Representation theory Lecture Notes: Chapter 1

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 28 October 2013

Algebras and representations.


An algebra is a vector space (over ) with a multiplication such that A is a ring with identity, i.e. there is a map A×AA, (a,b)ab, which is bilinear and satisfies the associative and distributive laws. The following are examples of algebras:

(1) The group algebra of a group G is the vector space G with basis G and with multiplication forced by the multiplication in G (and the bilinearity).
(2) If M is a vector space (over ) then the space End(M) of -linear transformations of M is an algebra under the multiplication given by composition of endomorphisms.
(3) Given a basis B={b1,,bd} of the vector space M the algebra End(M) can be idenitified with the algebra Md() of d×d matrices T=(Tij)1i,jd with entries in via TBi=i=1d bjTji,for tEnd(M).

Let A be an algebra. An ideal in A is a subspace IA such that arI and raI, for all aA and rI. A minimal ideal of A is a nonzero ideal I which cannot be written as a direct sum I=I1I2 of nonzero ideals I1 and I2 of A. An idempotent is a nonzero element pA such that p2=p. Two idempotents p1,p2A are orthogonal if p1p2=p2p1=0. A minimal idempotent is an idempotent p that cannot be written as a sum p=p1+p2 of orthogonal idempotents p1,p2A. The center of A is Z(A)= { zA|az=za for allaA } . A central idempotent is an idempotent in Z(A) and a minimal central idempotent is a central idempotent z that cannot be written as a sum z=z1+z2 of orthogonal central idempotents z1 and z2.

A trace on A is a linear map t:A such that t(a1a2)= t(a2a1), for alla1,a2 A. A character of A is a trace on A. A trace t on A is nondegenerate if for each bA there is an aA such that t(ba)0. The radical of a trace t is radt= { bA|t (ba)=0for all aA } . (1.1)

Every trace t on A determines a symmetric bilinear form ,:A×A given by a1,a2= t(a1a2), for alla1,a2A. (1.2) The form , is nondegenerate if and only if the trace t is nondegenerate and the radical rad,= { aA| a,b =0for allbA } of the form , is the same as rad t.

Let t be a trace on A and let , be the bilinear form on A defined by the trace t, as in ??. Let B be a basis of A. Let G=(b,b)b,bB be the matrix of the form , with respect to B. The following are equivalent:

(1) The trace t is nondegenerate.
(2) detG0.
(3) The dual basis B* to the basis B with respect to the form , exists.


(2) (1): The trace t is degenerate if there is an element aA, a0, such that t(ac)=0 for all cB. If ab are such that a=bBabb, then0=a,c =bBab b,c for all cB. So a exists if and only if the columns of G are linearly dependent, i.e. if an only if G is not invertible.

(3) (2): Let B*={b*} be the dual basis to {b} with respect to , and let P be the change of basis matrix from B to B*. Then d*=bBPdb b,andδbc= b,d*= dBb,c =(GPt)b,c. So Pt, the transpose of P, is the inverse of the matrix G. So the dual basis to B exists if and only if G is invertible, i.e. if and only if detG0.

Let A be an algebra and let t be a nondegenerate trace on A. Define a symmetric bilinear form ,:A×A on A by a1,a2=t(a1a2), for all a1,a2A. Let B be a basis of A and let B* be the dual basis to B with respect to ,. Let aA and define [a]=bB bab*. Then [a] is an element of the center Z(A) of A and [a] does not depend on the choice of the basis B.


Let cA. Then c[a]=bB cbab*=bB dB cb,d* dab*=dB dabB d*c,b b*=dB dad*c=[a]c, since cb,d*= t(cbd*)= t(d*cb)= d*c,b. So [a]Z(A).

Let D be another basis of A and let D* be the dual basis to D with respect to ,. Let P=(Pdb) be the transition matrix from D to B and let P-1 be the inverse of P. Then d=bB Pdbband d*=bB (P-1)bd b*, since d,d*= bBPdb b,bB (P-1)bd b* =b,bB Pdb (P-1)bd δbb= δdd. So dDdad*= dDbB PdbbabB (P-1)bd b*=b,bB bab*δbb =bBbab*. So [a] does not depend on the choice of the basis B.


An A-module is a vector space M (over ) with an A-action, i.e. a map A×MM, (a,m)am, which is bilinear and such that 1Am=mand a1(a2m)= (a1a2)m, for all a1,a2A and mM (1A denotes the identity in the algebra A). A representation of A is an A-module. A representation of a group G is a representation of the group algebra G. The character of an A-module M is the map χM:A given by χM(a)=Tr (M(a)),for aA, where M(a) is the linear transformation of M determined by the action of A and Tr(M(a)) is the trace of M(a). An irreducible character of A is the character of an irreducible representation of A.

An A-module M gives rise to a map A End(M) a M(a) (1.5) where M(a) is the linear transformation of M determined by the action of a on M. This map is linear and satisfies M(1A) = IdM, M(a1a2) = M(a1) M(a2), for all a1,a2A, i.e. AEnd(M) is a homomorphism of algebras. (Given a basis B={b1,,bd} of M the map AEnd(M) can be identified with a map M:AMd().) Conversely, an algebra homomorphism as in ??? and ??? determines an A-action on M by am=M(a)m, for allaAandm M. Thus, the map M:AEnd(M) and the A-module M are equivalent data. Historically, the map M:AEnd(M) was the representation and M was the A-module, but now the terms representation and A-module are used interchangeably. This is the reason for the use of the letter M, both for the A-module and the corresponding algebra homomorphism M:AEnd(M).

A submodule of an A-module M is a subspace NM such that anN,, for all aA and nN. An A-module M is simple or irreducible if it has no submodules except 0 and itself. The direct sum of two A-modules M1 and M2 is the vector space M=M1M2 with A-action given by a(m1,m2)= (am1,am2), for allaA,m1 M1andm2 M2. An A-module M is semisimple or completely decomposable if M can be written as a direct sum of simple submodules. An A-module M is indecomposable if M cannot be written as a direct sum M=M1M2 of nonzero submodules M1M and M2M.

Here we need a reference to the reader to look at the examples in Chapter 2 etc.


Let M and N be A-modules. Then define HomA(M,N)= { ϕHom(M,N) |aϕ(m) =ϕ(am), for all aAandmM } , where Hom(M,N) is the set of -linear transformations from M to N. The proof of the following Proposition is identical to the proof of Proposition ??? except with a replaced by ϕ.

Let A be an algebra and let t be a nondegenerate trace on A. Define a symmetric bilinear form ,:A×A on A by a1,a2=t(a1a2), for all a1,a2A. Let B be a basis of A and let B* be the dual basis to B with respect to ,. Let M and N be A-modules and let ϕHom(M,N). Define [ϕ]=bB bϕb*. Then [ϕ]HomA(M,N) and [ϕ] does not depend on the choice of the basis B.

Direct sums of algebras

Let A and B be algebras and let Aλ, λAˆ, and Bμ, μBˆ, be the irreducible representations of A and B, respectively. The irreducible representations of AB are Aλ, λAˆ, with AB action given by (a,b)m=am, foraA, bB,mAλ, and Bμ, μBˆ, with AB action given by (a,b)n=bn, foraA,bB, andnBμ.


The elements (1,0) and (0,1) in AB are central idempotents of AB such that (1,0)(0,1)=(0,0). If P is an AB-module then P=(1,0)P (0,1)P, and this is a decomposition as AB-modules. Since (a,b)(1,0)p= (a,0)(1,0)p, and(a,b) (0,1)p=(0,b) (0,1)p, for all aA, bB, and pP, the structure of (1,0)P is determined completely by the A-action and the structure of (0,1)P is determined by the action of B. If P is a simple module then P=(1,0)P or P=(0,1)P. In the first case PAλ for some λAˆ and in the second PBμ for some μBˆ.

Similar arguments with the elements (1,0) and (0,1) in AB yield the following.

(1) If A and B are algebras then the ideals of AB are all of the form IJ where I is an ideal of A and J is an ideal of B.
(2) If A and B are algebras then Z(AB)=Z(A)Z(B).
(3) If A and B are algebras and t is a trace on AB then t is given by t(a,b)= tA(a)+ tB(b), where tA is the trace on A given by tA(a)=t(a,0) and tB is the trace on B given by tB(b)=t(0,b).

Tensor products

Let M and N be vector spaces and let Bm={mi} andBn={nj} be bases of M and N, respectively. The tensor product MN is the vector space with basis BMN= { minj| miBM, njBn } . If m=icimi, and n=jdjnj, then write mn= (icimi) (jdjnj)= i,jcidj (minj).

If A and Z are algebras the tensor product is the vector space AZ with multiplication determined by (a1z1) (a2z2)= a1a2 z1z2, for alla1,a2 A,z1,z2 Z. If M and N are vector spaces then End(MN)= End(M)End(N) as algebras. This equality can be expressed in terms of matrices by choosing bases {m1,,mr} and {n1,,ns} of M and N, respectively. The End(M) is identified with Mr() and End(N) is identified with Ms() by Eijmj=mi andEk n=nk,for 1i,j,rand 1k,s. Then (EijEk) (mjn)= Eijmj Ekn= mink. Use the (ordered) basis { m1n1, m1ns, m2n1,, m2ns,, mrn1,, mrns } of MN to identify End(MN) with Mrs(). Then, if a=(aij)Mr() and b=(bk)Ms() then ab is the rs×rs matrix ab= ( a11ba12ba1rb a21ba22ba2rb ar1bar2barrb )

Let A and B be algebras. Let Aλ, λAˆ, be the simple A-modules and let Bμ, μBˆ, be the simple B-modules. The simple AB-modules are AλBμ, λAˆ,μ Bˆ,where (ab)(mn) =ambn, for aA, bB, mAλ, nBμ.


There are two things to show:

(1) AλBμ is a simple AB-module,
(2) If P is a simple AB-module then PAλBμ for some λAˆ and μBˆ.

(1) By Burnside’s theorem End(Aλ)=Aλ(A) and End(Bμ)=Bμ(B) and therefore End(AλBμ)= End(Aλ)End(Bμ)= Aλ(A)Bμ (B)=(AλBμ) (AB). So AλBμ has no submodules. So AλBμ is simple.

(2) Let P be a simple (AB)-module. Let Aλ be a simple A-submodule of P and let Bμ be a simple B-submodule of HomA(Aλ,P). We claim that AλBμP.

Consider the (AB)-module homomorphism Φ: AλBμ AλHomA(Aλ,P) P mϕ ϕ(m). This map is nonzero since the injection ϕ:AλP is a nonzero element of HomA(Aλ,P). Since AλBμ is simple kerΦ=0 and since P is simple imΦ=P. So AλBμP.

The algebra Md().

Let A=Md() be the algebra of d×d matrices with entries from . Set Eij=the matrix with1 in the(i,j) entry and all other entries0. Then {Eij|1i,jd} is a basis of A and EijEkl= δjkEil, 1i,j,k,ld, describes the multiplication in A.

Let Md() be the algebra of d×d matrices with entries from .

(a) Up to isomorphism, there is only one irreducible representation M of Md().
(b) dim(M)=d.
(c) The character χM:A of M is given by χM(a)=Tr(a) ,for allaA, where Tr(a) is the trace of the matrix a.
(d) The irreducible representation M is the vector space M= { (c1,,cd)t |ci } of column vectors of length d with A-action given by left multiplication, or, equivalently, M is given by the map M: A Md() a a,


There are two things to show:

(1) M, as defined in (d), is a simple A-module, and
(2) If C is a simple A-module then CM.

(1) Let εi be the column vector which has 1 in the ith entry and 0 in all other entries. The set {ε1,,εd} is a basis of M. Let NM be a nonzero submodule of M and let n=i=1dniεi be a nonzero vector in N. Then nj0 for some j and so εk=1nj EkjnN, for all1kd. Thus N=M, since N contains a basis of M.

(2) Let C be a simple A-module and let c be a nonzero vector in C. Since c=Id·c=i=1dEiic0, Ejjc0 for some j. Define an A-module homomorphism by ϕ: M C εk Ekjc. Since ϕ(εj)0, kerϕ0. Since M is simple, kerϕ=M and so ϕ is injective. Since imϕ0 and C is simple, imϕ=C and so ϕ is surjective. So ϕ is an isomorphism and CM.

Let Md() be the algebra of d×d matrices with entries from .

(1) The only ideals of Md() are 0 and Md().
(2) Z(Md())=·Id and Id is the only central idempotent in Md().
(3) Up to constant multiples, the trace Tr:Md() given by Tr(a)=i=1d aii,for all a=(aij) Md(), is the unique trace on Md().


Let Eij denote the matrix in Md() which has a 1 in the (i,j) entry and 0 everywhere else.

(1) Let I be a nonzero ideal of Md() and let r=(rij)I, r0. Let rij be a nonzero entry of r. Then 1rijEkir Ejl=EklI, for all1k,ld. So I contains a basis of Md(). So I=Md().

(2) Clearly IdZ(Md()). Let z=(zij)Z(Md()). If ij then zijEij= EiizEjj= zEiiEjj=0. So zij=0 if ij. Further ziiEii=Eii zEii=Ei1z E1iEii= z11Eii, so zii=z11 for all 1id. So z=z11Id. So Z(Md())Id. So Z(Md())=Id.

(3) Let χ:Md() be a trace on Md(). If a=(aij)Md() then χ(EiiaEjj)= aijχ(Eij)= aijχ(Ei1E1j)= aijχ(E1jEi1) =aijδijχ (E11). Thus χ(a)=χ ( (i=1dEii)a (j=1dEjj) ) =i,j=1d aijδijχ (E11)=χ (E11)Tr(a). So χ is a multiple of the trace Tr.

The algebra λAˆMdλ().

Let Aˆ be a finite set and let dλ be positive integers indexed by the elements of Aˆ. Let A=λAˆ Mdλ(), be the algebra of block diagonal matrices with blocks Mdλ(). Let Eijλ be the matrix which has a 1 in the (i,j) entry of the λth block and 0 everywhere else. Then {Eijλ|λAˆ,1i,jdλ} is a basis of A and the relations Eijλ Eklμ= δλμ δijEilλ determine the multiplication in A.

The following theorems are consequences of Theorems ?? and Proposition ???.

Let Aˆ be a finite set and let dλ be positive integers indexed by the elements of Aˆ. Let A=λAˆ Mdλ(), be the algebra of block diagonal matrices with blocks Mdλ().

(1) The irreducible representations Aλ of A are indexed by the elements of Aˆ.
(2) dim(Aλ)=dλ.
(3) The character χλ:A of Aλ is given by χλ(a)= Tr(Aλ(a)), aA, where Aλ(a) is the λth block of the matrix a.
(4) The irreducible representation Aλ is given by the map Aλ: A Mdλ() a Aλ(a), where Aλ(a) is the λth block of the matrix A, or, equivalently, by the vector space Aλ of column vectors of length dλ and A-action given by am=Aλ(a)m, foraA andmAλ.

Let Aˆ be a finite set and let dλ be positive integers indexed by the elements of Aˆ. Let A=λAˆ Mdλ(), be the algebra of block diagonal matrices with blocks Mdλ(). If aA let Aλ(a) denote the λth block of the matrix a. Let Eijλ be the matrix which has a 1 in the (i,j) entry of the λth block and 0 everywhere else.

(1) The minimal ideals of A are given by Iλ= { aA|Aμ (a)=0for all μλ } ,λAˆ, and every ideal of A is of the form I=λSIλ, for some subset SAˆ.
(2) The minimal central idempotents of A are zλ=i=1dλ Eiiλ, λAˆ, and {zλ|λAˆ} is a basis of the center Z(A) of A.
(3) The irreducible characters χλ, λAˆ, of A are given by χλ(a)=Tr (Aλ(a)), aA, and every trace t:A on A can be written uniquely in the form t=λAˆ tλχλ, tλ.

Let A be an algebra which is isomorphic to a direct sum of matrix algebras and fix an isomorphism ϕ:AλAˆ Mdλ(). (3.3) The elements eijλ=ϕ-1 (Eij)λ, λAˆ,1 i,jdλ, are matrix units in A, i.e. {eijλ|λAˆ,1i,jdλ} is a basis of A and eijλ eklμ= δλμ δijeilλ, for all λ,μAˆ, 1i,jdλ, 1k,ldμ. If aA, let Aλ(a)ij be defined by the expansion a=λAˆ i,j=1dλ Aλ(a)ij eijλ. It follows from Theorem ??? that the maps Aλ: A Mdλ() a Aλ(a)=(Aλ(a)ij) and χλ: A a Tr(Aλ(a)), λAˆ, are the irreducible representations and the irreducible characters of A, respectively. The homomorphisms Aλ depend on the choice of ϕ but the irreducible characters χλ do not. The weights of a trace t on A are the constants tλ, λAˆ, defined by the expansion in ???. The trace t is nondegenerate if and only if the tλ are all nonzero.

Let A be an algebra which is isomorphic to a direct sum of matrix algebras, indexed by λAˆ. Let t be a nondegenerate trace on A and let , be the corresponding bilinear form. Let B={b} be a basis of A and let B*={b*} be the dual basis to B with respect to ,. Let χλ, λAˆ, be the irreducible characters of A, tλ be the weights of t, dλ the dimensions of the irreducible representations, {eijλ} a set of matrix units of A, and Aλ the corresponding irreducible representations of A.

(a) (Fourier inversion formula) eijλ= bBtλ Ajiλ (b*)b.
(b) The minimal central idempotent zλ in A indexed by λAˆ is given by zλ=bB tλχλ(b*) b.
(c) (Orthogonality of characters) For all λ,μAˆ, bBχλ (b*)χμ (b)=δλμ dλtλ.


(a) Since t is nondegenerate, the equation t(eijλ)= μAˆtμχμ(eijλ) =tλδij implies that {ejiλtλ} is the dual basis to{eijλ} with respect to,. Thus, by (???), Aijλ(a)= 1tλa,ejiλ, and so eijλ= bBeijλ,b*b= bBtλAjiλ(b*)b.

(b) By part (a), zλ= i=1dλeiiλ= bBtλ Tr(Aλ(b*))b .

(c) By part (b), dλδλμ= χμ(zλ)= bBtλχλ(b*)χμ(b).

Example 1. Let A=λAˆMdλ().

(1) As a left A-module under the action of A by left multiplication AλAˆ (Aλ)dλ, where Aλ is the irreducible A-module of column vectors of length dλ.
(2) As an (A,A) bimodule under the action of A by left and right multiplication AλAˆ AλAλ, where Aλ is the left A-module of column vectors of length dλ and Aλ is the right A-module of row vectors of length dλ.
(3) Let a,bA. If a acts on A by left multiplication and b acts on A by right multiplication then Tr(ab)= λAˆ χλ(a)χλ (b), where χλ, λAˆ, are the irreducible characters of A.

Example 2. Let G be a finite group and let G be the group algebra of G. The trace of the regular representation of G is given by tr(g)=hG gh|h= { |G|, ifg=1, 0, otherwise. So, (provided |G|0 in ) the basis {g-1|G|}gG is the dual basis toG with respect to the form , defined by tr. Since tr is nondegenerate G λGˆ Mdλ(), for some set Gˆ and positive integers dλ. Then tr=λGˆ dλχλ, where χλ, λGˆ, are the irreducible characters of G and, by (???), zλ=1|G| gGdλ χλ(g-1)g, λGˆ, are the minimal central idempotents in G. The orthogonality relation for characters of G (???) is 1|G|gG χλ(g-1) χμ(g)= δλμ,for λ,μGˆ. If Gλ:GMdλ() are the irreducible representations of G then eijλ=1|G| gGdλ Gλ(g-1)ji g,λGˆ,1i ,jdλ, are a set of matrix units in G, i.e. eijλekμ =δλμδkj eλ and {eijλ|λGˆ,1i,jdλ} is a basis of G.

Let g,hG and let g act on G by left multiplication and let h act on G by right multiplication. Then Tr(gh)= kGgkh |k=kG khk-1|g-1= { Card(𝒞h), ifhis conjugate tog-1, 0, otherwise, where 𝒞h is the conjugacy class of h. Thus, by (???), λGˆ χλ(g)χλ (h)= { Card(𝒞h), ifhis conjugate tog-1, 0, otherwise, which is the second orthogonality relation for characters of G.

The elements cg=x𝒞g x are a basis of the center of G. Since {zλ|λGˆ} is also a basis of Z(G) we have that Card(Gˆ)= # of conjugacy classes ofG, though there is no (known) natural bijection between the irreducible representations of G and the conjugacy classes of G.

It follows from ??? that |G|=λGˆ dλ2. Every trace t on G has a unique decomposition t=λGˆ tλχλ, tλ. So, since every G-module is semisimple, its decomposition is determined by its character. So TwoG-modules are isomorphic if and only if they have the same character. and dim(Z(G)) = (# of irreducible representations ofG) = (# of conjugacy classes ofG).


Let A be an algebra and let M be an A-module. The centralizer or commutant of M is the algebra EndA(M)= { TEnd(M)| Ta=aTfor allaA } . If M and N are A-modules then HomA(M,N) is a left EndA(M)-module and a right EndA(N)-module.

(Schur’s Lemma) Let A be an algebra.

(1) Let Aλ be a simple A-module. Then EndA(Aλ)=·IdAλ.
(2) If Aλ and Aμ are nonisomorphic simple A-modules then HomA(Aλ,Aμ)=0.


Let T:AλAμ be a nonzero A-module homomorphism. Since Aλ is simple, kerT=0 and so T is injective. Since Aμ is simple, imT=Aμ and so T is surjective. So T is an isomorphism. Thus we may assume that T:AλAλ.

When Aλ is finite dimensional: Since is algebraically closed T has an eigenvector and a corresponding eigenvalue α. Then T-α·IdHomA(Aλ,Aλ) and so T-α·Id is either 0 an isomorphism. However, since det(T-α·Id)=0 T-α·Id is not invertible. So T-α·Id=0. So T=α·Id. So EndA(Aλ)=·Id.

When Aλ is countable dimensional: We shall show that there exists a λ such that T-λ·Id is not invertible. Suppose T-λ·Id is invertible for all λ. Then p(T) is invertible for all polynomials p(t)[t]. So p(T)/q(T) is well defined for all p(t),q(t)[t].

Let vAλ be nonzero. Then the map (t) End(V) V p(t)q(t) p(T)q(T) p(T)q(T)v is injective. Since dim(t) is uncountable and dimV is countable this is a contradiction. So T-λ·Id is invertible for some λ. Then the same proof as in the finite dimensional case shows that T=λ·Id.

If Aλ is unitary: Let A=T+T*2 andB=T-T*2i where T* is defined by Tv1,v2= v1,T*v2 for all v1,v2Aλ. Then A=A*, B=B*, T=A+iB, andA,B,T HomA (Aλ,Aλ). Then the spectral theorem for self adjoint operators says that A and B can be diagonalized [Rud1991, Thm. 12.22], A=iλiPi andB=j μjQj,with Pi2=Pi, Qj2=Qj, Pi,Qj HomA (Aλ,Aλ), λi,μj . Then PiAλ is a submodule of Aλ. So PiAλ=Aλ. So A=λ·Id.

Suppose that V is a unitary representation. Then HomA(V,V)= ·IdVimplies that Vis irreducible.


Suppose that V is not irreducible. Then let WV be a submodule of V. Let W= { vV|v,w =0, for allwW } . Then W is a submodule since, if vW and wW, then av,w= v,a*w =0 because a*wW. Now, for Hilbert spaces, we have V=WW and we can define a VpV ww,ifwW, w0,ifwW, This map is a nonidentity A-module homomorphism. So HomA(V,V)·Id.

Let A be an algebra. Let M be a semisimple A-module and set Z=EndA(M). Suppose that MλMˆ (Aλ)mλ, where Mˆ is an index set for the irreducible A-modules Aλ which appear in M and the mλ are positive integers.

(a) Z=λMˆMmλ().
(b) As an (AZ)-module MλMˆ AλZλ, where the Zλ,λMˆ, are the simple Z-modules.


Index the components in the decomposition of M by dummy variables εiλ so that we may write MλMˆ i=1mλ Aλεiλ. For each λMˆ, 1i,jmλ let ϕijλ:AλεjAλεi be the A-module isomorphism given by ϕijλ (mεjλ) =mεiλ, formAλ. By Schur’s Lemma, EndA(M)= HomA(M,M) HomA ( λj Aλεjλ, μi Aμεiμ ) λ,μ i,j δλμ HomA ( Aλεjλ, Aμεiμ ) λi,j=1mλ ϕijλ. Thus each element zEndA(M) can be written as z=λMˆ i,j=1mλ zijλ ϕijλ, for somezijλ , and identified with an element of λMmλ(). Since ϕijλϕklμ=δλμδjkϕilλ it follows that EndA(M) λMˆ Mmλ().

(b) As a vector space Zμ=span{εiμ|1imμ} is isomorphic to the simple λMmλ() module of column vectors of length mμ. The decomposition of M as ZZ modules follows since (aϕijλ) (mεkμ)= δλμδjk (aεiμ), for allmAμ, aA.

If A is an algebra then Aop is the algebra A except with the opposite multiplication, i.e. Aop= {aop|aA} witha1op a2op= (a2a1)op, for alla1,a2A. Let left regular representation of A is the vector space A with A action given by left multiplication. Here A is serving both as an algebra and as an A-module. It is often useful to distinguish the two roles of A and use the notation A for the A-module, i.e. A is the vector space A= {b|bA} withA-action ab=ab, for allaA,b A.

Let A be an algebra and let A be the regular representation of A. Then EndA(A)Aop. More precisely, EndA(A)= {ϕb|bA}, whereϕb is given byϕb (a)=ab, for alla A.


Let ϕEndA(A) and let bA be such that ϕ(1)=b. For all aA, ϕ(a)=ϕ (a·1)=a ϕ(1)=a b=ab, and so ϕ=ϕb. Then EndA(A)Aop since (ϕb1ϕb2) (a)=a b2b1= ϕb2b1 (a), for all b1,b2A and aA.

Characterizing algebras isomorphic to λMdλ()

Suppose that A is an algebra such that the regular representation A of A is completely decomposable. Then A is isomorphic to a direct sum of matrix algebras, i.e. AλAˆ Mdλ(), for some set Aˆ and some positive integers dλ, indexed by the elements of Aˆ.


If A is completely decomposable then, by Theorem ???, EndA(A) is isomorphic to a direct sum of matrix algebras. By Proposition ??, AopλAˆ Mdλ(), for some set Aˆ and some positive integers dλ, indexed by the elements of Aˆ. The map (λAˆMdλ())op λAˆMdλ() aat, where at is the transpose of the matrix a, is an algebra isomorphism. So A is isomorphic to a direct sum of matrix algebras.

Let A=λAˆMdλ(). Then the trace tr of the regular representation of A is nondegenerate.


As A-modules, the regular representation AλAˆ (Aλ)dλ, where Aλ is the irreducible A-module consisting of column vectors of length dλ. So the trace tr of the regular representation is given by tr=λAˆ dλχλ, where χλ are the irreducible characters of A. Since the dλ are all nonzero the trace tr is nondegenerate.

(Maschke’s theorem) Let A be an algebra such that the trace tr of the regular representation of A is nondegenerate. Then every representation of A is completely decomposable.


Let B be a basis of A and let B* be the dual basis of A with respect to the form ,:A×A defined by a1,a2= tr(a1a2), for alla1,a2 A. The dual basis B* exists because the trace tr is nondegenerate.

Let M be an A-module. If M is irreducible then the result is vacuously true, so we may assume that M has a proper submodule N. Let pEnd(M) be a projection onto N, i.e. pM=N and p2=p. Let [p]=bB bpb*,ande =bBbb*. For all aA, tr(ea)=bB tr(bb*a)= bB ab,b*= bBab|b =tr(a), So tr((e-1)a)=0, for all aA. Thus, since tr is nondegenerate, e=1.

Let mM. Then pb*mN for all bB, and so [p]mN. So [p]MN. Let nN. Then pb*n=b*n for all bB, and so [p]n=en=1·n=n. So [p]M=N and [p]2=[p], as elements of End(M).

Note that [1-p]=[1]-[p]=e-[p]=1-[p]. So M=[p]M (1-[p])M=N [1-p]M, and, by Proposition ??, [1-p]M is an A-module. So [1-p]M is an A-submodule of M which is complementary to M. By induction on the dimension of M, N and [1-p]M are completely decomposable, and therefore M is completely decomposable.

Together, Theorems ???, ??? and Proposition ??? yield the following theorem.

(Artin-Wedderburn) Let A be a finite dimensional algebra over . The following are equivalent:

(1) Every representation of A is completely decomposable.
(2) The trace of the regular representation of A is nondegenerate.
(3) The regular representation of A is completely decomposable.

Example 1. Let A be the algebra with basis {1,e} and mulitplication given by e2=0. Then t:A given byt (a+be)=a+b is a nondegenerate trace on A. The regular representation of A is given by A(1)= (1001) andA(e)= (0100) and e is the only submodule of A. Thus, A is not completely decomposable. The trace tr of the regular representation of A is given by tr(a+be)=2a, fora,b.

(Burnside’s Theorem) Let A be an algebra and let M:AEnd(M) be an irreducible representation of A. Then M(A)=End(M).


Clearly, M(A)End(M) and M is both a simple M(A)-module and a simple End(M)-module. As End(M)-modules End(M) Md, and so, by restriction, this is also true as an M(A)-module. Thus, by Schur’s lemma, EndM(A) (End(M))= Md(). Let us label the summands in the decomposition by dummy variables εi, End(M)=i=1d Mεi,so that Eii(End(M)) =Mεi. Now M(A)End(M) is an M(A) submodule of End(M). However, Eii(End(M)) Mεiand M(A)=E11 M(A) EddM(A) Mε1M εd. Since M is a simple M(A) module, each EiiM(A) is isomorphic to M or 0. So M(A) Mk, for some1kd. So the regular representation of M(A) is semisimple and M(A)Mk(). Since dim(M)=d and M is a simple module for M(A) we have M(A)Md(). So M(A)=End(M).

Remark 1. We used Schur’s lemma in a crucial way so we are assuming that is algebraically closed. In general we can say: IfMis a simpleA-module then M(A)=EndZ(M) whereZ=EndA(M). The proof is similar to that given above and is called the Jacobson density theorem.

Example. Assume that A is a commutative algebra and let M be a simple A-module. Then M(A) is commutative and M(A)=End(M)Md(), where d=dim(M). However, Md() is commutative if and only if d=1. This shows that every irreducible representation of a commutative algebra is one dimensional.

Example 2. Explain what the error is in the following proof of Burnside’s theorem: If M is an irreducible A-module then M(A)=End(M).


Let {m1,,md} be a basis of M. Since M is irreducible, for any i and j there is an aA such that M(A)mj=mi. So the matrix EjiM(A) for all 1i,jn. So End(M)M(A). So M(A)=End(M).

Notes and references

This is a typed exert of Representation theory Lecture notes: Chapter 1 by Arun Ram. Research supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.

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