
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 25 June 2012


Let 𝕂 be a commutative ring, let A be a 𝕂-algebra and let E be an (A,A)-bimodule.

A 𝕂-derivation from A to E is a 𝕂-linear map d:AE such that if   x,yA   then   d(xy) = x(dy)+(dx)y.

A 𝕂-derivation of A is a 𝕂-linear map d:AE such that if   x,yA   then   d(xy) = x(dy)+(dx)y.

Let A be a 𝕂-algebra with multiplication m: A𝕂A A and let I = kerm.

  1. δA: A I x x1-1x is a derivation and I = AimδA.
  2. If E is an (A,A)-bimodule and d:AE is a 𝕂-derivation then there exists a unique (A,A)-bimodule homomorphism f:IE such that d=fδA. Hom(A,A)(I,E) Der𝕂(A,E) f fδA A E I d δA f
  3. If A is commutative then A𝕂A is a 𝕂-algebra with product (a1a2) (b1b2) = a1b1a2b2.
  1. c1. m:AAA provides a 𝕂-algebra isomorphism AA I A.
  2. c2. dA/𝕂: A I/I2 x x1-1x is a 𝕂-derivation.
  3. c3. If E is an A-module and D:AE is a 𝕂-derivation then there exists a unique A-module homomorphism g: I/I2E such that D = gdA/𝕂. Hom(A,A)(I,E) HomA𝕂A(I,E) HomA( I/I2,E ) and A E I/I2 D dA/𝕂 g



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