
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 13 November 2011


Let Y be a set. A sequence (y1, y2,y3, ) in Y is a function >0 Y n yn.

Let Y be a set with a partial order and let (y1, y2,y3, ) be a sequence in Y.

Let Y be a metric space and let (y1, y2,y3, ) be a sequence in Y.

Let (y1, y2,y3, ) be a sequence in (or, more generally, any totally ordered set with the order topology).

Example. If yn= (-1)n (1-1n) then lim supyn =1 and lim infyn =-1 .

Let (y1, y2,y3, ) be a sequence in . Then lim supyn =sup{cluster points of {y1, y2,y3, }} and lim infyn =inf{cluster points of {y1, y2,y3, }} .

The interest sequence

Example. If you borrow $500 on your credit card at 14% interest, find the amounts due at the end of two years if the interest is compounded

  1. annually,
  2. quarterly,
  3. monthly,
  4. daily,
  5. hourly,
  6. every second,
  7. every nanosecond,
  8. continuously.


  1. You owe 500+ 500(.14) = 500 (1+.14) after one year and 500 (1+.14) (1+.14) after two years.
  2. You owe 500+ 500(.1412) =500 (1+.1412) after one month. You owe 500 (1+.1412) (1+.1412) after two months. You owe 500 (1+.1412) 24 after two years.
  3. You owe 500+ 500(.14 365243600 ) after 1 second, and 500 (1+ .14 365243600 ) 2365243600 after two years.
  4. You owe limn 500 (1+.14n) 2n after two years. In fact, limn 500 (1+.14n) 2n = 500 limn ( e log(1+.14n) ) 2n = 500 limn e 2n, log(1+.14n) = 500 limn e 2.14, log(1+.14n) .14n = 500 limn e .28, log(1+.14n) .14n Recall limx0 log(1+x) x =1. So you owe 500e.28 after two years if the interest is compounded continuously.

Note:   500(1+.14)2 =649.80 , 500(1+.14)24 660.49 ,and 500e.28 661.56 .


[Ru1] W. Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1976., MR????? (???)

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