Geometric Lifting

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 07 March 2012

Geometric Lifting (Following [Mo-Ge §3.2])

Let ni-1 = xi(-1) yi(1) xi(-1) and nw0-1 = ni1-1 niN-1 if w0 = si1siN. yi(a) =x-αi(a) and tα = hα(t) for a and t×. Let x i _ (t1,...,tm) = xi1(t1) xim(tm) x- i _ (t1,...,tm) = yi1(t1)t-αi1 yim(tm)t-αim and define R˜ i _ j _ = x j _ -1 x i _ and R˜- i _ - j _ = x- j _ -1 x- i _ .

For xU-B = U-TU, the big cell, write x=[x]- [x]0 [x]+. Let 0T:GG be the antiautomorphism given by xi(t)T = yi(t) ,  yi(t)T = xi(t)   and   hαi(t)T = hαi(t). Define ηw0,e(x) = [ ( nw0-1xT )-1 ]+

[BZ, Inv 2001] See [Mo-Ge Thm 3.2.2, and Thm 3.2.5(a)]. [ ( R˜ i _ j _ ) ]Tr = R i _ j _ , [ ( R˜ i _ - j _ ) ]Tr = R- i _ - j _ ,   and R- i _ j _ = [ ( x- i_ -1 ηw0,e x j_ ) ]Tr where ( ) means that the formulas are considered in the Langlands dual of G.

See examples 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 in [Mo-Ge].

Geometric lifts of Ri_j_

Examples 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 in [Mo-Ge]: x1(t) = 1 t 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 x2(t) = 1 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 1 x121(t) = x1(t1) x2(t2) x3(t3) = 1 t1+t3 t1t2 0 1 t2 0 0 1 x212(t) = x2(t1') x1(t2') x3(t3') = 1 t2' t2't3' 0 1 t1'+t3' 0 0 1 So R˜121212 = ( t2t3 t1+t3 , t1+t3, t1t2 t1+t3 ) t-α1 = t-1 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 1   and   t-α2 = 1 0 0 0 t-1 0 0 0 t x-121(t1,t2,t3) = y1(t1) t1-α1 y2(t2) t2-α2 y1(t3) t3-α1 = t1-1t3-1 0 0 t3-1+t1t2-1 t1t3t2-1 0 1 t3 t2 x-212(t1',t2',t3') = t2'-1 0 0 t1'-1 t2t1'-1t3'-1 0 1 t2't3'-1+t1'-1 t1't3' so that R˜-121-212 (t1,t2,t3) = ( t2t3 t2+t1t3 , t1t3, t1+t1t3 t3 ) nw0-1 = 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 , x-121 (t1,t2,t3) = t1-1t3-1 0 0 t3-1+t1-1t2-1 t1t2-1t3 0 1 t3 t2 Then ( nw0-1x-121 ( t1,t2,t3 )T )-1 = 1 (t2+t1t3)t3-1 t1t3 -t1-1 -t2t1-1t3-1 0 t2-1 0 0 = y1 ( -t2t1-1(t2+t1t3) ) y2 ( -(t2+t1t3)t2-1t3-1 ) y1 ( -t3( t2+t1t3 )-1 ) x1(t1) x2(t3) x1(t2t3-1). So R-121121 (t1,t2,t3) = (t1,t3,t2t3-1). Explicit formulas for rank 2 R˜i_j_ are found in [Mo-Ge, App.2] where they are taken from [Berenstein-Zelevinsky, Comm. Math. Helvetici, 72 (1997)].

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