Varieties and Schemes

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 12 February 2012


An affine algebraic variety over 𝔽 is a set X={ (x1,, xn) | fα(x1, ,xn)=0 for all fαS} where S is a set of polynomials in 𝔽 [t1,, tn] . By definition, these are the closed sets in the Zariski topology on 𝔽n. Let U be an open set of X and define 𝒪X(U) to be the set of functions f:U 𝔽 that are regular at every point of xU, i.e. if xU then there exists a neighborhood UαU of x and functions g,h 𝔽 [t1,, tn] such that if yUα then h(y)0 and f(y) = g(y) h(y) . Then 𝒪X is a sheaf on X and (X,𝒪X) is a ringed space. The sheaf 𝒪X is the structure sheaf of the affine algebraic variety X.

A variety is a ringed space (X,𝒪) such that

  1. X has a finite open covering {Uα} such that each (Uα, 𝒪|Uα) is isomorphic to an affine algebraic variety,
  2. (X,𝒪) satisfies the separation axiom, i.e. ΔX= {(x,x) | xX} is closed in X, where the topology on X×X is the Zariski topology.

HW: (Show that the Zariski topology on X×X is, in general, finer than the product topology on X×X.

A prevariety is a ringed space which satisfies (a).


Let A be a finitely generated commutative 𝔽-algebra and let X=Hom 𝔽-alg (A, 𝔽). By definition, the closed sets of X in the Zariski topology are the sets CJ={ MX | JM} for JA, where we identify the points of X with the maximal ideals in A. Let U be an open set of X and let 𝒪X(U)= {gh | g,hA, x(h)0 for all xU} . Then 𝒪X is a sheaf on X, the pair (X,𝒪X) is a ringed space and the space X is an affine 𝔽-scheme.

An 𝔽-scheme is a ringed space (X,𝒪X) such that

  1. For each xX the stalk 𝒪X,x is a local ring,
  2. X has a finite open covering {Uα} such that each (Uα, 𝒪|Uα) is isomorphic to an affine 𝔽-scheme,
  3. (X,𝒪X) is reduced, i.e. for each xX the local ring 𝒪X,x has no nonzero nilpotent elements,
  4. (X,𝒪X) satisfies the separation axiom, i.e. ΔX= {(x,x) | xX} is closed in X.

A prevariety is a ringed space which satisfies (a),(b) and (c). An 𝔽-space is a ringed space which satisfies (a).

Notes and References

These notes are a retyped version of page 3 and 4 of Chapter 4 of Representation Theory: Lecture Notes of Arun Ram from 17 January 2003 (Book2003/chap41.17.03.tex).


[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Algèbre, Chapitre ?: ??????????? MR?????.

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