
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 25 November 2011


Let 𝔽 be a field. A vector space over 𝔽 is an abelian group V with a function 𝔽×V V (c,v) cv such that

  1. if c1,c2 𝔽 and vV then (c1+c2) v=c1v+ c2v,
  2. if c𝔽 and v1,v2V then c(v1 +v2) = cv1+cv2,
  3. if c1,c2 𝔽 and vV then c1( c2v) = (c1c2) v, and
  4. if vV then 1v =v.

Let 𝔽 be a field. Let V,W be vector spaces over 𝔽. An 𝔽-linear map from V to W is a function φ :VW such that

  1. φ is a group homomorphism,
  2. if c𝔽 and vV then φ(cv)=cφ (v),

Let 𝔽 be a field. An algebra is a vector space A over 𝔽 with an function A×A A (a1,a2) a1a2 such that A is a ring and scalar multiplication is the composition of the map 𝔽 A ξ ξ1 and the multiplication in A.

Let 𝔽 be a field. Let A be an 𝔽-algebra. A derivation of A is an 𝔽-linear map d:AA such that if a1,a2 A then d(a1a2) = a1d(a2) +d(a1)a2 .

  1. There is a unique derivation ddx if 𝔽[x] such that dxdx =1.
  2. If p𝔽[x] then dpdx = (coefficient of y in p(x+y) ).
  3. If p 𝔽[x] then p= k 0 ( (ddx) k p ) | x=0 xk
  4. There is a unique extension of ddx to a derivation of 𝔽(x).
  5. There is a unique extension of ddx to a derivation of 𝔽[[x]].
  6. There is a unique extension of ddx to a derivation of 𝔽((x)).
  7. If p𝔽[[x]] then dpdx = (coefficient of y in p(x+y) ).
  8. If p 𝔽[[x]] then p= k 0 ( (ddx) k p ) | x=0 xk
  9. Notes and References

    These notes provide a bridge between an introductory calculus course and the use of derivations in the definitions of tangent spaces in algebraic geometry.


    [BouTop] N. Bourbaki, General Topology, Chapter VI, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1989. MR?????

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