Complete Reducibility

Complete Reducibility

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia


Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Last updates: 22 January 2010

Complete reducibility

(Maschke's theorem). Let A be a finite dimensional algebra over a field 𝔽 such that the trace tr of the regular representation of A is nondegenerate. Then every representation of A is completly decomposable.

  1. Let B be a basis of A and let B * be the dual basis of A with respect to the form : A × A 𝔽 defined by a 1 a 2 = tr a 2 a 1 , for all a 1 a 2 A . The dual basis B * exists because the trace tr is nondegenerate.
  2. Let M be an A -module. If M is reducible then the result is vacuously true, so we may assume that M has a proper submodule N . Let p End M be a projection onto N , i.e. p M = N and p 2 = p . Let p = b B b p b * , and e = b B b b * . 5 For all a A , tr e a = b B tr b b * a = b B a b b * = b B a b b = tr a . So tr e - 1 a = 0 , for all a A . Thus, since tr is nondegenerate, e = 1 .
  3. Let m M . Then p b * m N for all b B , and so p m N . So p M N . Let n N . Then p b * n = b * n for all b B , and so p n = e n = 1 · n = 1 . So p M = N and p 2 = p as elements of End M .
  4. Note that 1 - p = 1 - p = e - p = 1 - p . So M = p M 1 - p M = N 1 - p M , and by proposition (1.2(b), Algebras) [ AGAIN THIS IS A LINK TO AN OUTSIDE PAGE WHICH WILL DIE IF THE OTHER PAGE IS UPDATED. HOW SHOULD WE FORMAT THESE LINKS? ] 1 - p M is an A -submodule of M which is complementary to M [ SHOULD THIS BE 'N'? ]. By induction on the dimension of M , N and 1 - p M are completely decomposable, and therefore M is completely decomposable.

(Artin-Wedderburn theorem). Let A be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field 𝔽 . Let b 1 b d be a basis of A and let tr be the trace of the regular representation of A . Then the following are equvalent

  1. Every representation of A is completely decomposable.
  2. The regular representation of A is completely decomposable.
  3. A λ A ˆ M d λ 𝔽 for some finite index set A ˆ , and some d λ > 0 .
  4. The trace of the regular representation of A is nondegenerate.
  5. det tr b i b j 0 .

The result follows from theorem 1.1, theorem 1.2 on the Regular Representations page and theorem 1.3 on the Regular Representations page.

Remark. Let R be an integral domain, and let A R be an algebra over R with basis b 1 b d . Then det tr b i b j is an element of R and det tr b i b j 0 in 𝔽 if and only if det tr b i b j 0 in R . In paricular, if R = x , then det tr b i b j is a polynomial. Since a polynomial has only a finite number of roots, det tr b i b j n = 0 for only a finite number of values in n .


[HA] T. Halverson and A. Ram, Partition algebras, European Journal of Combinatorics 26, (2005), 869-921; arXiv:math/040131v2.

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