Bilinear, sesquilinear and quadratic forms

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 11 June 2011

Bilinear, sesquilinear and quadratic forms

Bilinear forms. Let A and B be rings, V a left A-module, W a right B-module, and F an (A,B)-bimodule.
A bilinear form is a function , :V×WF such that

(a)   If v1, v2V and wW then v1+v2 ,w = v1,w + v2,w ,
(b)   If vV and w1, w2W then v , w1+w2 = v,w1 + v,w2 ,
(c)   If aA, vV and wW then av,w = a v,w ,
(d)   If bB, vV and wW then v,wb = v,w b .

Sesquilinear forms. Let A and B be rings and let P :BB be an antiautomorphism so that

if   b1,b2 B      then    b1b2 = b2 b1 .
Let V be a left A-module, W a left B-module, and F an (A,B)-bimodule.
A sesquilinear form is a function , :V×WF such that
(a)   If v1, v2V and wW then v1+v2 ,w = v1,w + v2,w ,
(b)   If vV and w1, w2W then v , w1+w2 = v,w1 + v,w2 ,
(c)   If aA, vV and wW then av,w = a v,w ,
(d)   If bB, vV and wW then v,bw = v,w b .

Quadratic forms. Let A be a commutative ring and let V be an A-module.
A quadratic form is a function x 2 :VA such that

(a)   If aA and vV then av 2 = a2 v 2 ,
(b)   The map , :V×VA given by
v1, v2 = v1+v2 2 - v1 2 -v2 2
is a bilinear form.

Sesquilinear to bilinear. If B is commutative then a bilinear form is a sesquilinear form with P=id.
Let , :V×WF be a sesquilinear form. Define a right B-module by setting

Wσ   to be   W      with     wb=σ-1(b)w, for bB,wW.
, :V×WσF given by v,w = v,w
is a bilinear form since v,wb =v, σ-1(b) w = v, wσσ-1 b = v, wb . This construction converts a sesquilinear form to a bilinear form.

Matrix of a form. Let , :V×WF be a sesquilinear form. Assume that ( e1, e2, , en) is a basis of V and ( f1, f2, , fn) is a basis of W. The matrix of , with respect to the bases ( e1, e2, , en) and ( f1, f2, , fn) is

( ei, fj ),     an element of    Mn×m (F).

Orthogonals. Let , :V×WF be a sesquilinear form. Let N be a submodule of W. The orthogonal to N is

N = {vV | ifnN then v,n =0} .

Rank and nondegeneracy. Let , :V×WF be a bilinear form. Define

s: V HomB(W,F) v v,: W F w v,w and d: W HomA(V,F) w ,w: V F v v,w
s(av) = as(v) and d(wb) =d(w)b .
The form , :V×WF is nondegenerate if both s and d are injective.

If A=B=F is a field then the rank of , :V×WF is

rks=dim(ims) = dim(V/W) = dim(W/V) = dim(imd) = rkd .

Adjoints. Let A=B=F be a ring. Let ,1 :V1× W1F and ,2 :V2× W2F be nondegenerate sesquilinear forms. The left adjoint of S:V1 V2 is S*:W2 W1 given by

S(v1) , w2 2 = v1, S*(w2) 1 .
The right adjoint of T:W1 W2 is T*:V2 V1 given by
v2, T(w1) 2 = T* (v2) , w1 1 .


Let A=B=F be a commutative ring. Let ,1 :V1× W1F ,, ,m :Vm× Wm F be sesquilinear forms. The product form is the sesquilinear form

, : (V1 Vm) × (W1 Wm) F     given by     v1 vm , w1 wm = v1,w1 1 vm,wm m .

Let A=B=F be a commutative ring. Let , :V×WF be a sesquilinear form. The mth exterior product form is the sesquilinear form

, : ΛmV × ΛmW F     given by     v1 vm , w1 wm = det( vi,wj ) .

Let A=B=F be a commutative ring. Let V be a free 𝔽-module of dimension n and let , :V×VF be a sesquilinear form. The discriminant of , is

P 2 : ΛnV F     given by     v1 vn 2 = v1 vn , v1 vn = det( vi,wj ) .

Let , :V×VF be a sesquilinear form. Let {e1, ,en} be a basis of V. The following are equivalent:

(a)   s:VV* is bijective.
(b)   d:VV* is bijective.
(c)   e1 en 2 is invertible in F.

Hermitian, symmetric and skew-symmetric forms

Let A=B=F be a ring and let P :FF be an involutive antiautomorphism so that

if   b,b1,b2 B      then    b1b2 = b2 b1 , and ( b ) =b .
Let εZ(F). An ε-Hermitian form is a sesquilinear form , :V×VF such that
if    v1,v2 V    then    v2 , v1 =ε v1 , v2 .
A Hermitian form is a sesquilinear form , :V×VF such that ε=1 so that
if v1,v2 V then v2 , v1 = v1 , v2 .
A symmetric form is a sesquilinear form , :V×VF such that P=id and ε=1 so that
if v1,v2 V then v2 , v1 = v1 , v2 .
A skew-symmetric form is a sesquilinear form , :V×VF such that P=id and ε=-1 so that
if v1,v2 V then v2 , v1 = - v1 , v2 .

PUT Gram-Schmidt and principal minors here, following [Bou, Ch. 9 §6 Prop. 1].

Positive Hermitian forms

Let 𝔽 be a maximal ordered field and let
(a)   A=𝔽 and P=id,
(b)   A=𝔽[i] with i2=-1 and P the conjugation antiautomorphism,
(c)   A=𝔽[i, j,k] a quaternion algebra over 𝔽 and P the conjugation antiautomorphism,
A positive Hermitian form is a Hermitian form , :V×VA such that
if vV then v,v F0 .
(Note that v,v F since v,v = v,v .)

Assume A=𝔽 or A=𝔽[i], E is finite dimensional and , :V×VA is a positive nondegenerate Hermitian form. Let k >0. Then

, : Vk × Vk A and , : ΛkV × ΛkW A
are positive nondegenerate.
(b)   If x,yV then
x,y x,y x,x y,y .
(c)   If A is commutative then the principal minors of the matrix of , are positive.

Notes and References

These notes follow Bourbaki [Bou]. In particular the definitions of adjoints follows [Bou, Ch. 9 §1 no. 8], the definitions of product forms follows [Bou, Ch. 9. §1 no. 9], the definition of discriminants follows [Bou, Ch. 9 §2], the definitions of Hermitian forms follows [Bou, Ch. 9 §3] the definitions of positive Hemitian forms follows [Bou, Ch. 9 §7 no. 1]. WARNING: These statements have not been checked carefully, and a careful check, probably a lecture presentation needs to be done to check everything thoroughly. The proof of the Cauchy-Schwartz identity appears in [Bourbaki, Topological Vector Spaces Ch. V §2 Prop. 2] with the same proof as in [Ru]. The proof here comes from [Bou], where it is pointed out that the restriction of a positive form, to the two dimensional space spanned by x and y is positive. A third proof is via Lagrange's identity, found in [Bou, ???], and in the complex case, in [Ah, §1.4 Ex. 5]. In the real case Lagrange's identity and the Schwarz inequality are

0 12 i,j=1 n (xiyj - xjyi ) 2 = x2 y2 - x,y 2
and, in the complex case,
| i=1 n aibi | 2 = i=1 n |ai|2 i=1 n |bi|2 - 1i<jn | ai bj - aj bi |2 .
SHOULDN'T THERE BE A bar ON THE bi on the LHS? CHECK THIS. NO, there isn't a bar in Ahlfors, or in any of the identities in [Ah, § 1.5].


[Ah] Lars V. Ahlfors, Complex analysis. An introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one complex variable, Third edition, International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1978. xi+331 pp. ISBN: 0-07-000657-1, 30-01 MR0510197.

[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Algèbre, Chapitre 9: Formes sesquilinéaires et formes quadratiques, Actualités Sci. Ind. no. 1272 Hermann, Paris, 1959, 211 pp. MR0107661.

[Ru] W. Rudin, Real and complex analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. MR0924157.

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