Quasitriangular Hopf algebras

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 17 November 2011

Quasitriangular Hopf algebras

Let A=Am ΔεiS be a Hopf algebra and let τ be the 𝔽-linear map τ: AA AA ab ba . Let Δop =τΔ so that, if aA and Δ(a) =a a(1) a(2) then Δop(a) = a a(2) a(1). Then Am Δop iε S-1 is also a Hopf algebra. This follows by applying S-1 to the defining relation for the antipode a a(1) S(a(2)) = a S(a(1)) a(2) = ε(a) , and using the fact that S (and therefore S-1) is an antihomomorphism.

With the algebra structure on AA given by (ab) (cd) = acbd, the map τ: AAAA is an algebra automorphism of AA and the following diagram commutes

A Δ AA id τ A Δop AA                Sometimes we are lucky and can replace τ by an inner automorphism.

Let U be a Hopf algebra with an invertible element

UU such that Δ(a) -1 = Δop(a), for aU. (acc)
The pair U is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra if Δ(a) -1 = Δop(a), for aU, and
(Δid)() = 13 23 and (idΔ) () = 13 12, (cab)
where, if = bibi then 12= bi bi1, 13 = bi1 bi, and 23 = 1 bi bi. The identities in (acc) and (cab) relate the -matrix to coproduct and the relations between the matrix and the counit and antipode are given by
(εid) () =1= (idε) (), (Sid) () =-1 = (idS-1) () and (SS) ()=. (eSR)
If (U,) is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra then satisfies the quantum Yang-Baxter equation,
12 13 23 = 12 (Δid)() = (Δopid) () 12 = 23 13 12. (QYBE)

For any two U-modules M and N, the map RˇMN : MN NM mn bin bim INSERT INKSCAPE is a U-module isomorphism since RˇMN (a((mn)) = RˇMN ( Δ(a)(mn) )= τΔ(a) (mn) = τΔop(a)τ τ-1 (mn) =Δ(a) RˇMN (mn). In order to be consistent with the graphical calculus the operators RˇMN should be written on the right.

For U-modules M and N and a U-module isomorphism τM :MM, INSERT INKSCAPE and the relations in (cab) imply that if M,N and P are U-modules then INSERT INKSCAPE as operators on MNP. The preceding relations together imply the braid relation INKSCAPE HERE ( RˇMN idP) (idN RˇMP ) ( RˇNP idM ) = ( idM RˇNP ) ( RˇMP idN ) ( idP RˇMN ) .

Ribbon Hopf algebras and the quantum Casimir

By [Dr, Prop. 2.1], the element u in U defined by

u= S(R2) R1 satisfies uxu-1 =S2(x), forxU . (udf)

Proof. (This proof is taken from [Dr, proof of Prop. 2.1].) The identity

(1) ( a a(1) a(2) a(3) ) = ( a a(2) a(1) a(3) ) (1)
,a R1 a(1) R2 a(2) a(3) = ,a a(2) R1 a(1) R2 a(3)
,a S2( a(3) ) S( R2 a(2) ) R1 a(1) = ,a S2( a(3) ) S( a(1) R2 ) a(2) R1
,a S( a(2) S( a(3) ) ) S( R2 ) R1 a(1) = ,a S2( a(3) ) S( R2 ) S( a(1) ) a(2) R1 (*)
a S( a(1) ) a(2) a(3) =1a and a a(1) a(2) S( a(3) ) =a1
the identity in (*) becomes ua= S2(a)u. If
v= -1 S-1 ( (R-1) 2 ) (R-1) 1
uv = u -1 S-1 ( (R-1) 2 ) (R-1) 1 = -1 S ( (R-1) 2 ) u (R-1) 1 = -1 , S ( R2 (R-1) 2 ) R1 (R-1) 1 =1,
-1 , R2 (R-1) 2 R1 (R-1) 1 = -1 =1.
So S2(v) u= uv=1 and u has both a left inverse and a right inverse. Thus u is invertible and u-1=v.

[Dr, Prop. 3.2] proves the following important result essentially due to Lyubashenko:

Δ(u) = (21 )-1 (uu) = (uu) (21 )-1 . (Δu)

Proof. (This proof is taken from [Dr, proof of Prop. 3.2].) Let AA be the right AAAA -module defined by (x1x2) * (y1y2 y3y4) = S(y3)x1 y1 S(y4)x2 y2 . Then, since u= S(R2) R1 and Δ(a) 21 = 21 Δ(a) , Δ(u)21 = (SS) (Δop (R2)) Δ(R1) 21 = (SS) (Δop (R2)) 21 Δ(R1) = 21* 12 (ΔΔop) () . Since 12 (ΔΔop) () = 12 13 23 14 24 = 23 13 12 14 24 , Δ(u)21 = 21* 12 (ΔΔop) () = 21* 23 13 12 14 24 = (11)* 13 12 14 24 = (u1)* 12 14 24 = (u1)* 24 = (uu), where we have used 21* 23 = i,j S(bj)bi aiaj = (Sid) ( (i S-1 (bi) ai ) (j bjaj ) ) =(Sid) ( (S-1id) (21) 21 ) =(Sid) ( (21)-1 21 ) =(Sid) (11) =11 , (u1)* 12 14 =i,j uaiaj S(bj) bi =(u1) (11) =u1, (11)* 13 =u1, and (u1)* 24 =uu.

Ribbon Hopf algebras and the quantum trace

A ribbon Hopf algebra (U,,v) is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra (U,) with an invertible element v such that

vZ(U), v2=uS(u), S(v)=v, ε(v)=1, Δ(v) = (21 )-1 (vv), (rbH)
where 21 = R2R1 if = R1R2, and u is as in (udf). Note that v-1 u is grouplike, Δ( v-1u ) = v-1u v-1u . If M is a U-module and
CM: M M m vm so that C MN = ( Rˇ MN Rˇ NM ) -1 (CM CN ). (casR)
by the last identity in (rbH).

Examples. Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex semisimple Lie algebra. Both

U=U𝔤 with =11 and v=1, and U=Uh𝔤 with v=e-hρu,
are ribbon Hopf algebras (see [LR, §2]).

Let V be a finite dimensional U-module and let V* be the dual module. Let EV be the composition

EV: VV* v-1 1 VV* Rˇ VV* V*V ev 1 coev VV* , (cex)
so that EV is a U-module homomorphism with image a submodule of VV* isomorphic to the trivial representation of U.

Let M be a U-module and let ψEnd(M V). Then, as operators on MV V*,

(1EV) (ψid) (1EV) = (idqtrV) (ψ) EV , (qtr)
where the quantum trace (idqtrV) (ψ) : MM is the composition
M1 idcoev MVV* ψid MVV* idv-1 id MVV* idRˇ VV* MV*V idev M1 .
The special case when M=1 and ψ=idV is the quantum dimension of V,
dimq(V) = qtrV(idV) . (qdm)

Let V be a finite dimensional U-module, V* the dual module and let CV:VV be as defined in (casR). Let xV and φV*. Let e1,, en be a basis of V and e1,, en the dual basis in V*. Let M be a U-module and ψ EndU (MV). Then

EV(xφ) = φ, uv-1x ( i=1n eiei ) , (idqtrV) (ψ) = (idtrV) ((1 uv-1) ψ) , (twr)
EV2 = dimq(V) EV ,and (idqtrV) (Rˇ VV) = CV-1 . (fan)

Proof. Computing the action of EV on xφ,

EV(xφ) = (coevev Rˇ VV* (v-1 id) ) (xφ) = (coevev) ( R2φ R1v-1 x ) = R2φ , R1v-1 x i=1n eiei = φ, S(R2) R1 v-1x i=1n eiei = φ, uv-1x ( i=1n eiei ),
which establishes the first identity in (twr). If ψji End(M) are such that
ψ(mei) = j=1n ψji(m) ej, then
(idqtrV) (ψ)(m) = (idev) (id Rˇ VV* ) (1v-1 1) (ψid) (idcoev) (m1) = (idev) (id Rˇ VV* ) (1v-1 1) ( i,k ψki (m) ekei ) = (idev) ( ,i,k ψki (m) R2ei R1 v-1 ek ) = ,i,k ψki (m) R2ei , R1 v-1 ek = ,i,k ψki (m) ei, S(R2) R1v-1 ek = ,i,k ψki (m) ei, uv-1 ek = i idei , (1 uv-1) ψ(mei ) = (idtrV) ((1 uv-1) ψ)(m)
is the second identity in (twr). The identity EV2 = dimq(V) EV is the special case of (qtr) when M=1 and φ=idV. Finally, if xV then
(idqtrV) (Rˇ VV) (x) = i idVei, (1v-1 u) Rˇ VV (xei) = ,i idVei, R2ei v-1 uR1x = ,i R2ei ei, v-1 uR1x = R2 v-1 uR1x = R2 S2(R1) v-1 ux = u-1 v-1 ux =v-1x = CV-1 (x)

The identity (qtr) is the reason that the Jones basic construction often arises in the study of modules for quasitriangular Hopf algebras.

Notes and References

These notes follow Drinfeld [Dr]. Other references are [CP].

What do the identities (eSR) mean in terms of representations?

Following [Dr, Prop. 3.1], the identities in (eSR) are proved as follows: Since =(εidid) (Δid) () =(εidid) 13 23 = (εid)() , and = (ididε) (idΔ)() = (ididε) 13 12 = (idε)() , and so (εid)() =1 and (idε)() =1. Then, since (Sid)() = (mid) (idSid) (13 23) = (mid) (idSid) (Δid) () = (εid)() =1, it follows that (Sid)() =-1. Since (Aop,21) is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra with antipode S-1 it follows that (S-1id) (21) =(21) -1. So (idS-1) () =-1. Finally, (SS)() =(idS) (Sid)() =(idS)( -1) =(idS) (idS-1) () =, which completes the proofs of the identities in (eSR).

[Dr, §2 remark (1)] explains that Lyubashenko says that if γ: UEnd(M) is a representation of U then γ(u) is the map

M M1 1coev MM* M** τ MM* M** ev1 M**


[D] V.G. Drinfeld, Quantum Groups, Vol. 1 of Proccedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Berkeley, Calif., 1986). Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1987, pp. 198–820. MR0934283

[Dr] V.G. Drinfelʹd, Almost cocommutative Hopf algebras, (Russian) Algebra i Analiz 1 (1989), 30–46; translation in Leningrad Math. J. 1 (1990), 321–342. MR1025154

[LR] R. Leduc and A. Ram, A ribbon Hopf algebra approach to the irreducible representations of centralizer algebras: The Brauer, Birman-Wenzl and type A Iwahori-Hecke algebras, Adv. Math. 125 (1997), 1-94. MR1427801.

[Re] N. Yu. Reshetikhin, Quantized universal enveloping algebras, the Yang-Baxter equation and invariants of links I, LOMI preprint no. E–4–87, (1987).

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