The affine Weyl group

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 26 June 2012

The affine Weyl group

This section is a summary of the main facts and notations that are needed for working with the affine Weyl group W˜. The main point is that the elements of the affine Weyl group can be identified with alcoves via the bijections in (2.11).

Let 𝔥* be a finite dimensional vector space over . A reflection is a diagonalizable element of GL(𝔥*) which has exactly one eigenvalue not equal to 1. A lattice is a free -module. A Weyl group is a finite subgroup W of GL(𝔥*) which is generated by reflections and acts on a lattice  L  in   𝔥* such that 𝔥* = L. Let R+ be an index set for the reflections in W so that, for αR+, sα is the reflection in the hyperplane Hα = (𝔥*)sα, the fixed point space of the transformation sα. The chambers are the connected components of the complement 𝔥* αR+ Hα of these hyperplanes in 𝔥*. These are fundamental regions for the action of W.

Let A,A be a nondegenerate W-invariant bilinear form on 𝔥*. Fix a chamber C and choose vectors α 𝔥* such that C = { x𝔥* | x,α>0 } and PLQ, (AffW 1) where P = { λ𝔥* | λ,α } and Q = αR+α, where α = 2α α,α . (AffW 2)

Pictorially, λ,α is the distance from   λ   to the hyperplane   Hα.

The alcoves are the connected components of the complement 𝔥* αR+ j Hα,j of the (affine) hyperplanes Hα,j = { x𝔥* | x,α=j } in 𝔥*. The fundamental alcove is the alcove AC such that 0A_, (AffW 3) where A_ is the closure of A. An example is the case of type C2, where the picture is

Hα1 Hφ = Hα1+α2 H α1+α2, -1 H α1+α2, -2 H α1+α2, -3 H α1+α2, -4 H α1+α2, -5 H α2,5 H α2,4 H α2,3 H α2,2 H α2,1 H α2,0 = Hα2 H α1+2α2, 3 H α1+2α2, 2 H α1+2α2, 1 H α1+2α2, 0 = H α1+2α2 H α1+2α2, -1 H α1+2α2, -2 H α1+α2, 1 = Hφ,1 = Hα0 H α1+2α2, -3 α2 s2 s1A s0A s2A sφA A φ ε1 α1

The translation in λ is the operator tλ: 𝔥* 𝔥* given by tλ(x) = λ+x, for   λP,  x𝔥*. (AffW 4) The reflection sα,k in the hyperplane Hα,k is given by sα,k = tkαsα = sαt-kα. (AffW 5) The extended affine Weyl group is W˜ = PW = { tλw | λP, wW } with wtλ = twλw. (AffW 6) Denote the walls of C by Hα1 ,..., Hαn and extend this indexing so that Hα0 ,..., Hαn are the walls of A, the fundamental alcove. Then the affine Weyl group, Waff = QW is generated by s0 ,..., sn, (AffW 7) the reflections in the hyperplanes Hα0 ,..., Hαn. Furthermore, A is a fundamental region for te action of Waff on 𝔥* and so there is a bijection Waff { alcoves in 𝔥* } w w-1A. The length of wW˜ is l(w) = number of hyperplanes between A and wA. (AffW 8) The difference between Waff and W˜ is the group Ω = W˜/Waff P/Q. (AffW 9) The group Ω is the set of elements of W˜ of length 0. An element of Ω acts on the fundamental alcove A by an automorphism. Its action on A induces a permutation of the walls of A, and hence a permutation of 0,1,...,n. If gΩ and g1 let ωi be the image of the origin under the action of g on A. If sj denotes the reflection in the jth wall of A and wi denotes the longest element of the stabilizer Wωi of ωi in W, then gsig-1 = sg(i) and gw0wi = tωi. (AffW 10)

The group W˜ acts freely on Ω×𝔥* (|Ω| copies of n tiled by alcoves) so that g-1A is in the same spot as A except on the gth "sheet" of Ω×𝔥*. It is helpful to think of the elements of Ω as the deck transformations which transfer between the sheets in Ω×𝔥*. Then W˜ { alcoves in Ω×𝔥* } w w-1A (AffW 11) is a bijection. In type C2, the two sheets in Ω×𝔥* look like Hα1 Hα1+α2 Hα2 H α1+2α2 Hα0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 (AffW 12a) and Hα1 Hα1+α2 Hα2 H α1+2α2 Hα0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 (AffW 12b) where the numbering on the walls of the alcoves is W˜ equivariant so that, for wW˜, the numbering on the walls of wA is the w image of the numbering on the walls of A.

The 0-polygon is the W-orbit of A in Ω×𝔥* and for λP,

the λ-polygon is λ+WA, λ λ+s1A λ+A λ+s1s2A λ+s2A λ+s1s2s1A λ+s2s1A λ+w0A λ+s2s1s2A
the translate of the W orbit of A by λ. The space Ω×𝔥* is tiled by the polygons and, via (2.11 [Ref?]), we make identifications between W, W˜, P and their geometric counterparts in Ω×𝔥*: W˜ = {alcoves}, W = { alcoves in the 0-polygon }, P = { centers of polygons }. (AffW 13)

Define P+ = PC_ and P++ = PC (AffW 14) so that P+ is a set of representatives of the orbits of the action of W on P. The fundamental weights are the generators ω1,...,ωn of the 0-module P+ so that C = i=1n 0 ωi, P+ = i=1n 0 ωi, and P++ = i=1n >0 ωi. (AffW 15) The lattice P has -basis ω1,...,ωn and the map P+ P++ λ ρ+λ, where ρ = ω1 ++ ωn, (AffW 16) is a bijection. The simple coroots are α1 ,..., αn the dual basis to the fundamental weights, ωi, αj = δij. (AffW 17) Define C_ = i=1n 0 αi and C = i=1n <0 αi. (AffW 18) The dominance order is the partial order on 𝔥* given by μλ if μλ+C_. (AffW 19)

In type C2 the lattice P = ε1+ε2 with {ε1,ε2} an orthonormal basis of 𝔥* 2 and W = { 1,s1, s2, s1s2, s2s1, s1s2s1, s2s1s2, s1s2s1s2 } is the dihedral group of order 8 generated by the reflections s1 and s2 in the hyperplanes Hα1 and Hα2, respectively, where Hα1 = { x𝔥* | x,ε1=0 } and Hα2 = { x𝔥* | x, ε2-ε1 = 0 }.

Hα1+α2 Hα1 Hα2 Hα1+2α2 C s1C s2C s1s2C s2s1C s1s2s1C s2s1s2C s1s2s1s2C α1+2α2 ε2 α2 α1+α2 ε1 α1 Hα1 Hα2 C s1C s2C s1s2C s2s1C s1s2s1C s2s1s2C s1s2s1s2C ε2 = ω2 ω1 ε1 0 Hα1 Hα2 C s1C s2C s1s2C s2s1C s1s2s1C s2s1s2C s1s2s1s2C ε2 ε1 ρ The set P+ The set P++

In this case ω1 = ε1+ε2, α1 = 2ε1, α1 = ε1, ω2 = ε2, α2 = ε2-ε1, α2 = α2, and R = { ±α1, ±α2, ±(α1+α2), ±(α1+2α2) }.

Notes and References

The above notes are taken from section 2 of the paper

[Ram] A. Ram, Alcove Walks, Hecke Algebras, Spherical Functions, Crystals and Column Strict Tableaux, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 2 no. 4 (2006), 963-1013.

They are also a rtyping into MathML of the notes at


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