Uh𝔤. The element ehρ S(u) = S( e-hρu ) acts on the module L(λ) in the same way that ue-hρ acts on the irreducible module L(λ)* which has highest weight -w0 λ where w0 is the longest element of the Weyl group. Thus, ue-hρ acts on the irreducible module L(λ)* by the constant e -h2 -w0λ , -w0λ e -h -w0λ , ρ = e -h2 λ , λ+2ρ = q - λ , λ+2ρ since w0ρ =-ρ and the inner product is invariant under the action of w0.

Notes and References

See [Bou, Ch. I §3 Prop. 11] for the fact that the Casimir element is in the center of U𝔤.

[Dr, §5 remark (1)] explains that the source of the element ρ is coming from the rewriting of the Casimir in a preferred form so that higher degree terms act by 0 on a highest weight vector:

αR e-α eα + μ Iμ2 = 2 αR+ e-α eα + μ Iμ2 +2ρ


[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Groupes et Algèbres de Lie, Masson, Paris, 1990.

[Dr] V.G. Drinfeld, On almost cocommutative Hopf algebras, Leningrad Math. J. 1 (1990), 321-342. MR1025154 (91b:16046)

[LR] R. Leduc and A. Ram, A ribbon Hopf algebra approach to the irreducible representations of centralizer algebras: the Brauer, Birman-Wenzl and Type A Iwahori-Hecke algebras, Advances Math. 125 (1997), 1-94. MR1427801 (98c:20015)

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