Combinatorial Representation Theory

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 17 September 2013

Appendix A

A4. Polynomial and rational representations of GL(n,)

If V is a GL(n,)-module of dimension d then, by choosing a basis of V, we can define a map ρV: GL(n,) GL(d,) g ρ(g), where ρ(g) is the transformation of V that is induced by the action of g on V. Let

gij denote the (i,j) entry of the matrix g, and
ρ(g)kl denote the (k,l) entry of the matrix ρ(g).
The map ρ depends on the choice of the basis of V, but the following definitions do not.

The module V is a polynomial representation if there are polynomials pkl(xij), 1k, ld, such that ρ(g)kl= pkl(gij) ,for all1k, ld. In other words ρ(g)jk is the same as the polynomial pkl evaluated at the entries gij of the matrix g.

The module V is a rational representation if there are rational functions (quotients of two polynomials) pkl(xij)/qkl(xij), 1k, ld, such that ρ(g)kl= pkl(gij)/ qkl(gij), for all1k,ln. Clearly, every polynomial representation is a rational one.

The theory of rational representations of GL(n,) can be reduced to the theory of polynomial representations of GL(n,). This is accomplished as follows. The determinant det : GL(n,) defines a 1-dimensional (polynomial) representation of GL(n,). Any integral power detk: GL(n,) g det(g)k of the determinant also determines a 1-dimensional representation of GL(n,). All irreducible rational representations GL(n,) can be constructed in the form detkVλ, for some k and some irreducible polynomial representation Vλ of GL(n,).

There exist representations of GL(n,) which are not rational representations, for example g (1ln|det(g)|01) . There is no known classification of representations of GL(n,) which are not rational.


See [Ste1989] for a study of the combinatorics of the rational representations of GL(n,).

Notes and references

This is the survey paper Combinatorial Representation Theory, written by Hélène Barcelo and Arun Ram.

Key words and phrases. Algebraic combinatorics, representations.

Barcelo was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-9510655.
Ram was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-9622985.
This paper was written while both authors were in residence at MSRI. We are grateful for the hospitality and financial support of MSRI..

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