Hopf Algebras

Hopf Algebras

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Last updates: 1 April 2010

Hopf algberas

Let 𝕂 be a commutative ring. A vector space over 𝕂 is a free 𝕂 -module. Unless otherwise specified all maps between vector spaces over 𝕂 are assumed to be 𝕂 -linear and, if V is a vector space over 𝕂 , then id:VV denotes the identity map from V to V.

An algebra over 𝕂 is a vector space over 𝕂 with a multiplication and an identity element 1A such that

  1. m is associative, ie a 1 a 2 a 3 = a 1 a 2 a 3 , for all a 1 , a 2 , a 3 A, and
  2. 1a=a1=a, for all a A.
Equivalently, an algebra over 𝕂 is a vector space A over 𝕂 with a multiplication m:AAA and a unit i:𝕂A such that
  1. m is associative, ie m mid =m idm , and
  2. (unit condition) m iid =m idi =id.
The relationship between the identity 1A and the unit i:𝕂A is i 1 =1.

Let A be an algbera over 𝕂. An A -module is a vector space A over 𝕂 with an A -action AM M am am such that a 1 a 2 m= a 1 a 2 m , and1m=m, for all a 1 , a 2 A and mM.

Let M and N be A -modules. An A -module morphism from M to N is a map φ:MN such that φ am =aφ m ,for allaAandmM. The set of A -module morphisms from M to N is denoted Hom A MN .

A Hopf algebra is a vector space A over 𝕂 with a multiplication, m:AAA, a comultiplication, Δ:AAA, a unit, i:𝕂A, a counit, ε:A𝕂, an antipode, S:AA, such that

  1. m is associative, m idm =m mid ,
  2. Δ is coassociative, idΔ Δ= Δid Δ,
  3. (unit condition), m idi =m iid =id,
  4. (counit condition), idε Δ= εid Δ=id,
  5. Δ is an algebra homomorphism, Δm= mm idτid ΔΔ ,
  6. ε is an algebra homomorphism, εm=εε,
  7. (antipode condition), μ idS Δ=μ Sid Δ=1ε.
In condition (5) the algebra structure on AA is given by ab cd =acbd,fora,b,c,dA,and τ: A AA a 1 a 2 a 2 a 1 . In condition (6) we have identified the vector space 𝕂𝕂 with 𝕂. Since ??? the antipode S:AA is an antihomomorphism S a 1 a 2 =S a 2 S a 1 ,for all a 1 , a 2 A.

Let A be a Hopf algebra over 𝕂. If aA write Δ a = a a 1 a 2 to express Δ a as an element of AA. This notation is called Sweedler notation and is a standard notation for working with Hopf algebras. It shouldn't be bothersome, it is simply way to actually write Δ a so that it looks like an element of AA without having to go through all the rigmarole of actually choosing a basis for A.

For A -modules M,N and P, define the tensor product to be the A -module MN with A -action given by a mn = Δ a mn = a a 1 m a 2 n,ifΔ a = a a 1 a 2 , the trivial module ι=𝕂.1 with 𝕂 -action given by a.1=ε a , and the dual module M*= Hom 𝕂 M𝕂 with A -action given by aφ m=φ S a m ,forφM*,mM.

The definition of a Hopf algebra is exactly designed so that MN, 𝕂 ε and M* are well defined A-modules and the maps MN P M NP mn p m np , Mι M mι m and ιM M ιm m and M*M ι mφ φ m and ι MM* 1 i e i e i are A -module homomoorphisms. The sum in (???) is over a 𝕂 -basis e i of M and we only consider this map when this sum exists. CHECK on and REMARK on the order of M and M* in the tensor products.

Let A be a Hopf algebra. The vector space A is an A -module where the action of A on A is given by AA A ab a a 1 bS a 2 , whereΔ a = a a 1 a 2 .

The linear transformation of A determined by the action of an element aA is denoted by ad a . Thus ad a b = a a 1 bS a 2 ,for allbA.

Let M be an A-module and let ρ:AEnd M be the corresponding representation of A , ie the map ρ: A End M a ρ a where ρ a is the linear transformation of M determined by the action of a. Note that End M MM* as a vector space. On the other hand, MM* is an A -module. The definition of the adjoint action is exactly designed so that the composite map ρ:AEnd M MM*is an  A-module homomorphism.

Let A be a Hopf algebra with antipode S and let M be an A -module. A bilinear form , : MM 𝒦 mn mn is invariant if a m 1 m 2 = m 1 S a m 2 , for all aA, m 1 , m 2 M. This is equivalent to the conditiomn that the map , is a homomorphism of A -modules when we identify 𝕂 with the trivial A -module ι.

A bilinear form , :AA 𝕂is ad-invariant if ad a b 1 b 2 = b 1 ad S a b 2 , for all b 1 , b 2 A. In other words, the bilinear form is invariant if we view A as an A -module via the adjoint action.

References [PLACEHOLDER]

[BG] A. Braverman and D. Gaitsgory, Crystals via the affine Grassmanian, Duke Math. J. 107 no. 3, (2001), 561-575; arXiv:math/9909077v2, MR1828302 (2002e:20083)

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