The Quantum Double of 𝔘h𝔟+

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 19 June 2011

The Quantum Double of 𝔘h𝔟+

1.1 Recall that 𝔘h𝔟+ is the algebra over k[[h]] with generators X and Y and product and coproduct satisfying [ H , X ]= HX-XH=2X Δ(X)= H1+1H,and Δ(X)=X e h 4 H + e h 4 HX Let (𝔘h𝔟+) be the dual of 𝔘h𝔟+ with basis (HrXa) which is dual to the basis HrXa of 𝔘h𝔟+ We shall use the notation (Hr) , HsXb = δrsδab. For notational convenience we shall set Y=X. We shall determine the algebra structure on (𝔘h𝔟+) which is dual to the coalgebra structure on 𝔘h𝔟+ . This is given by defining ab , c = ab , Δ(c) , where a,b (𝔘h𝔟+) and c𝔘h𝔟+. The coalgebra structure on (𝔘h𝔟+) is dual to the algebra structure except with the opposite multiplication. More specifically, Δ(a) , bc = a , cb for all a,b (𝔘h𝔟+) and c𝔘h𝔟+.

1.2 The identity (H)r , Hs = HH , Δ(r) (Hs) = HH , ( i=1 r 11H1 1 )s = δrs HH , r! ( HHH ) = δrsr!, shows that r! (Hr)= (H)r.

Recall that there is a grading on 𝔘h𝔟+ given by setting deg(X)=1 and deg(H)=0. Since the comultiplication Δ on 𝔘h𝔟+ preserves this grading there will be a similar grading on (𝔘h𝔟+). Thus, one will have that HY , HrXa =0 if a0, sinc eht left hand side is degree 1 and the right hand side is degree a. Consider the equation HY , HrX = HY , Δ(Hr)Δ(X) = HY , ( i+j=r ( r i HiHj ( X e h 4 H + e - h 4 H X ) ) . The right hand side is 0 unless r=0 or 1. In the case r=0 we have HY , HrX = HY , Xe H 4 + e - H 4 X = Hy , - h 4 HX = - h 4 . In the case r=1 we have HY , HrX = HY , ( H1+1H ) ( Xe H 4 + e - H 4 X ) = HY , HX =1. It follows that HY= HX- h 4 Y . A similar calculation shows that YH= (HX)+ h 4 Y . Thus we have that [ H , Y ]= HY-YH= ( - h 4 - h 4 )Y =- h 2 Y .

From the equality Δ(H) , HaHb = H , Ha+b = 1, if a=0 and b=1, 1, if a=1 and b=0, 0, otherwise, we get that Δ(H)= H1+1H. In order to compute Δop(Y) we have Δop(Y) , HaHbX = Y , Ha+bX = 1, if a+b=0, 0, otherwise. Noting that XH=- [ H , X ]+HX =-2X+HX= ( H-2 )X we have that Δop(Y) , HaXHb = Y , HaXHb = Y , Ha ( H-2 )bX = (-2)b, if a0, 0, otherwise. It follows from the previous computations that Δop(Y) = 1Y+ b0 (-2)bY (Hb) = 1Y+ b0 (-2)bY (H)b b! = 1Y+Ye-2H.

1.4 In summary, the bialgebra (𝔘h𝔟+) is given by generators H and Y with operations given by [ H , Y ]= - h 2 Y, Δ(H)= H1+1H, Δ(Y)= Y1+ e-2HY.

1.5 Recall that the multiplication in D(𝔘h𝔟+)= 𝔘h𝔟+ (𝔘h𝔟+) is determined by α,β,δ,γ,p μrγβα σαp mpδγs eδeβ where er is a basis of 𝔘h𝔟+ , es is a basis of (𝔘h𝔟+) , and m, μ, σ denote the matrices of the multiplication, comultliplication and skew antipode of 𝔘h𝔟+ respectively. Write Δ(2)(er) = α,β,γ μrγβα eγeβeα, Δ(2)(es)= p,δ,γ mpδγs eγeδep, ( ididS-1 ) Δ(2)(er) = α,β,γ γrγβα σαp eγeβeα. Then define a map M: (𝔘h𝔟+)3 × ((𝔘h𝔟+))3 D(𝔘h𝔟+) which

  1. takes the inner product of the first components,
  2. takes the inner product of the third components,
  3. multiplies the middle components.
An alternate way of writing (1.5) is to say that the multiplication in D(𝔘h𝔟+) is determined by the equation eres= M ( Δ(2)(es), ididS-1 Δ(2)(er) ).

1.6 Let us collect together some useful relations. The skew antipode S-1 is determined by 0=ϵ(X) = m(idS-1) Δop(X) = m(idS-1) (Xe - h 4 H + e h 4 H X) = XS-1 (e - h 4 H ) +e h 4 H S-1(X) = Xe h 4 H + e h 4 H S-1(X). Thus S-1(X)= -e - h 4 H X e h 4 H . It follows from the equality XH=(H-2)X that

S-1(X)=- e - h 4 H X e h 4 H = - e - h 4 H e h 4 (H-2) X = - e - h 2 X. (1.6a)
A similar calculation shows that
S-1(H)=-H. (1.6b)
From the definition of the coproduct we have
Δ(2)(H) =H11+ 1H1+11H, Δ(2)(X)= X e h 4 H e h 4 H + e - h 4 H X e h 4 H + e - h 4 H e - h 4 H X, Δ(2)(H)= H 11 + 1H1 + 11H, Δ(2)(Y)= Y11+ e-2HY1 + e-2H e-2HY. (1.6c)
It follows that
( ididS-1 ) Δ(2)(H)= H11+1H1- 11H, ( ididS-1 ) Δ(2)(X)= X e h 4 H e - h 4 H + e - h 4 H X e - h 4 H - e - h 4 H e - h 4 H e - h 4 H X. (1.6d)

1.7 Now we may determine the multiplication in D ( 𝔘h𝔟+ ) . HH = M ( Δ(2)(H) , (ididS-1) Δ(2)(H) ) = M ( H11+ 1H1+ 11H, H11+ 1H1- 11H ) = 1+0-0+0+HH- 0+0+0-1 = HH, which shows that

[ H , H ]=0. (1.7a)
Similarly, HH = M ( Δ(2)(H), (ididS-1) Δ(2)(X) ) = M ( H11+ 1H1+ 11H, X e h 4 H e - h 4 H + e - h 4 H X e - h 4 H - e - h 4 H e - h 4 H e - h 2 X ) = 0 - h 4 X -0+0+HX-0+0- h 4 X -0 = HX- h 2 X, which shows that
[ H , X ]= h 2 X. (1.7b)
To compute the product HY we have HY = M ( Δ(2)(Y), (ididS-1) Δ(2)(H) ) = M ( Y11+ e-2HY1+ e-2H e-2HY, H11+ 1H1- 11H ) = 0+0+0-2Y+YH-0+0 +0-0 = YH-2Y, which shows that
[ H , Y ]=-2Y. (1.7c)
The last case is the product XY. XY = M ( Δ(2)(Y), (ididS-1) Δ(2)(X) ) = M ( Y11+ e-2HY1+ e-2H e-2HY, X e h 4 H e - h 4 H + e - h 4 H X e - h 4 H - e - h 4 H e - h 4 H e - h 2 X ) = e h 4 H +0-0+0+ e-2H , e - h 4 H YX-0+0-0- e-2H , e - h 4 H e-2H e - h 4 H e h 2 . Evaluating the inner product gives e-2H , e - h 4 H = r0 (-2)r (H)r r! , s0 (-h)s 4s Hs s! = r0 (-2)r (Hr) r! , s0 (-h)s 4s Hs s! = r0 (-2)r (-h)r 4rr! = e h 2 . Thus we get that
xY = e h 4 H + e h 2 YX - e h 2 e-2H e - h 4 H e - h 2 = e h 4 H + e h 2 YX- e-H e - h 4 H . (1.7d)

1.8 The coproduct evaluated at Y is given by Δ(Y)= e-2H Y+Y1. We shall renormalize Y to make this coproduct more symmetric. Let Y ˆ = YeH. Then Δ ( Y ˆ ) = ( e-2HY+Y1 ) ( eHeH ) = e-H Y ˆ + Y ˆ e-H. Furthermore, with this normalization we have that X Y ˆ = ( e h 4 H - e-2H e - h 4 H + e h 2 YX ) eH = e h 4 H+H - e - h 4 H+H + e h 2 Y e ( H- h 2 ) X = Y ˆ X + e h 4 H+H - e - ( h 4 H+H ) , since XH= -[ H , X ] + HX = -(h/2)X+HX = (H-(h/2))X.

1.9 Summarizing, we have that D ( 𝔘h𝔟+ ) is generated by X, Y ˆ , H, H with multiplication given by [ H , H ]=0 [ H , X ]=2X, [ H , Y ˆ ]=-2 Y ˆ , [ H , X ]= h 2 X, [ H , Y ˆ ]= - h 2 Y ˆ , X Y ˆ - Y ˆ X= e(h/2)J1 - e-(h/2)J2, where J1= (1/h) ( 2H+ h 2 H ), and J1= (1/h) ( 2H- h 2 H ). Then we have that [ J1 , X ] = (1/h) [ 2H+ h 2 H , X ] = (1/h) (2(h/2)X+ (h/2)2X ) =2X, [ J1 , Y ] = (1/h) [ 2H+ h 2 H , Y ] = (1/h) ( -2((h/2))Y -(h/2)2Y ) =-2Y, [ J2 , X ] = (1/h) [ 2H- h 2 , X ] = (1/h) ( 2(h/2)X- (h/2)2X )=0, [ J2 , Y ] = (1/h) [ 2H- h 2 H , Y ] = (1/h) ( -2(h/2)Y- (h/2)(-2)Y )=0. Furthermore, Δ ( Y ˆ ) = e-H Y ˆ + Y ˆ e-H = e h 4 (J1+J2) Y ˆ + Y ˆ e h 4 (J1+J2) . Set Y= Y ˆ e h 2 - e - h 2 . Then [ J1 , X ]=2X, [ J2 , Y ]=-2 Y, [ X , Y ]= e h 2 J - e - h 2 J e h 2 - e - h 2 , [ J1 , X ]=0, [ J2 , Y ]=0, [ J1 , J2 ]=0. It follows that J2 generates an ideal in D ( 𝔘h𝔟+ ) .

1.10 Let us define 𝔘h𝔰𝔩(2)= 𝔘h𝔟+ J2 where J2 is the ideal of 𝔘h𝔟+ generated by J2. Let K= e h 4 J1 , and q= e h 2 . Then 𝔘h𝔰𝔩(2) is the Hopf algebra over [[h]] generate by J1,X, Y with the relations [ J1 , X ]= 2X, [ J1 , Y ] =-2 Y, [ X , Y ] = K2-K-2 q-q-1 . It follows from the fact that XJ1= (J1-2)X and Y J1= (J1+2Y)Y that KXK-1=qX, and KY K-1= q-1KY. The coproduct is given by Δ(J1)= J11+1J1, Δ(K)=KK, Δ(X)= XK+K-1X, Δ (Y) = YK+ K-1Y. The counit and the antipode are given explicitly by ϵ(J1)=0, ϵ(K)=1, ϵ(Y)=0, S(J1)= -J1, S(K)=K-1, S(X)=-qX, S(Y)= -q-1Y.


The fact that 𝔘h𝔰𝔩(2) is a quotient of the double of 𝔘h𝔟+ is stated in §13 of [
D] along with the formula for the universal R-matrix of 𝔘h𝔰𝔩(2)

[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Lie groups and Lie algebras, Chapters I-III, Springer-Verlag, 1989.

[D] V.G. Drinfeld, Quantum Groups, Vol. 1 of Proccedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Berkeley, Calif., 1986). Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1987, pp. 198–820. MR0934283

The theorem that a Lie bialgebra structure determinse a co-Poisson Hopf algebra structure on its enveloping algebra is due to Drinfel'd and appears as Theorem 1 in the following article.

[D1] V.G. Drinfel'd, Hopf algebras and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, Soviet Math. Dokl. 32 (1985), 254–258. MR0802128

[DHL] H.-D. Doebner, Hennig, J. D. and W. Lücke, Mathematical guide to quantum groups, Quantum groups (Clausthal, 1989), Lecture Notes in Phys., 370, Springer, Berlin, 1990, pp. 29–63. MR1201823

There is a very readable and informative chapter on Lie algebra cohomolgy in the forthcoming book

[HGW] R. Howe, R. Goodman, and N. Wallach, Representations and Invariants of the Classical Groups, manuscript, 1993.

The following book is a standard introductory book on Lie algebras; a book which remains a standard reference. This book has been released for a very reasonable price by Dover publishers. There is a short description of Lie algebra cohomology in Chapt. III §11, pp.93-96.

[J] N. Jacobson, Lie algebras, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962.

A very readable and complete text on Lie algebra cohomology is

[Kn] A. Knapp, Lie groups, Lie algebras and cohomology, Mathematical Notes 34, Princeton University Press, 1998. MR0938524

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