Euclidean Space n

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 25 November 2011

Euclidean Space n

The Euclidean space n is the set n ={ ( x1,,xn ) | x1,, xn } with addition operation n×n n given by ( x1,,xn ) + ( y1,,yn ) = ( x1+y1, ,xn+yn ) , and scalar multiplication ×n n given by c ( x1,,xn ) = ( cx1,, cxn ).

Define the absolute value on n |x| : n 0 x |x| by |x| = x12 ++ xn2 if x= ( x1,,xn ) .

Define the inner product on n , : n×n by x,y = x1y1 ++xnyn if x= ( x1,,xn ) and y= ( y1,,yn ) .

Define the distance on n d:n ×n 0 by d(x,y) = |y-x| .

Let ε >0. The ε-ball at x is ε(x) = {yn | d(y,x)<ε }.

Let E be a subset of n. The set E is open if

E is a union of ε-balls.

(a) The set n with the operations of addition, scalar multiplication and open sets as in (1.1) is a topological vector space.
(b) Identifying with 2, the set with the operations of addition, multiplication and open sets as in (1.1) is a topological field.

Notes and References

These notes are written to highlight the analogy between the structures on and the structures on n.


[BouTop] N. Bourbaki, General Topology, Chapter VI, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1989. MR?????

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