An approach to "early transcendentals"

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 08 July 2012

The function god(t)

There is one function that

  1. (a) in the Beginning, created something from nothing, and
  2. (b) is "unchanging", or rather, its change is itself.
Through the ages, thinkers have contemplated this function and nowadays it is common to write (a) and (b) in abbreviated form, (a′) god(0)=1, and (b′) dgod(t) dt = god(t), but the meaning is still the same.

Two of the children of god are eve and adam: god(it) = adam(t) + ieve(t).

Trying to understand god(t)

If we try to "understand" god in "normal" terms, god(t) = a0+a1t+a2t2+a3t3+, then since god(0) = 1, a0=1, and since dgod(t) dt = god(t), a1=a0, and 2a2=a1, and 3a3=a2, and 4a4=a3, and 5a5=a4, ..., etc., and so god(t) = 1+t + 12!t2 + 13!t3 + 14!t4 + , which illustrates that god(t) exists everywhere and goes on forever.

An amazing thing about god(t)

One of the amazing things about god is that god(t+s) = god(t) god(s). To see why god is this why suppose that there is a "different" function such that

  1. (a′′) is "unchanging" ( i.e. dgod˜(t) dt = god˜(t) ), and
  2. (b′′) in the Beginning, was the way that god is after s millenia (i.e. god˜(0)=god(s)).
By the chain rule, dgod(t+s) dt = god(t+s) and god(0+s) = god(s), and so god(t+s) = god˜(t). Also, d( god(t) god(s) ) god(t)god(s) , and god(0) god(s) = god(s), and so god(t) god(s) = god˜(t) = god(t+s).

What about adam(t) and eve(t)?

god(it) = 1 + it + (it)2 2! + (it)3 3! + (it)4 4! + (it)5 5! + = 1 + it + i2t2 2! + i3t3 3! + i4t4 4! + i5t5 5! + i6t6 6! + i7t7 7! + 1 + it + i2t2 2! + i3t3 3! + i4t4 4! + i5t5 5! + i6t6 6! + i7t7 7! + = 1 + it - t2 2! - it3 3! + t4 4! + it5 5! - t6 6! - it7 7! + 1 + it - t2 2! - it3 3! + t4 4! + it5 5! - t6 6! - it7 7! + = ( 1 - t2 2! + t4 4! - t6 6! + t8 8! - ) +i( t - t3 3! + t5 5! - t7 7! + ) and, since adam and eve are the children of god, i.e. because god(it) = adam(t) + ieve(t), we see that adam(t) = 1 - t2 2! + t4 4! - t6 6! + t8 8! -, and eve(t) = t - t3 3! + t5 5! - t7 7! + t9 9! -, from which it follows that adam(0) = 1, eve(0) = 0, adam(-t) = adam(t), eve(-t) = -eve(t), dadam(t) dt = -eve(t), deve(t) dt = adam(t). So, adam and eve are complete opposites and identical twins at the same time.

Complete opposites and identical twins at the same time, another manifestation

1 = god(0) = god(it-it) = god(it+i(-t)) = god(it) god(i(-t)) = ( adam(t) + ieve(t) ) ( adam(-t) + ieve(-t) ) = ( adam(t) + ieve(t) ) ( adam(t) - ieve(t) ) = ( adam(t) )2 + eve(t) )2, i.e. 1 = ( adam(t) )2 + ( eve(t) )2.

Through the ages: where are we now?

Let x=adam(t) and y=eve(t).

  1. (A) In the Beginning the point (x,y) was at ( adam(0), eve(0) ) = (1,0), and since 1 = ( adam(t) )2 + ( eve(t) )2, x2+y2 = 1, and
  2. (B) adam and eve travel through the ages on a circle of radius 1.

y x ( adam(0), eve(0) )

Where are they after d millenia? The distance traveled after d millenia = t=0t=d ds = t=0t=d ( dxdt )2 + ( dydt )2 dt = t=0t=d ( dadam(t)dt )2 + ( deve(t)dt )2 dt = t=0t=d ( -eve(t) )2 + ( adam(t) )2 dt = t=0t=d 1 dt = t=0t=d dt = | AA t | t=0 t=d = d-0=d, and so adam(t) = x-coordinate of the point on a circle of radius 1 which is distance d from the point (1,0), and eve(t) = y-coordinate of the point on a circle of radius 1 which is distance d from the point (1,0).

y x ( adam(0), eve(0) ) ( adam(d), eve(d) )

The triangle in this picture is adam(d) eve(d) 1 adjacent opposite hypotenuse and so adam(d) = opposite hypotenuse and eve(d) = adjacent hypotenuse for a right triangle with angle d.

Some remarks on society

  1. It is interesting to note that our school system like to introduce our children to adam(t) and eve(t) but prefer to hide from my child how close they really are to god(t).
  2. Mathematicians are a cloistered group and prefer to study god, adam, and eve in anonymity. In the mathematical literature
    1. god(t) is usually called et,
    2. adam(t) is usually termed cost, and
    3. eve(t) is usually called sint.

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