Two boundary Hecke Algebras and the combinatorics of type C

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 27 January 2015

Classification of irreducible representations of H2

In this section we do a complete classification of the irreducible representations of the algebra H2ext. An important reason for doing the complete classification of the irreducible representations of H2ext is to provide a sound basis for the definition of a skew local region (see the remarks immediately after the definition of skew local region in (3.10)). The classification and construction of calibrated representations of Hkext in terms of skew local regions in Theorem 3.3 is important for determining the irreducible representations of Hkext which arise in the Schur-Weyl duality framework (see Theorem 5.5). We will do the clasification of irreducible H2ext representations under genericity assumptions on the parameters: t12 is not a root of unity and t012 tk12,- t0-12 tk12 {1,-1,t±12,-t±12,t±1,-t±1} andt012 tk12 (-t0-12tk12)±1. (4.1) More specifically, this condition is used for the (rank 2) computation in equation (4.4). Similar methods apply to the nongeneric cases but the final classification needs to be stated differently and we will not deal with the nongeneric cases here. The nongeneric case t012=tk12=t12 is done in [Ram2002, Ram2003] and [Ree1997]; the case where t012=tk12t12 appears in [Eno2006] (see also [KRa2002]).

The algebra H2 is generated by W1±1,W2±1,T0, and T1, and the Weyl group 𝒲0 is generated by s0 and s1 with relations si2=1 and s0s1s0s1=s1s0s1s0. By (2.29), H2ext=[W0±] H2as algebras, and therefore it is sufficient to do the classification of irreducible representations of H2 (all irreducible representations of [W0±1] are one dimensional and determined by the image of W0, and all irreducible representations of H2ext are the tensor product of an irreducible representation of [W0±1] and an irreducible representation of H2).

The group 𝒲0 acts on (×)2 by s0(γ1,γ2)= (γ1-1,γ2) and s1(γ1,γ2)= (γ2,γ1). (4.2) By (2.35), the intertwiners are τ0=T0- (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12)W1-1 1-W1-2 and τ1=T1- t12-t-12 1-W1W2-1 .

Classification of central characters

Following [Ram2002, §5], the classification of irreducible Hkext-modules begins with a classification of possible pairs (Z(c),P(c))=(Z(γ),P(γ)) (where γ and c are related as in (2.32)). It is straightforward (though slightly tedious) to enumerate all the possibilities by taking note of the following:

(0) Since (Z(wγ),P(wγ))=(wZ(γ),wP(γ)), it is sufficient to do the analysis for a single representative γ of each 𝒲0-orbit on (×)k.
(1) The 𝒲0-orbits of roots are {±ε1,±ε2} and {±(ε1±ε2)}, and our preferred representative of the 𝒲0-orbit will have ε1 or ε1-ε2 in Z(γ) if Z(γ).
(2) If Z(γ)= and P(γ) then our preferred representative of the 𝒲0-orbit will have ε1 or ε1-ε2 in Z(γ).
With these preferences, the classification of (Z(γ),P(γ)) is accomplished by noting that
(a) if γ{(1,1),(-1,-1)} then (Z(γ),P(γ))=({ε1,ε2,ε1±ε2},);
(b) if γ{(1,-1),(-1,1)} then (Z(γ),P(γ))=({ε1,ε2},);
(c) ε1-ε2Z(γ) if and only if γ=(γ1,γ1);
(d) ε1+ε2Z(γ) if and only if γ=(γ1,γ1-1);
(e) ε1Z(γ) if and only if γ=(1,γ2) or γ=(-1,γ2);
(f) ε2Z(γ) if and only if γ=(γ1,1) or γ=(γ1,-1);
(g) ε1P(γ) if and only if γ=(γ1,γ2) with γ1{t012tk12,-t0-12tk12,-t012tk-12,t0-12tk-12};
(h) ε1-ε2P(γ) if and only if γ=(γ1,γ2) with γ2=γ1t±1;
(i) ε1+ε2P(γ) if and only if γ=(γ1,γ2) with γ1γ2=t±1.
We shall freely use the conversion between γ=(γ1,γ2) and c=(c1,c2) given by (2.32), γ1=-tc1, γ2=-tc2, and write(Z(c),P(c)) =(Z(γ),P(γ)). Representatives of the 12 possible (Z(c),P(c)) with (c)= are displayed in Figure 1. Representatives of the 9 possible (Z(c),P(c)) with (c) are displayed in Figure 2. It works out that, in each case, the pair (Z(c),P(c)) is attained by an element c that has real coordinates (the one complex character in the equal parameter case that behaves differently from the real characters, namely the point tb in [Ram2002, Figure 5.1], does not appear in the generic unequal parameter case assumed in (4.1)).

With notation as at the beginning of Section 3, in Figures 1 and 2, the fundamental region C is the shaded area, the solid lines are the hyperplanes 𝔥α for αR+, and the dotted hyperplanes are labeled by the equation which defines them. If c=(c1,c2)C so that 0c1c2 then Z(c)= {solid hyperplanes throughc} and P(c)= {dotted hyperplanes throughc}. The bijection 𝒲0 {chambers} w w-1C identifies each(c,J) with a set of chambers, (4.3) a local region in 𝔥*. As illustrated by the example at the bottom right of Figures 1 and 2, (c,J) is identified with the set of chambers that are on the negative side of the hyperplanes in J and on the positive side of the hyperplanes in P(c)-J. For each (c,J) the corresponding configuration of boxes κ is displayed in the local region of chambers corresponding to the elements of (c,J) by (4.3). In Figure 1, only the boxes on positive diagonals are shown since they determine the entire doubled configuration when Z(c)=. The diagram at the bottom right of each figure gives an example of the correspondence between chambers corresponding to (c,J), the elements of (c,J) and the standard fillings of the corresponding configuration of boxes κ: the point c=(r1,r1+1) in the bottom right of Figure 1, and the point c=(0,1) in the bottom right of Figure 2.

In Figure 2, the small graphs nearby each marked c=(c1,c2) indicate the structure (generalized weight spaces and intertwiner maps) of the irreducible modules M of central character c. This structure is determined below in Section 4.2. There is a vertex in the chamber w-1C for each element of a basis of Mwcgen and there is an edge if the matrix of τi (or Ti if τi is not defined on Mwcgen) is nonzero in the entry corresponding to the two vertices that are connected. Figure 1: Regular central characters in rank 2. See the description in Section 4.1 c1=0 c1=c2 c2=0 c2=c1+1 c2=-c1+1 c2=r1 c2=r2 c1=r1 c1=r2 1 1 2 -1 -2 s1 2 1 -2 -1 s0s1 2 -1 -2 1 s1s0s1 1 -2 -1 2 s0 -1 2 1 -2 s1s0 -2 1 2 -1 s0s1s0 -2 -1 2 1 s1s0s1s0 -1 -2 1 2 J= J={ε1-ε2} J={ε2} J={ε2,ε1-ε2} Figure 2: Non-regular points c1=0 c1=c2 c2=0 c2=c1+1 c2=-c1+1 c2=r1 c2=r2 c1=r1 c1=r2 1 s1 s1s0 s1s0s1 -2 -1 2 1 -1 -2 2 1 1 -2 2 -1 2 -1 1 -2 J= J={ε1-ε2} J={ε1±ε2}

Construction of the irreducible H2-modules

The group 𝒲0 acts on (×)2 as in (4.2) and the central characters are the 𝒲0-orbits on (×)2. The regular central characters are the 𝒲0-orbits of γ=(γ1,γ2)(×)2 that have Z(γ)=, i.e. where the intertwining operators in (2.38) are defined. Let [W]=[W1±1,W2±1]H2. By Kato's criterion (see [Ram2003, Proposition 2.11b]), for central characters γ=(γ1,γ2) with P(γ)= there is a single irreducible module of dimension eight given by L(γ1,γ2)= Ind[W]H (γ1,γ2), whereγ1,γ2 =vwithW1v= γ1vandW2v= γ2v. All irreducible modules with γ=(γ1,γ2) with Z(γ)= are calibrated and can be constructed as in Theorem 3.3.

Representatives of the 𝒲0-orbits of γ=(γ1,γ2)(×)2 which have Z(γ) and P(γ) are as follows: γ=(γ1,γ2) Z(γ) P(γ) (t12,t12),(-t12,-t12) {ε1-ε2} {ε1+ε2} (t012tk12,t012tk12),(-t0-12tk12,-t0-12tk12) {ε1-ε2} {ε1,ε2} (1,t),(-1,-t) {ε1} {ε1-ε2,ε1+ε2} (±1,t012,tk12),(±1,-t0-12tk12), {ε1} {ε2} (4.4) This classification is valid under the genericity assumption on the parameters (4.1), which guarantees that none of these representatives are in the 𝒲0-orbit of another.

The following analysis of modules of central character γ=(γ1,γ2) in (4.4) shows that no irreducible calibrated H2-modules appear at these central characters. As in (3.5), the values r1 and r2 are defined by -tr1=- tk12t0-12 and-tr2= tk12t012. Case (γ1,γ2)=(-1,-tri) for i=1 or 2: Let H{0} be the subalgebra of H2 generated by T0,W1±1,W2±1. For each of i=1 and i=2, there are two irreducible modules of central character c=(0,ri): L(0,ri)+= IndH{0}H2 ((ri,0)), where(ri,0) =vwith W1v = -triv, W2v = -v, T0v = t012v, and L(0,ri)-= IndH{0}H2 ((-ri,0)), where(-ri,0) =vwith W1v = t-riv, W2v = -v, T0v = -t0-12v. With M=L(0,ri)+, the generalized weight space decomposition is M=M(ri,0)gen M(0,ri)gen, withdim(M(ri,0)gen) =dim(M(0,ri)gen) =2. (4.5) The element W1W2-1 acts on M(ri,0)gen with eigenvalues tri. Since the parameters are generic (see (4.1)), trit±1 and thus, by (2.43), τ12 has no kernel. Thus the intertwiner τ1:M(ri,0)genM(0,ri)gen is invertible and M=L(0,ri)+ is irreducible. Replacing ri with -ri in (4.5) yields the decomposition of M=L(0,ri)- analogously.

Case (γ1,γ2)=(-t12,-t12): Let H{1} be the subalgebra of H2 generated by T1,W1±1,W2±1. There are two irreducible modules of central character c=(12,12): L(12,12)+= IndH{1}H2 (C(-12,12)), where(-12,12)= vwith W1v = -t-12v, W2v = -t12v, T1v = t12v, and L(12,12)-= IndH{1}H2 (C(12,-12)), where(12,-12)= vwith W1v = -t12v, W2v = -t-12v, T1v = -t-12v. With M=L(12,12)+, the generalized weight space decomposition is M=M(12,12)gen M(-12,12)gen, withdim (M(12,12)gen)= dim(M(-12,12)gen)=2. (4.6) The element W1-1 acts on M(12,12)gen with eigenvalues -t12. Since the parameters are generic (see (4.1)), -t12{-t±r1,-t±r2} and thus, by (2.42), τ02 has no kernel. Thus the intertwiner τ0:M(12,-12)genM(-12,-12)gen is invertible and M=L(12,12)+ is irreducible. Similarly, the structure of M=L(12,12)- is given by swapping 12 and -12 in (4.6).

Case (γ1,γ2)=(-tri,-tri) for i=1 or 2: Let H{0} be the subalgebra of H2 generated by T0,W1±1,W2±1. For each of i=1 and i=2, there are two irreducible modules of central character c=(ri,ri): L(ri,ri)+= IndH{0}H2 ((ri,-ri)), where(ri,-ri) =vwith W1v = -triv, W2v = -t-riv, T0v = t012v, and L(ri,ri)+= IndH{0}H2 ((-ri,ri)), where(-ri,ri) =vwith W1v = -t-riv, W2v = -triv, T0v = t0-12v. The irreducibility of L(ri,ri)+ and L(ri,ri)- is not immediate. We will show that M=L(ri,ri)+ is irreducible; the irreducibility of L(ri,ri)- is proved analogously.

The generalized weight space decomposition of M=L(ri,ri)+ is M=M(ri,-ri)gen M(-ri,ri)gen M(ri,ri)gen with dim(M(ri,-ri)gen) = dim(M(-ri,ri)gen)=1, dim(M(ri,ri)gen) = 2. The element W1W2-1 acts on M(ri,-ri)gen with eigenvalue tri-(-ri). Since the parameters are generic (see (4.1)), t2rit±1 and thus, by (2.43), τ12 has no kernel. Thus the intertwiner τ1:M(ri,-ri)genM(-ri,ri)gen is invertible. As a H{0}-module, M(ri,ri)gen is irreducible (2-dimensional). So either N=M(ri,ri)gen is an H2-submodule or M is irreducible.

For the purposes of deriving a contradiction, assume that N=M(ri,ri)gen is an H2-submodule of M. The space N has a basis {nγ,T1nγ} withW1nγ=-tri nγ,andW2 nγ=-trinγ. By (2.24), W1-1T1nγ=T1W2-1nγ+(t12-t-12)W1-1nγ=T1(-t-ri)nγ+(t12-t-12)(-t-ri)nγ and the action of W1-1 and W1-2 on the basis {nγ,T1nγ} are given by the matrices ρ(W1-1)= (-t-ri) ( 1(t12-t-12) 01 ) andρ(W1-2) =ρ(W1-1)2= t-2ri ( 12(t12-t-12) 01 ) . Thus ρ(1-W1-2) = (1-t-2ri) ( 1 -2(t12-t-12)t-2ri 1-t-2ri 0 1 ) and ρ(1-W1-2)-1 = 1(1-t-2ri) ( 1 2(t12-t-12)t-2ri 1-t-2ri 0 1 ) . Since N is a submodule of M, 0=τ0=T0-(t012-t0-12)+(tk12-tk-12)W1-11-W1-2 (see (2.35) for the formula for τ0), and so ρ(T0) = ( (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) W1-1 ) (1-W1-2)-1 = (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-t-ri) 1-t-2ri ( 1 (tk12-tk-12) (t12-t-12) (-t-ri) (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-t-ri) 0 1 ) ( 1 2(t12-t-12)t-2ri 1-t-2ri 01 ) = (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-t-ri) 1-t-2ri ( 1 t12-t-12-tri ( 2(t-ri)1-t-2ri + (tk12-tk-12) (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-t-ri) ) 0 1 ) . Recall, from (3.5), that -tri=±tk±12t012, so that (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-t-ri) 1-t-2ri = (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (±tk12t0-12) 1-tk1t0-1 =t012. The eigenvalues of ρ(T0) are t012 and, since (T0-t012)(T0+t0-12)=0, the Jordan blocks of ρ(T0) are of size 1, forcing 0 = 2(-t-ri) 1-t-2ri + (tk12-tk-12) (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-t-ri) = 2(-t-ri) 1-t-2ri + (tk12-tk-12) (1-t-2ri)t012 = 2(-t-ri)t012+ (tk12-tk-12) (1-t-2ri)t012 = 2(±tk12t0-12)t012+ (tk12-tk-12) (1-t-2ri)t012 = ±(tk12+tk-12) (1-t-2ri)t012 . This is a contradiction since, by the generic condition on parameters in (4.1), 1(-tr1)(-tr2)=(-tk12t0-12)(tk12t012)=-(tk12)2. Thus N is not a submodule of M, and so M is irreducible.

Case (γ1,γ2)=(-1,-t): Let H{1} be the subalgebra of H2 generated by T1,W1±1,W2±1. There are two irreducible modules of central character c=(0,1): L(0,1)+= IndH{1}H2 ((-1,0)), where(-1,0) =vwith W1v = -t-1v, W2v = -v, T1v = t12v, and L(0,1)-= IndH{1}H2 ((1,0)), where(-1,0) =vwith W1v = -tv, W2v = -v, T1v = -t-12v. The irreducibility of L(0,1)+ and L(0,1)- is not immediate. We will show that M=L(0,1)+ is irreducible; the irreducibility of L(0,1)- is proved analogously.

The generalized weight space decomposition of M=L(0,1)+ is M=M(-1,0)gen M(1,0)gen M(0,1)genwith dim(M(-1,0)gen) = dim(M(1,0)gen)=1, dim(M(0,1)gen) = 2. The element W1-1 acts on M(-1,0)gen with eigenvalue -t. Since the parameters are generic (see (4.1)), -t{-t±r1,-t±r2} and thus, by (2.42), τ02 has no kernel. Thus the intertwiner τ0:M(-1,0)genM(1,0)gen is invertible. Since M(0,1)gen is irreducible as a H{0}-module, we have either N=M(0,1)gen is an H2-submodule or M is irreducible.

For the purposes of deriving a contradiction, assume that N=M(0,1)gen is an H2-submodule of M. The space N has a basis {nγ,T0nγ} withW1nγ=-nγ, andW2nγ=-t nγ. By (C2) and (B3), W1W2-1T0nγ = T0W1-1W2-1nγ+ ( (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) W1-1 ) W1-W1-1 1-W1-2 W2-1nγ = T0t-1nγ+ ( (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-1) ) t-1nγ, and the action of W1W2-1 on the basis {nγ,T0nγ} is given by the matrix ρ(W1W2-1)= ( t-1 ( (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-1) ) t-1 0 t-1 ) . Thus ρ(1-W1W2-1) = ( 1-t-1 - ( (t012-t0-12)+ (tk120tk-12) (-1) ) t-1 0 1-t-1 ) = (1-t-1) ( 1 - ( (t012-t0-12)+ (tk120tk-12) (-1) ) t-1 1-t-1 01 ) and ρ(1-W1W2-1)-1= 1(1-t-1) ( 1 ( (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-1) ) t-1 1-t-1 01 ) . If N is a submodule of M then 0=τ1=T1-t12+t-121-W1W2-1 (see (2.35) for the formula for τ1). Thus ρ(T1)=t12 ( 1 ( (t012-t0-12)+ (tk12-tk-12) (-1) ) t-1 1-t-1 01 ) . Since (T1-t12)(T1+t-12)=0 the Jordan blocks of ρ(T1) are of size 1 forcing 0=(t012-t0-12)- (tk12-tk-12)= t0-12 (t012+tk-12) (t012-tk12). This is a quadratic equation in t012 with two solutions, t012=tk12 and t012=-tk-12. This is a contradiction since, by the generic condition on parameters in (4.1), -t-r1=-t012tk-12-1 and -tr2=t012tk12-1. Thus N is not a submodule of M, and so M is irreducible.

Notes and References

This is an excerpt from the paper Two boundary Hecke Algebras and the combinatorics of type C Zajj Daugherty (Department of Mathematics, The City College of New York, NAC 8/133, Convent Ave at 138th Street, New York, NY 10031) and Arun Ram (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3010, Australia).

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