
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 29 May 2011


Let R be a ring with identity 1R.

R-modules are the analogues of group actions except for rings.

Note that conditions (a), (b), (c) and (d) in the definition of a left R-module imply that every left R-module is an abelian group under addition.

HW: Show, using Ex. 2.2.5, Part I, that the element 0M is unique.
HW: Show, using Ex. 2.2.5, Part I, that if mM then the element -mM is unique.
HW: Show that if M is a left R-module and mM then 0m=0.

Important examples of modules are:

(a)   If R is a ring then R is a left R-module.
(b)   All abelian groups are -modules.
(c)   If R is a field then the R-modules are vector spaces.

R-module homomorphisms are for comparing R-modules.

Let R be a ring and let M and N be R-modules.

  • An R-module homomorphism from M to N is a function f:MN such that
    (a)   If m1,m2 M then f(m1 +m2) = f(m1) + f(m2) ,
    (b)   If rR and mM then f(rm) =rf(m).
  • A R-module isomorphism is a bijective R-module homomorphism.
  • Two left R-modules M and N are isomorphic, MN, if there exists a vector space isomorphism f:MN between them.

Note that condition (a) in the definition of an R-module homomorphism implies that f is a group homomorphism.
HW: Show that if M and N are left R-modules and if f:MN is an R-module homomorphism then f(0M) =0N, where 0M and 0N are the zeros in M and N, respectively.
HW: Let f:MN be an R-module homomorphism. Show that if mM then f(-m) =-f(m).

  • A submodule of an R-module M is a subset MM such that
    (a)   If n1,n2 N then n1+n2 N,
    (b)   0N,
    (c)   If nN then -nN,
    (d)   If nN and rR then rnN.
  • The zero R-module, (0), is the set containing only 0 with operations 0+0 =0 and r0=0, for rR.

  • Let M be a left R-module and let S be a subset of M. The submodule generated by S is the submodule (S) of M such that
    (a)   S(S),
    (b)   If T is a submodule of M and S T then (S)T.

The submodule (S) is the smallest submodule of M containing S. Think of (S) as gotten by adding to S exactly those elements of V that are needed to make a submodule.


  • A subgroup of a left R-module M is a subset NM such that
    (a)   If n1,n2 N then n1+n2 N,
    (b)   0N,
    (c)   If nN then -nN,

Let M be a left R-module and let N be a subgroup of M. We will use the subgroup N to divide up the module M.

  • A coset of N in M is a set m+N= {m+n | nN}, where mM.
  • M/N (pronounced "M mod N") is the set of cosets of N in M.

Let M be a left R-module and let N be a subgroup of M. Then the cosets of N in M partition M.

Notice that the proofs of Proposition (mdptn) and Proposition (gpptn) are essentially the same.
HW: Write a very short proof of Proposition (mdptn) by using (gpptn).

Quotient modules Submodules

Let M be a left R-module and let N be a subgroup of M. We can try to make the set M/N of cosets of N in M into an R-module by defining an addition operation and an action of R. This doesn't work with just any subgroup of N, the subgroup must be a submodule.

Let N be a subgroup of a left R-module M. Then N is a submodule of M if and only if M/N with operations given by (m1+N) + (m2+N) = (m1+m2) +N and r (m+N) = r m+N is a left R-module.

Notice that the proofs of Proposition 2.2.5 and Proposition 1.1.8 are essentially the same.
HW: Write a shorter proof of Proposition 2.2.5 by using Proposition 1.1.8.

  • The quotient module M/N is the left R-module of cosets of a submodule N of an R-module vector M with operations given by (m1+N) + (m2+N) = (m1+m2) +N and r (m+N) = r m+N .

We have made M/N into a left R-module when N is a submodule of V.

HW: Show that if N=M then M/N (0).

Kernel and image of a homomorphism

  • The kernel of an R-module homomorphism f:MN is the set kerf={mM | f(m)=0N}, where 0N is the zero element of N.
  • The image of an R-module homomorphism f:MN is the set imf={f(m) | mM }.

Let f:MN be a linear transformation. Then

(a)   kerf is a submodule M.
(b)   imf is a submodule of N.

Let f:MN be a linear transformation. Let 0M be the zero element of M. Then

(a)   kerf={0M} if and only if f is injective.
(b)   imf=N if and only if f is surjective.

Notice that the proof of Proposition (mdinjsur)(b) does not use the fact that f:MN is a homomorphism, only the fact that f:MN is a function.

(a)   Let f:MN be an R-module homomorphism and let K=kerf. Define f^: M/kerf N m+K f(m) Then f^ is a well defined injective R-module homomorphism.
(b)   Let f:MN be an R-module homomorphism and define f: M imf m f(m) Then f is a well defined surjective R-module homomorphism.
(c)   If f:MN is an R-module homomorphism then M/kerfimf, where the isomorphism is an R-module isomorphism.

Direct sums

Suppose M and N are R-modules. The idea is to make M×N into an R-module.

  • The direct sum VW of two left R-modules M and N is the set M×N with operations given by (m1,n1) + (m2,n2) = (m1+m2, n1+n2) and r(m,n)= (rm,rn) , for m,m1, m2M, n,n1, n2N and rR. The operations in MN are componentwise.
  • More generally, given left R-modules M1, M2,, Ms , the direct sum M1 M2 Ms is the set M1× M2×× Ms with the operations given by (m1,, mi,, ms) + (m1,, ni,, ns) = (m1+n1 ,, mi+ni,, ms+ns) and r(m1,, mi,, ms) = (rm1,, rmi,, rms) , where mi,ni Mi, rR, and mi+ni and rmi are given by the operations in Mi.

HW: Show that these are good definitions, i.e. that, as defined above, MN and M1 M2 Mn are left R-modules with zeros given by (0M,0N and (0M1, , 0Ms, respectively. (0Mi denotes the zero element in the left R-module Mi.)

Notes and References

These notes are written to highlight the analogy between groups and group actions, rings and modules, and fields and vector spaces.


[Ram] A. Ram, Notes in abstract algebra, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1993-1994.

[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Algèbre, Chapitre 9: Formes sesquilinéaires et formes quadratiques, Actualités Sci. Ind. no. 1272 Hermann, Paris, 1959, 211 pp. MR0107661.

[Ru] W. Rudin, Real and complex analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. MR0924157.

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