The Elliptic Weyl character formula: Flag and Schubert varieties
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 02 March 2012
Flag and Schubert varieties
The basic data is
and the character lattice and cocharacter lattice are, respectively,
where is the abelian group of algebraic group homomorphisms from with product given by pointwise multiplication,
The favourite example of this data is
A standard parabolic subgroup of is a subgroup such that is a projective variety. A parabolic subgroup of is a conjugate of a standard parabolic subgroup. The
These are studied via the Bruhat decomposition
An alternative route to the standard parabolic subgroups is to let
and let
The Schubert varieties are
The fixed points
Let be the minimal parabolic subgroups
(Coxeter) The group is generated by with relations
is the angle between and where
is the root subgroup of corresponding to (adjoint action of on ). Then
Let and let
be a reduced word for The Bott tower or Bott-Samelson variety corresponding to
In summary there are equivariant maps
Notes and References
These notes are taken from notes on the Elliptic Weyl character formula by Nora Ganter and Arun Ram.
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