Spectral sublagebras

Spectral subalgebras

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Last updates: 18 March 2012

Spectral subalgebras

Then C 0 = μA*| μ xy =μ yx   is a commutative algebra, since, if l 1 , l 2 C 0 and aA then l 2 l 1 a = l 1 l 2 Δ op a = l 1 l 2 Δ a -1 = l 1 l 2 Δ a -1 = l 1 l 2 Δ a= l 1 l 2 a , where the third equality uses the definition of C 0 .

If A is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra the satisfies the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, (QYBE), 12 13 23 = 12 Δid = Δ op id 12 = 23 13 12 .

Since = εidid Δid = εidid 13 23 = εid ., and = ididε id Δ = ididε 13 23 = idε ., and so εid =1and idε =1.

Then, since Sid = mid idSid 13 23 = mid idSid Δid = εid =1, it follows that Sid = -1 . Applying this to the pair A op 21 gives S -1 id 21 = 21 op , and so id S -1 = -1 . Then SS = idS Sid = idS -1 = idS id S -1 =.

The map φ:CZ A in the following proposition is ananalogue of the Harish-Chandra homomorphism.

Let A be a quasitrtiangular Hopf algebra. Then C= λA*| λ xy =λ y S 2 x is a commutative algebra and the map φ: C Z A l idl 21 is a well defined algebra homomorphism.

If l 1 , l 2 A* and aA then l 1 l 2 a = l 1 l 2 Δ op a = l 1 l 2 Δ a -1 = l 1 l 2 Δ a -1 S 2 S 2 ,by definiton of C, = l 1 l 2 Δ a -1 = l 1 l 2 Δ a = l 1 l 2 a , and hence C is a commutative algebra.

Let aA. First note that a1 = idε Δ a = idm id S -1 id id Δop Δ a = a a 1 S -1 a 3 a 2 = a 1 S -1 a 2 a 11 a 12 = a 1 S -1 a 2 Δ a , since S -1 is the antipode of A op , and a1 = idε Δ a = idm ididS idΔ Δ a = a a 1 a 2 S a 3 = a a 11 a 12 1S a 2 = a Δ a 1 1S a 2 , .

Then, since 21 Δ a = 21 Δ op a =Δ a 21 , aφ l = a idl 21 = idl a1 21 12 = idl a 1 S -1 a 2 Δ a 1 21 = idl a Δ a 1 21 1S a 2 ,by definition of  C, = idl 21 a Δ a 1 1S a 2 = idl 21 a1 = idl 21 a=φ l a, and so φ l Z A . Since φ l 1 l 2 = id l 1 l 2 21 = id l 1 l 2 idΔ 21 = id l 1 l 2 21 31 13 12 = id l 1 21 φ l 2 1 12 = id l 1 21 φ l 2 1 , since  φ l 2 Z A , = φ l 1 φ l 2 , and so φ is a homomorphism.

Central elements (idqtrV)(a)

The following proposition provides Drinfeld's "second central element construction" [Dr, Prop. 1.2 and Prop 3.3]. The model example is the case that U=Uh𝔤,   x0=ehρ and a=21.

Let (U,) be a quasitriangular Hopf algebra with antipode S. Let x0U and aUU be invertible elements such that x0xx0-1 = S2(x) and aΔ(x) = Δ(x)a,   for   xU, (Ss 2.1) respectively. Let C0 = {lU*  |  l(xy) = l(yx)} and C1 = {U*  |  (xy) = (yS2(x))}. (Ss 2.2) Let Z(U) be the center of U and let Rep be the Grothendieck group of finite dimensional representations of U. Define Rep 0tr0 C0 0x0*0 C1 0fa0 Z(U) l (id)(a) V trV qtrV (idqtrV)(a) where   (u) = l(ux0) (Ss 2.3) for uU. Then

  1. Ck = {U*  |  (xy) = (yS2k(x))} is a commutative subalgebra of U*;
  2. the maps x0* and fa are well defined;
  3. tr:RepC0 is an algebra homomorphism;
  4. if Δ(x0) = x0x0 then x0*: C0C1 is an algebra homomorphism; and
  5. if a=21 then fa: C1Z(U) is an algebra homomorphism.

  1. Let 1,2Ck. Then (12)(xy) = (12) (Δ(xy)) = (12) (Δ(x)Δ(y)) = (12) (Δ(y)(S2kS2k)Δ(x)) = (12) (Δ(y)Δ(S2k(x))) = (12) (Δ(yS2k(x))) = (12) (yS2k(x)), where the fourth equality follows from the fact that S2 is a coalgebra automorphism. Thus Ck is a subalgebra of U*.

    Since (SS)() = , (12)(x) = (12) Δ(x) = (21) Δop(x) = (21) (Δ(x)-1) = (21) (Δ(x)-1(S2kS2k)()) = (21) (Δ(x)-1 = (21) Δ(x) = 21(x). So Ck is commutative.
  2. Let = x0*(l). Then (xy) = l(xyx0) = l(yx0x) = l(yx0xx0-1x0) = l(yS2(x)x0) = (yS2(x)), and thus x0*(l)C1 and x0* is well defined.

    The identities ε(x) = xS-1(x(2))x(1) and xx(1)S(x(2)) = ε(x), (Ss 2.4) from the definition of a Hopf algebra are the relations which provide the isomorphisms in [DRV] (A.8). For xU, x(id(a)) = (id) ((x1)a) = (id) x (x(1)ε(x(2)))a = (id) x ( x(1)S-1(x(3))x(2) )a = (id) x (x(1)x(2))a(1S(x(3))) , since   (bc) = (cS2(b)), = (id) xa (x(1)x(2)) (1S(x(3))) , since   Δ(x)a = aΔ(x), = (id) xa (x(1)ε(x(2)))) = (id) (a(x1)) = ((id)(a))x. So (id)(a)Z(U). Hence fa() = (id)(a) is an element of the center of U, and fa is well defined.
  3. Let M,NRep. Let {mi} be a basis of M, {mi} a dual basis in M*, {nj} a basis of N and {nj} a dual basis in N*. Then (trMtrN)(x) = x trM(x(1)) trN(x(2)) = x,i,j x(1)mi x(2)nj, minj = i,j x(minj), minj = trMN(x). So tr:RepC0 is an algebra homomorphism.
  4. Assume Δ(x0) = x0x0. Let l1,l2C0. Then x0* (l1l2)(x) = (l1l2) (xx0) = (l1l2) (Δ(xx0)) = (l1l2) (Δ(x)(x0x0)) = (x0*(l1) x0*(l2)) (Δ(x)) = (x0*(l1) x0*(l2)) (x). So x0*: C0C1 is an algebra homomorphism.
  5. Assume a=21. Let 1,2C1. Then (id12) (21) = (id12) (idΔ) (21) = (id12) (21) (2113) = (id1) (21((id2)(21)1)). Since (id2)(21)Z(U), fa (12) = (id12) (21) = (id1) (21((id2)(21)1)) = (id1) (21) (id2) (21) = fa(1) fa(2). So fa: C1Z(U) is an algebra homomorphism.

Let U=U𝔤 and let a=γ = bbb*. Let 1,2C1. Then fa (12) = (id12) (γ) = (id12) (idΔ) (γ) = (id12) bbb*1 + b1b* = fa (1) 2(1) + 1(1) fa (2). Thus, since (12)(1) = (12) (Δ(1)) = (12) (11) = 1(1) 2(1) , fa(12) (12)(1) = f1(1) 1(1) + fa(2) 2(1) . (Ss 2.5)

(idqtrL(ν))(21) when U=Uh𝔤

In the case that U=Uh𝔤 and x0 = v-1u = ehρ, M and N are U-modules, and 1 = qtrM and 2 = qtrN then (d) and (e) above give that, as elements of U*, (qtrMqtrN)(x) = qtrMN(x), and (idqtrMN) (21) = (idqtrM) (21) (idqtrN) (21) (as explained in [Dr, Prop. 3.3] and [Bau, Prop. 2]). In this case, the computation in the proof of (d) and (e), pictorially, is = = = =

Fix a Cartan subalgebra 𝔥 in 𝔤. For γ𝔥* define the Weyl character sγ = aγ+ρ aρ , where aμ = wW0 det(w)Xwμ. The expressions sγ and aμ are elements of the group algebra of 𝔥*, [𝔥*] = span{Xν  |  ν𝔥*}, and, if wW0 then awμ = det(w)aμ, and swμ = det(w)sμ, where the dot action of W0 on 𝔥* is given by wμ = w(λ+ρ)-ρ, for   wW0,  μ𝔥*. (Ss 3.1) The Weyl denominator formula says that aρ = αR+ (Xα/2-X-α/2) (Ss 3.2) and the Weyl character formula says that if γ is a dominant integral weight, L(λ) is the simple 𝔤-module of highest weight γ, and v1,...,vn is a basis of L(λ) consisting of weight vectors then sλ = i=1n Xwt(vi) = νP Kλν Xν, where Kλν = dim(L(λ)ν), (Ss 3.3) the dimension of the ν weight space of L(λ). For μ𝔥* define an algebra homomorphism evμ: [𝔥*] [𝔥*] by evμ(Xν) = qμ,ν. Then dimq(L(ν)) = ev2ρ(sν), (Ss 3.4) since dimq(L(ν)) = trL(ν) (ehρ) and q=eh2.

[TW, Lemma 3.5.1] Let 𝔤 be a finite dimensional complex semisimple Lie algebra and let Uh𝔤 be the corresponding Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group. etc etc ???? Let ν be a dominant integral weight so that the irreducible module L(ν) of highest weight ν is finite dimensional. Then (idqtrL(ν)) (21) acts on   L(μ)   by   ev2(μ+ρ) (sν) idL(μ).

Let h1,...,hr be an orthonormal basis of 𝔥. By [Dr, §4] (see [LR, (2.13)]) there is an expression = e 1 2 hγ0 + bj+bj-, where γ0 = l=1r hlhl, and bj+U+ and bj-U- are homogeneous elements of degree greater than 0. Let v1,...,vn be a basis of weight vectors of L(ν) and let v1,...,vn be the dual basis in L(ν)*. Let vμ+ be a highest weight vector in L(μ). Since bj+ vμ+ =0 and q=e h 2 , 211 acts on vμ+vivi L(μ)L(ν)L(ν)* by (21id) (vμ+vivi) = qγ0 + j (bj-bj+) qγ0 + j (bj+bj-) (vμ+vi) vi = qγ0 qγ0 + qγ0 j (bj-bj+) (vμ+vi) vi = qγ0 qγ0 (vμ+vivi) + qγ0 j (bj-vμ+bj+vivi) (vμ+vi) vi Since (idqtrL(ν)) (21) is central in U, it acts on vμ+ by a scalar. Therefore, since bj- is a lowering operator, (idqtrL(ν)) (21) = (idqtrL(ν)) (q2γ0), as proved in [Dr, Prop. 5.3]. Then (idqtrL(ν)) (21) = (idqtrL(ν)) (q2γ0) = i q2γ0 (1ehρ) (vμ+vi) |vμ+vi = ivi q 2 l=1r μ(hl) wt(vi) (hl) q 2ρ,wt(vi) (vμ+vi) |vμ+vi = i q2 μ+ρ,wt(vi) = ev2(μ+ρ) (sν) = wW0 det(w) q2μ+ρ,w(ν+ρ) wW0 det(w) q2μ+ρ,wρ .

The Turaev-Wenzl identity almost provides an inverse to the Harish-Chandra homomorphism. In the case of U=Uh𝔰𝔩2, (idqtrL(ω1)) (21) = (idqtrL(ω1)) e h( 1 2 (HH)) = e h 2 (H+1) + e - h 2 (H+1) , and this element acts on L(μω1) by the constant ev2(μ+ρ) (Xω1+X-ω1) = qμ+1 + q-(μ+1) = evμ+ρ (eh2H + e-h2H) = evμ+ρ (K+K-1).

(idqtrL(ν)((21)l)) when U=Uh𝔤

Drinfeld [Dr, last par. of §4] explains the connection between the construction of central elements in (Ss 2.3) and the construction of central elements in [RTF, Theorem 14]. This is expanded by Baumann [Bau, 3rd par. of §3] as follows. Let U=Uh𝔤 and let π:UMn() be a representation of Uh𝔤 and let πij: U be the matrix coefficients of π. As in [RTF, Theorem 16(1) and Theorem 18] set L+ = (lij+) = (πid) (21) so that lij+ = (idπij) (). Let L- = (lij-) = (πid) (idS-1)() = (πid) -1) so that S(lij-) = (πijid) (). Then ehρ (L+S(L-))k is a matrix with entries in U and tr( ehρ ( L+S (L-) )k ) = i1,...,ik j1,...,jk q2ρ,λi1 li1j1+ S(lj1i2-) li1j2+ S(lj2i3-) likjk+ S(ljki1-) = i1,...,ik j1,...,jk q2ρ,λi1 (idπi1j1)() (πj1i2id)() (idπikjk)() (πjki1id)() = i1 q2ρ,λi1 (πi1i1id) ((21)k) = ?????   (idqtrπ) ((21)k).

Examples. Since γ0 = (21)0 = 11 the definition of dim(L(ν)) and dimq(L(ν)) give (idtrL(ν)) (γ0) = dim(L(ν)) and (idqtrL(ν)) ((21)0) = dimq(L(ν)). Since π0( (idtrL(ν)) (γ) ) is a degree 1 element of S(𝔥), S1(𝔥)W0 = 0 and π0: Z(U) σρ( S(𝔥)W0 ) is an isomorphism, it follows that (idtrL(ν)) (γ) = 0.

If f= ν𝔥* fνXν is an element of [𝔥*]W0 then fsμ = f aμ+ρ aρ = 1 aρ f wW0 det(w)w Xμ+ρ = 1 aρ wW0 det(w)wf Xμ+ρ = 1 aρ ν𝔥* wW0 det(w)w fνXν Xμ+ρ = 1 aρ ν𝔥* fν aν+μ+ρ = ν𝔥* fν sν+μ. (Ss 4.1) Two special cases of (Ss 4.1) are sγsμ = νP Kγν sν+μ, (Ss 4.2) and wW0 Xwλ = s wW0 Xwλ = wW0 swλ = wW0 det(w-1) sw-1wλ = wW0 det(w-1) sλ+w-1ρ-ρ. (Ss 4.3) Comparing coefficients of Xν in (Ss 4.3) gives δvλ,ν |(W0)λ| = wW0 Kwλ,ν = wW0 det(w) Kλ+wρ-ρ,ν (Ss 4.4) for some vW0.

Baumann's identity

Identify Rep with [X]W0 = span {sλ  |  λ   dominant integral }. For l0 let Ψl: [X]W0 Z(Uh𝔤) sν (idqtrL(ν)) ((21)l)

[Bau, Thm. 1] For l0 define mλ(l) = wW0 q2l wλ,ρ swλ. Then Ψl (mλ(l)) = Ψ1 (mlλ(1/l)).

First note that qtrL(μ) (Ψl(sγ)) = (qtrL(μ)qtrL(γ)) ((21)l) = νP Kγν qtrL(μ+ν) ( ql ( μ+ν,μ+ν+2ρ - μ,μ+2ρ - γ,γ+2ρ ) ) = νP Kγν dimq(L(μ+ν)) ql ( μ+ν,μ+ν+2ρ - μ,μ+2ρ - γ,γ+2ρ ) = νP Kγν ev2ρ(aμ+ν+ρ) ev2ρ(aρ) ql ( μ+ν,μ+ν+2ρ - μ,μ+2ρ - γ,γ+2ρ ) where the second equality uses (Ss 4.2). Taking qtrL(μ) of the LHS of the Baumann identity is qtrL(μ) (Ψl (mλl)) = qtrL(μ) wW0 det(w) q2lλ,wρ Ψl (sλ+wρ-ρ) = wW0 det(w) q2lλ,wρ νP Kλ+wρ-ρ,ν ev2ρ(aμ+ν+ρ) ev2ρ(aρ) ql( μ+ν,μ+ν+2ρ - μ,μ+2ρ - λ+wρ-ρ,λ+wρ-ρ+2ρ ) = νP ev2ρ(aμ+ν+ρ) ev2ρ(aρ) wW0 det(w) Kλ+wρ-ρ,ν q2lλ,wρ ql( μ+ν,μ+ν+2ρ - μ,μ+2ρ - λ+wρ-ρ,λ+wρ-ρ+2ρ ) = νP ev2ρ(aμ+ν+ρ) ev2ρ(aρ) ql( ν,ν - λ,λ +2 ν,μ+ρ ) wW0 det(w) Kλ+wρ-ρ,ν = wW0 ev2ρ(aμ+wλ+ρ) ev2ρ(aρ) q2l wλ,μ+ρ , where the last equality uses (Ss 4.4). Taking qtrL(μ) of the RHS of the Baumann identity is qtrL(μ) ( Ψ1(mlλ(1/l)) ) = qtrL(μ) Ψ1 vW0 det(v) q2 λ,vρ slλ+vρ-ρ = vW0 det(v) q2 λ,vρ dimq (L(μ)) ev2(μ+ρ) (slλ+vρ-ρ), by Turaev-Wenzl. Thus qtrL(μ) (Ψl (mλl)) = vW0 det(v) q2 λ,vρ ev2ρ(aμ+ρ) ev2ρ(aρ) ev2(μ+ρ)(alλ+vρ) ev2(μ+ρ)(aρ) = 1 ev2ρ(aρ) vW0 det(v) q2 λ,vρ ev2(μ+ρ)(alλ+vρ) = 1 ev2ρ(aρ) vW0 q2 v-1λ,ρ ev2(μ+ρ)(alv-1λ+ρ) = wW0 q2 wlλ,μ+ρ ev2ρ (awλ+μ+ρ) ev2ρ (aρ) , since yW0 q2yλ,ρ ev2(μ+ρ) (alyλ+ρ) = ev2(μ+ρ) y,wW0 q2yλ,ρ det(w) Xlwyλ+wρ = y,wW0 q2wyλ,wρ det(w) q2μ+ρ,lwyλ q2μ+ρ,wρ = x,wW0 det(w) q2μ+ρ,lxλ q2xλ+μ+ρ,wρ = xW0 q2μ+ρ,xlλ ev2ρ (axλ+μ+ρ). Thus qtrL(μ) (Ψl(mλl)) = qtrL(μ) (Ψ1(mlλ(1/l))) which completes the proof of the Baumann identity (THOUGH NOT THE STATEMENT THAT THE B L(λ+wρ-ρ) (l) ARE CHARACTERIZED BY THIS IDENTITY.

It follows from (Ss 3.4)??? that the quantum dimension is dimq (L(ν)) = ev2ρ (sν) = ev2ρ ( aν+ρ aρ ) = wW det(w) q w(ν+ρ),2ρ wW det(w) q wρ,2ρ = wW det(w) q 2(ν+ρ),wρ wW det(w) q 2ρ,wρ = ev2(ν+ρ)(aρ) ev2ρ(aρ) = αR+ ev2(ν+ρ) (Xα/2 - X-α/2) ev2ρ (Xα/2 - X-α/2) = αR+ q ν+ρ,α - q -ν+ρ,α q ρ,α - q -ρ,α . Hence (idqtrL(ν)) ((21)0) = αR+ [ν+ρ,α] [ρ,α] , where [k] = qk-q-k q-q-1 , and the Weyl dimension formula is (idqtrL(ν)) (γ0) = dim(L(ν)) = ev0(sν) = limq1 ev2ρ(sν) = αR+ ν+ρ,α ρ,α .

References [PLACEHOLDER]

[BG] A. Braverman and D. Gaitsgory, Crystals via the affine Grassmanian, Duke Math. J. 107 no. 3, (2001), 561-575; arXiv:math/9909077v2, MR1828302 (2002e:20083)

[DRV] Z. Daugherty, A. Ram, R. Virk, Appendices to Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras: Actions on tensor space.

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