Pieri-Chevalley formulas
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 22 February 2013
Pieri-Chevalley formulas
Recall that both
are the entries of the transition matrix between these two bases,
then applying each side of (3.1) to gives that
This is the most general form of “Pieri–Chevalley rule”. The problem is to determine the coefficients
3.1. The path model
A path in is a piecewise linear map
such that For each
there are root operators and
(see [Lit1997] Definitions 2.1 and 2.2) which act on the paths. If
the path model for is
the set of all paths obtained by applying the root operators to where
is the straight path from 0 to that is,
Each path in is a concatenation of segments
where, for and
is a piece of length from the straight line path
then the
should be viewed as cosets in and denotes the order on
inherited from the Bruhat–Chevalley order on
The total length of is the same as the total length of
which is assumed (or normalized) to be 1. For let
If is such that
is the head of its i-string
where is the smallest positive integer such that
and The full path
model is the union of its The endpoints and
the inital and final directions of the paths in the
have the following properties:
The first property is [Lit1995, Lemma 2.1a], the second is [Lit1994, Lemma 5.3], and the last is a result of applying [Lit1995, Lemma 2.1e] to [Lit1994, Lemma 5.3].
All of these facts are really coming from the explicit form of the action of the root operators on the paths in
which is given in [Lit1994, Proposition 4.2].
and let be such that
in the form (3.2) and let
be the maximal (in Bruhat order) coset representatives of the cosets
such that
Theorem 3.5.
Recall the notation from (1.11). Let
and let
Then, in the affine nil-Hecke algebra
where, if then
with and as in (3.4).
Proof. |
(a) The proof is by induction on Let
Assume Then the facts in (3.3) imply that
is a union of strings
such that
If then either
Using the facts in (3.3), a direct computation with the relation (1.3) establishes that, if
(b) The proof is similar to case (a). For let
Assume Then the facts in (3.3) imply that
is a union of the strings
such that
If then either
Using (3.3), a direct computation with the relation (1.3) establishes that, if with
Corollary 3.7.
Let and let
Then, in the affine nil-Hecke algebra
Proof. |
The second identity is a restatement of the first with a change of variable
The first identity is obtained by applying the algebra involution
where is the same path as except translated so that its endpoint is at the origin.
Representation theoretically, this bijection corresponds to the fact that
if is the simple
of highest weight
Note that
Applying the identities from Theorem 3.5 and Corollary 3.7 to
yields the following product formulas in
In particular, this gives a combinatorial proof of the extension) of the duality theorem
of Brion [Bri2002, Theorem 4]. For and
and let be given by
Corollary 3.9.
Then, with notation as in (3.8),
Proposition 3.10.
Proof. |
We shall show that
and the result will follow by solving for
By Corollary 3.9,
The straight line path to
and is the unique path in which may have final direction 1. Suppose
Then, since is the only simple reflection which is not in
it must be that for all
or and so
only if or
Now (3.11) follows since has endpoint
Corollary 3.12.
Let be as in (3.8). Then, for
Proof. |
This follows from Proposition 3.10 and Corollary 3.9 and the fact that, in the case when
there is a unique path with
and endpoint
Notes and References
This is an excerpt of the paper entitled Affine Hecke algebras and the Schubert calculus authored by Stephen Griffeth and Arun Ram. It was dedicated to Alain Lascoux.
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