Regular Representation

Regular Representation

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia


Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Last updates: 22 January 2010

Regular representation

If A is an algebra then A op is the algebra A except with the opposite multiplication, i.e. A op = a op | a A with a 1 op a 2 op = a 1 a 2 op , for all a 1 a 2 A .

The left regular representation of A is the vector space A with A action given by left multiplication. Here A is serving as both an algebra and an A -module. It is often useful to distinguish the two roles of A and use the notation A for the A -module, i.e. A is the vector space A = b | b A with A -action a b = a b , for all a A , b A .

Let A be an algebra and let A be the regular representation of A . Then End A A A op . More precisely End A A = φ b | b A , where φ b is given by φ b a = a b , for all a A .

Let φ End A A and let b A be such that φ 1 = b . For all a A , φ a = φ a · 1 = a φ 1 = a b , and so φ = φ b . Then End A A A op since φ b 1 φ b 2 a = φ b 1 φ b 2 a = φ b 1 a b 2 = φ b 1 a b 2 = a b 2 b 1 = a b 2 b 1 = φ b 2 b 1 a for all b 1 b 2 A and a A .

Suppose that A is a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field 𝔽 such that the regular representation A of A is completely decomposable. Then A is isomorphic to a direct sum of matrix algebras, i.e. A λ A ˆ M d λ 𝔽 , for some index set A ˆ and some positive integers d λ , indexed by the elements of A ˆ .

If A is completely decomposable, then by the centraliser theorem in the Schur's Lemma page, End A A is isomorphic to a direct sum of matrix algebras. By proposition 1.1, A op λ A ˆ M d λ 𝔽 , for some set A ˆ and some positive integers d λ , indexed by the elements of A ˆ . The map λ A ˆ M d λ 𝔽 op λ A ˆ M d λ 𝔽 a a t , where a t is the transpose of the matrix a , is an algebra isomorphism. So A is isomorphic to a direct sum of matrix algebras.

If A is an algebra then the trace tr of the regular representation is the trace on A given by tr a = Tr A ˆ a , for a A , where A ˆ a is the linear transformation of A induced by the action of a on A by left multiplication.

Let A = λ A ˆ M d λ 𝔽 . The trace of the regular representation is nondegenerate if and only if the integers d λ are all nonzero in 𝔽 . In characteristic p they could be zero.

As A -modules, the regular representation A λ A ˆ A λ d λ , where A λ is the irreducible A -module consisting of column vectors of length d λ . For a A let A λ a be the linear transformation of A λ induced by the action of a . Then the trace tr of the regular representation is given by tr = λ A ˆ d λ χ λ , where χ A λ : A 𝔽 a Tr A λ a , where χ A λ are the irreducible characters of A . Since the d λ are all nonzero the trace tr is nondegenerate.


[HA] T. Halverson and A. Ram, Partition algebras, European Journal of Combinatorics 26, (2005), 869-921; arXiv:math/040131v2.

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