Splitting fields and algebraic closure

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 02 February 2012

Splitting fields and algebraic closure

Let 𝔽 be a field.

Let 𝔽 be a field and let (fix) be a family of polynomials in 𝔽[x].

  1. The splitting field of the family ( fix ) exists and is unique.
  2. The algebraic closure 𝔽_ exists and is unique.

(Fundamental theorem of algebra) The field is the algebraic closure of .

Let 𝔽 be a field.

  1. The splitting field 𝔼 of a single polynomial f(x) is a finite extension since it has degree deg(f).
  2. The splitting field 𝔼 of a finite family f1(x) ... fn(x) of polynomials is actually the splitting field of the single polynomial f(x) = f1(x) fn(x) 𝔽[x].
Define an ordering on pairs 𝔼ι where ι:𝔽𝔼 is a field homomorphism by 𝔼ι 𝕂φ if there is a field homomorphism ψ:𝔼𝕂   such that   φ=ψι. Then, every increasing sequence 𝔽id𝔽< 𝔼1ι1< 𝔼2ι2< has a maximal element 𝔼ι defined by 𝔼=𝔼i   and   ι(x)= ιk(x), x𝔼k. If each 𝔼kιk is an algebraic extension of 𝔽 then 𝔼ι is an algebraic extension of 𝔽.

Note: The ordering we have defined above is not necessarily well defined. For example, is the field of complex numbers and if x is trancendental over then (x)_ as fields.

Let 𝔽 be the algebraic closure of 𝔽. The algebraic closure 𝔽_ of 𝔽 is the smallest extension of 𝔽 that contains every algebraic extension of 𝔽.

Let 𝔽 be a field and let (fi(x)) be a family of polynomials in 𝔽[x]. The splitting field of the family (fi(x)) exists.

For each polynomial fi(x) = adxd ++ a1x+a0 in the family (fi(x)) let Ai=𝔽 xi,1 ... xi,d /Ii, where   Ii   is the ideal generated by   er xi,1 ... xi,d -ar. Let A= i Ai and let 𝔼=A/𝔪, where 𝔪 is a maximal ideal of A. Then 𝔼=𝔽 αi,r , where αi,r is the image of xi,r in 𝔼. Also fi(x) = r (x- αi,r) in   𝔼[x].

The algebraic closure 𝔽_ exists.

Let xp be a set of variables indexed by the elements of 𝔽[x]. Since
  1. the ideal I= pxp p𝔽[x] 𝔽 xp p𝔽[x] is proper, and it is contained in a maximal ideal 𝔪 of 𝔽[xp]. Let 𝔽_ = 𝔽[xp] 𝔪 . Then 𝔽_ is a field extension of 𝔽 such that every polynomial p(x) 𝔽[x] has a root (namely xp+𝔪) in 𝔽_. Further,
  2. 𝔽_ is an algebraic extension of 𝔽.
For the proof of a.: If I is not proper then there is a finite linear combination 1= q uqq xq , with   uq 𝔽[xp]. Let 𝔼 be the extension of 𝔽 which contains all the roots of the polynomials q𝔽[x] which appear in this sum. For each polynomial q choose a root αq𝔼. Then φ: 𝔽[xp] 𝔼 ξ ξ, for ξ𝔽, xq αq, xp 0, is a ring homomorphism and 1=φ(1)=0 in 𝔼, a contradiction. So I is a proper ideal.
For the proof of b.: If α𝔽_ then α is an element of 𝔽(S) where S is a finite subset of the αp. This is a finite extension of 𝔽 and hence it is algebraic. So α is algebraic over 𝔽.

The algebraic closure of 𝔽_ exists.

Let S be a set of cardinality greater than 0Card(𝔽). Then there is an injection of 𝔽 into S and so we may view 𝔽 as a subset of S. Consider the class of fields 𝔼 which as subsets of S and which are algebraic extensions of 𝔽. Then this set of fields is ordered and every linearly ordered collection of such fields has an upper bound. So this set of fields has a maximal element.

The algebraic closure 𝔽_ exists.

Consider the directed system consisting of all finite extensions of 𝔽. Let 𝔽_ be the direct limit of this directed system.

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