A folding example

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 10 April 2012

A folding example

For the group G=SL3(((t))), xα1 (c) = 1 c 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 , hα1 (c) = c 0 0 0 c-1 0 0 0 1 , n1 = 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 , xα2 (c) = 1 0 0 0 1 c 0 0 1 , hα2 (c) = 1 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 c-1 , n2 = 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 , xα0 (c) = 1 0 0 0 1 c ct 0 1 , hα0 (c) = c-1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 c , n0 = 0 0 -t-1 0 1 0 t 0 0 .

Let w = s2s1 s0s2 s0s1 s0s2 s0 and v = s2s1 s0s2 s1s2 s0 so that w = t2 0 0 0 0 1 0 -t-2 0 and v = 0 -1 0 t2 0 0 0 0 t-2 . We shall use Theorem 7.1 to show that the points of IwIU-vI are x2(c1) n2-1 x1(c2) n1-1 x0(c3) n0-1 x2(c4) n2-1 x0(c5) n0-1 x1(c6) n1-1 x0(c7) n0-1 x2(c8) n2-1 x0(c9) n0-1 I, with c1,...,c9 such that c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, c4=0, c50, c6=0, c70, c9 = c7-1c8. (FEg 1) Precisely, x2(0) n2-1 x1(0) n1-1 x0(0) n0-1 x2(0) n2-1 x0(c5) n0-1 x1(0) n1-1 x0(c7) n0-1 x2(c8) n2-1 x0(c7-1c8) n0-1 is equal to u9v9b9, with u9U- ,  v9N,  b9I given by u9 = 1 0 0 c5-1-c5-2c7-1c8t 1 0 c5-1c7-1t-2 0 1 , v9 = 0 1 0 -t2 0 0 0 0 t-2 , b9 = c5-1-c5-2c7-1c8t -c5-2c7-1c82 c5-2c7-2c82 -t2 c5c7+c8t -c5-c7-1c8t -c5-1c7-1t2 -c5-1c7-1c8t c7-1+c5-1c7-2c8t , (FEg 2) so that u9 = x-α2(d1) x-φ(d2) x-α2-δ(d4) x-α1(d5) x-α2-2δ(d6) x-φ-3δ(d7) x-α1+δ(d8) x-α2-3δ(d9) with d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = 0, d5 = c5-1, d6 = 0, d7 = c5-1 c7-1, d8 = -c5-2 c7-1 c8, d9 = 0. Pictorially, the walk with labels c1,...,c9 becomes , the labeled folded path with labels d1,...,d9.

The step by step computation is as follows:

Step 1

If c1=0 then x2(c1) n2-1 = x-α2(0) n2-1 = u1v1b1, with u1 = x-α2(0), v1 = 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 , and b1 = 1.

Step 2

If c2=0 then, since v1x1(c2) v1-1 = xφ(c2), u1v1b1 x1(c2) n1-1 = u1xφ(c2)v1 n1-1 b1 = u1x-φ(0) v1 n1-1 b1 = u2v2b2, with u2 = u1x-φ(0), v2 = v1n1-1 = 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 and b2 = 1.

Step 3

If c3=0 then, since v2x0(c3) v2-1 = xα2+δ(-c3), u2v2b2 x0(c3) n0-1 = u2 xα2+δ(-c3) v2 n0-1 b2 = u2 x-α2-δ(0) v2 n0-1 b2 = u3v3b3, with u3 = u2x-α2-δ(0), v3 = v2n0-1 = 0 -1 0 t 0 0 0 0 t-1 , and b3 = 1.

Step 4

If c4=0 then, since v3x2(c4) v3-1 = xφ+δ(-c4), u3v3b3 x2(c4) n2-1 = u3xφ+δ(-c4) v3 n2-1 b3 = u3x-φ-δ(0) v3 n2-1 b3 = u4v4b4, with u4 = u3x-φ-δ(0), v4 = v3n2-1 = 0 0 1 t 0 0 0 t-1 0 and b4 = 1.

Step 5

If c50 then by the folding law and the fact that v4x-α0(c5-1) v4-1 = x-α1(c5-1), u4v4b4 x0(c5) n0-1 = u4v4 x-α0(c5-1) xα0(-c5) hα0(c5) b4 = u4 x-α1(c5-1) v4b5 = u5v5b5, where u5 = u4 x-α1(c5-1), v5 = v4, and b5 = xα0(-c5) hα0(c5) b4 = c5-1 0 0 0 1 0 -t 0 c5 .

Step 6

If c5-1 c6 = 0 (so c6=0) then u5v5b5 x1(c6) n1-1 = u5v5 x1(c5-1c6) n1-1 b5 = u5 x-α2-2δ(0) v5 n1-1 b5 = u6v6b6, with u6 = u5 x-α2-2δ(0), v6 = v5n1-1 = 0 0 1 0 -t 0 t-1 0 0 and b6 = b5 = 1 0 0 0 c5-1 0 -c6t t c5 so that b5x1(c6) n1-1 = x1(c5-1c6) n1-1 b5.

Step 7

If c5c70 then, since v6 x-α0(c) v6-1 = x-φ-2δ(c), u6v6b6 x0(c7) n0-1 = u6v6 x0(c5c7) n0-1 b6 = u6v6 x-α0(c5-1c7-1) xα0(-c5c7) hα0(c5c7) b6 = u6 x-φ-2δ(c5-1c7-1) v6b7 = u7v7b7, where u7 = u6 x-φ-2δ(c5-1c7-1), v7 = v6, and b6 = c5 -1 0 0 c5-1 0 0 0 1 and b7 = xα0(-c5c7) hα0(c5c7) b6 = c7-1 -c5-1c7-1 0 0 c5-1 0 -c5t t c5c7 , so that b6x0(c7) n0-1 = x0(c5c7) n0-1 b6.

Step 8

No restrictions on c5-2 c7-1 c8. Since v7 xα2(c) v7-1 = x-α1+δ(-c), u7v7b7 x2(c8) n2-1 = u7v7 x2(c5-2c7-1c8) n2-1 b7 = u7 x-α1+δ(-c5-2c7-1c8) v7 n2-1 b7 = u8v8b8, with u8 = u7 x-α1+δ(-c5-2c7-1c8), v8 = v7n2-1 = 0 1 0 0 0 t t-1 0 0 , and b8 = b7 = c7-1 -c5-1c7-1c8 c5-1c7-1 -c5t c5c7+c8t -t -c5-1c7-1c8t c5-2c7-1c82t c5-1-c5-2c7-1c8t , so that b7x2(c8) n2-1 = x2(c5-2c7-1c8) n2-1 b7.

Step 9

If c5-1 c7c9 - c5-1c8 = 0 (so c9=c7-1c8) then u8v8b8 x0(c9) n0-1 = u8v8 x0(c5-1c7c9 - c5-1c8) n0-1 b8 = u8 x-α2-3δ(0) v8 n0-1 b8 = u9v9b9 with u9,v9 and b9 as in (FEg 2).

Notes and References

These notes are taken from section 8 of the paper

[PRS] J. Parkinson, A. Ram, and C. Schwer, Combinatorics in affine flag varieties, J. Algebra, 321 (2009), 3469-3493.

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