Chapter 6
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 3 June 2013
If is a ringed space, an open subset
of is said to be an affine open set if the ringed space
is isomorphic to some affine scheme.
Definition. A prescheme is a ringed space
such that every has an affine open neighbourhood, i.e., it is a locally affine ringed space.
Let be a prescheme.
Lemma (6.1).
(i) |
The affine open sets form a basis of the topology of
(ii) |
If is any open set in the ringed space
is a prescheme, called
the restriction of to
(iii) |
is a
(iv) |
Every irreducible closed subset of has a unique generic point
and is a
one-one correspondence between the points of and the irreducible closed subsets of
Proof. |
(i) Let be an open set in and for each let
be an affine open neighbourhood of then is
the union of the sets each
is open in and is therefore a union of basic open sets contained in
by (3.3); and these basic open sets are affine by (5.1). Hence
is a union of affine open sets.
(ii) follows from (i).
(iii) Let
If and are not in the same affine open
set, it is clear that the condition is satisfied. If they are in the same affine open set, use the fact (Chapter 3)
that an affine scheme is a
(iv) Let and let be an affine open neighbourhood of in
Then is dense in (since is irreducible) and is itself irreducible, hence
is the closure in of some Hence if
is the closure of in we have
hence since
is irreducible. Hence
The uniqueness
of the generic point follows from (iii), for the is equivalent to the statement:
Morphisms of preschemes
Let and
be preschemes. A morphism of ringed spaces
is a morphism of preschemes if, for each
is a local homomorphism
Hence defines a field monomorphism
so that is an extension of the field
Relative theory: S-preschemes
Let be a fixed prescheme. (Strictly speaking, we should write
but from now on we shall drop the
structure sheaf from the notation.) An is a pair
where is a prescheme and
is a morphism of preschemes. If is the affine scheme of a
ring we speak of an
If and are
is a morphism of preschemes such that the diagram
is commutative.
The 'base prescheme' may be considered as a generalization of the ground field of algebraic geometry: if is the
coordinate ring of an affine then is a
with identity element, so we have a homomorphism
Thus is a (Of
course, consists of only one potnt, so the map
trivial as a map of topological spaces; but a morphism of preschemes comprises also a map of the structure sheaves.)
Every prescheme may be considered canonically as a Namely the 'characteristic morphism' (Ex. 5,
Chapter 3) is a morphism
and hence one defines a morphism of preschemes for
any prescheme (do it on the affine open sets).
Let be any category and for any two objects in
let denote the
set of all morphisms in For
fixed and variable
is a contravariant functor
category of all sets).
Let be any contravariant functor on with values in
is said to be representable if there exists an object
in and a functorial isomorphism
(for all
If exists, it must be unique up to isomorphism.
A product of two objects in is an object
which (if it exists) represents the functor
in other words, there is a functorial isomorphism
for all objects in
Products exist in many categories: in the category of groups. ('direct products'), topological spaces, algebraic varieties, modules over a fixed ring (here the
product is 'direct sum' etc. The dual concept is that of sum: in the
category of groups, for example, sum is 'free product'; in the category of commutative where
is a fixed commutative ring, sum is tensor product over Since the category of affine
schemes over is dual to the category of
is a product
of and
in the category of affine schemes over (here are any two
Theorem (6.2).
Let be a fixed prescheme, and two
Then the product exists in the category of
The proof is tedious but not essentially difficult (EGA, I, 3.2.6), and we shall not reproduce it here. Locally, as we have just observed,
it corresponds to the tensor product of rings, and it is a question of sticking things together so that it all fits.
This product of course has the usual associativity and commutativity properties, as in any category in which products exist.
The existence of products is fundamental, and arises in many contexts:
(1) Change of base. If is an and if
is a morphism of preschemes, then the product
is denoted by
and is said to be obtained by
extension of the base-prescheme from to
We have a commutative diagram
and is to be regarded as an
Base extension is a transitive operation, i.e. if
are morphisms of preschemes and is an then
is canonically isomorphic to
This operation generalizes the notion of extension of the ground-field in algebraic geometry: if is a
say affine with coordinate ring and if
is an extension field of then the embedding
and gives rise to an affine variety
defined over
(2) Geometrical points. If is an affine
(Chapter 1) with coordinate ring then the points of are in one-one correspondence with the
i.e. with the
This motivates the following definition: if are
the are called points of the
with values in the
denote the set of points of
X with values in T, then the product of two S-preschemes
X and Y is characterized by the formula
for any S-prescheme T.
In particular, a geometrical point of X is a point of X with values in an algebraically closed field
K, that is to say it is a morphism
Spec(K) consists of a single point, whose image under φ
is the locality of the geometrical point. Given the locality x, the geometrical point φ
is determined by an embedding of the residue field k(x) in K.
Remark. The product X×SY is not the set-theoretic product of
X and Y, nor even the fibre product of X and Y over
S: that is to say, if (X) temporarily denotes the set underlying
X, then in general we have
However, there is a surjective mapping
For if x∈X and y∈Y lie over the same point
s∈S, then k(x) and
k(y) are extensions of k(s),
and can therefore both be embedded in an extension K of k(s);
hence we have S-morphisms Spec(K)→X
and Spec(K)→Y, localized at x and
y respectively, and therefore an S-morphism
Spec(K)→X×Y, localized at say
z. Clearly the projections of z are x and
y, i.e. f(z)=(x,y).
To show that f is not in general injective, it is enough to take X,Y,S
to be the spectra of fields K,L,k respectively
(K,L being extensions of k); then
K⊗kL in general has more than one prime ideal.
In fact it is not difficult to show that if x∈X and y∈Y lie over the same point
s∈S, then the points z of
Z×SY such that
f(z)=(x,y) are
in one-one correspondence with the isomorphism types of composite extensions of k(x) and
k(y) over k(s)
(E.G.A. I, 3.4.9).
(3) Fibres. Let f:X→Y be a morphism of preschemes and let y
be a point of Y. Then the projection
is a homeomorphism of the space underlying X×YSpec(k(y))
onto the fibre f-1(y)
(E.G.A, I, 3.6.1). Hence the fibre f-1(y)
can be regarded as a prescheme over the field k(y): as such we denote it by
Xy. If
x∈f-1(y) and
p(x′)=x, where
it turns out that the residue fields k(x) and
k(x′) are the same, i.e. the residue field
k(x) is the same whether x is regarded as a point of the prescheme
X or as a point of the prescheme Xy.
(4) Separated morphisms. Schemes. Whenever the product X×X is defined in a category
C (X being an object of
C), there is a well defined diagonal morphism
ΔX is the element of
(X×X) (X) corresponding
to (idX,idX) in
(idX= identity morphism of
X). Hence if f:X→X is a morphism of
preschemes, we have a diagonal morphism ΔX|S:X→X×SX.
If X=Spec(A),
S=Spec(B) then Δ
corresponds to the homomorphism A⊗BA→A which maps
x⊗y to xy; this homomorphism is surjective and
therefore Δ is in this case a homeomorphism of X onto a closed subset of the product.
If X,S are arbitrary preschemes, let
p1:X×SX→X be the
projection on the first factor; then p1∘Δ is the identity map
of X and therefore Δ is a homeomorphism of X onto
Δ(X). If
(Uα) is a covering of X by affine open sets, then
is the diagonal of Uα×Uα, hence closed in
Uα×Uα; and
Δ(X) is contained in
hence Δ(X) is locally closed
(Chapter 2) (but not necessarily closed) in X×X.
The morphism f:X→S is said to be separated, or X is
separated over S, if Δ(X)
is closed in X×SX.
A prescheme X is a scheme if it is separated over ℤ, i.e. if the
'characteristic morphism' X→Spec(ℤ) is separated.
This is the formal analogue of Hausdorff's axiom, or of Serre's second axiom for algebraic varieties (see Chapter 1).
Remark. If X=Spec(A), then
A⊗ℤA→A is surjective, as we have remarked above, and
therefore the characteristic morphism X→Spec(ℤ) is
separated. This justifies the terminology 'affine scheme' rather than 'affine prescheme'.
If U,V are two affine open sets in a prescheme X, then
U∩V need not be affine. But if X is a scheme,
U∩V will be affine, for U∩V is isomorphic to
hence is closed in U×ℤV and therefore affine.
(5) Proper morphisms. A morphism of preschemes f:X→S is of finite type
if S is a union of affine open sets Vα such that each
f-1(Vα) is a finite
union of affine open sets Uiα with the property that each ring
A(Uiα) is finitely generated as an
algebra over A(Vα) (here, if U is an affine scheme,
A(U) denotes the associated ring). If X and S are both affine,
say X=Spec(A),
S=Spec(B), then
f:X→S is of finite type if and only if A is finitely generated as a
B-algebra (E.G.A., I, 6.3.3).
A morphism f:X→S is proper if
(i) |
f is separated and of finite type;
(ii) |
f is universally closed, i.e. for every morphism
S′→S the projection
is a closed mapping.
This is the generalization of the notion of completeness for an algebraic variety over a field (cf. Chapter I).
Notes and References
This is a typed excerpt of the book "Algebraic Geometry: Introduction to Schemes - I.G. Macdonald".
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