Kac-Moody Lie Algebras
Chapter I
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 16 August 2012
This is a typed version of I.G. Macdonald's lecture notes on Kac-Moody Lie algebras from 1983.
Construction of the algebras
The construction of the Kac-Moody algebras works for any matrix over :
– the needn't even be integers.
We begin with a lemma of linear algebra. Given a matrix as above, a realization
of is a triple
A realization of will be called minimal if dim is as small as possible
(evidently it must be ).
is a realization of , then dim .
has a minimal realization, of dimension , which is unique
up to isomorphism (but the isomorphism is not unique if ).
Proof. |
Extend to a basis
of (so that dim ). The
is of the form
and has rank (because its columns are linearly independent). Let
denote the spaces spanned by the rows of respectively. Then we have
. Hence
i.e., .
By reordering the rows and the columns of we may assume that the
minor of in the top left-hand corner is nonsingular, say
with a nonsingular matrix. Let
hence the rows of are linearly independent. Take
(row vectors); the th
coordinate function on the
th row of WHAT GOES HERE?. Then
and we have a realization of .
Conversely, let
be a minimal realization of
Extend to a basis
of , and define
so that the matrix
has the form
at present unspecified. Then
and I claim that this matrix is nonsingular. For the submatrix
of has rank , as before, and now we have
but has the first rows of
as a basis, and the rows of form a basis of ; hence
the rows of
are linearly independent, as claimed.
It follows that is nonsingular, hence that
are a basis of . By adding to
suitable linear combinations of
we can make . But then
, and we
can choose another basis of the subspace of spanned by
so as to make ,
i.e. . This completes the proof.
A matrix as above will be said to be decomposable if we can partition the index set
into two non-empty
disjoint subsets such that
whenever and . In other words,
if after simultaneous permutation of rows and columns becomes a nontrivial direct sum
Clearly, if
is a minimal realization of
is a minimal realization of , where
Again, if
is a minimal realization of , then
is a minimal realization of .
Let be any matrix over ,
as before; let
be a minimal realization of
. Let
denote the Lie algebra generated by and elements
subject to the relations
By (1.1), depends (up to isomorphism)
only on the matrix .
Objects defined by generators and relations are often not easy to handle directly. To get a group on
we shall construct a family of representations
of ,
one for each check the wedge?. These representations will act
on the same vector space is the free associative algebra over on
generators , and we
define an action of the generators of on
as follows: Let and define
I claim that these formulas define a representation of
on .
To verify this, we have to check the defining relations (1.2).
First, it follows from () that
by induction on ; hence each acts diagonally on
(relative to the basis of formed by the monomials) and therefore
for all
Next, we have
and therefore it remains to show that
(as linear transformations of the vector space ). So let
for all and ; hence
(induction on )
and therefore as required.
Thus for each the formulas () -
() define a representation of
on .
This may look like a rabbit pulled out of a hat: in fact it is a standard construction (Verma module).
We may remark straightaway that the canonical mapping
is injective. For if because zero in
, then from ()
we have
for all , and hence .
Let (resp.
) denote the subalgebra of
generated by
(direct sum of vector spaces)
) is the free Lie algebra generated by
unique involutory automorphsim of
such that
Proof. |
We shall take these in reverse order.
is clear, since the relations (1.2) are stable under .
Since is the free associative algebra on
L() is the free Lie algebra on the same generators. Now the mapping
defined by
takes to and is a Lie algebra
homomorphism. Since L() is free, must be an isomorphism, and
is the free Lie algebra on
, and
By applying , we see that
is the free Lie algebra on
It follows easily from the defining relations (1.2) that is stable under ad
, ad and ad
. Hence it is an ideal in
, and since it contains the generators
it is the whole of . Remains to
prove that the sum is direct. Suppose then that we have
such that
Apply and evaluate at .
We have
(because ),
whence and
Since this is true for all , it follows
first that ; next, as we have seen,
is the embedding of in its universal enveloping
algebra ;
hence , whence finally
and the proof is complete.
In general, if is a –algebra and an abelian group, a
–grading of is a decomposition
of into a direct sum of –subspaces , indexed by
, such that
The elements of are said to be homogeneous of degree ;
the decomposition (1) says that any can be written uniquely as the sum
of its homogeneous components
(only finitely many of which can be ).
An ideal in is a graded ideal if
where , that is
to say if whenever all the homogeneous components
of lie in . Any sum of graded ideals is graded; any ideal generated by homogeneous elements is graded.
If is a graded (two-sided) ideal, then is a –graded
In the present context, let
denote the Lattice generated by in (the root lattice). Also let
For we write
to mean , i.e.
with all ; also to mean
and . Likewise
. If
we define the height of to be
Now the free Lie algebra generated by and
is –graded by assigning degree 0 to each , degree
to and degree
The relations (1.2) are homogeneous, hence
is a –graded Lie algebra:
where consists of the homogeneous elements of degree
in . By (1.3) we have
and (for )
unless either
or , because
We can introduce other gradings on . Let
be any homomorphism of abelian groups, and for each
giving a –grading of .
The most important case of this is the principal grading, defined by
For this choice of we have
and we therefore define
We have ;
is spanned by
Let . Then
is the
–component of the free Lie algebra
generated by
hence it is spanned by all commutators
such that
). There are only finitely many of these (at most
is finite-dimensional. Likewise when
. In particular,
are 1-dimensional.
For as above we have, for each ,
Hence if temporarily we write
for each , then we have
(For the calculation above shows this is true when ; similarly when
or ; and in other
cases ).
Moreover a standard argument shows that the sum
is direct. For if there exist non-trivial relations
with (and only finitely many
), choose such a relation with as few non-zero terms
as possible; by applying we conclude that
for each . We can then subtract a multiple of (1) from (2) to obtain a
shorter relation: contradiction. Hence we have
from which it follows that
for all . To summarize:
For each , let
denote the component of degree
. Then
; moreover
each is finite-dimensional over
, and
Ideals in
We shall next prove that all ideals in
–graded ideals. This will be a consequence of the following lemma:
(1.5) Let be an abelian Lie Algebra, an
–module. For each
Suppose that
and let be a submodule of . Then
Proof. |
Each can be written in the form
are district elements of , and
We have to show that each
The polynomial function
on is not zero, hence
such that
are all distinct.
We have
and we can solve these equations for
by Cramer's rule, since
Hence each is a linear combination of the
, hence lies in .
We apply this lemma with
an ideal in
. Then
is a –submodule of
under the adjoint action,
hence by (1.4) and (1.5) we have
i.e. is a –graded ideal. Hence also
(principal grading).
Consider now ideals in
such that
, i.e.
. Any sum of such ideals has the
same property, hence there is a unique largest ideal in
such that
. We have
We have
and since clearly
it follows that is an ideal in
. Similarly, of course,
for .
Next I claim that
if then
(because is 1-dimensional, spanned by
), hence
; but then
contradiction. Hence , and similarly
Finally, we must have
(for has the
same properties as ).
To summarize:
All ideals in
are –graded.
The set of ideals in
such that
has a unique maximal element of
are ideals in
, and
(direct sum)
Now define
It is this algebra which is the object of our investigations. If is a Cartan matrix,
is the Kac-Moody algebra
defined by the matrix .
(1.7) Remarks
Since the ideal is –graded (1.6),
is a –graded
Lie algebra:
(Since the images of
in remain linearly independent,
we continue to denote them by the same symbols).
or , by (1.4)
(same proof as in (1.4)) and each is
finite-dimensional. If and
we say
is a root of with
(In the classical case, all are 1).
These are subalgebras of , generated by
and by
respectively, and
All ideals in are
–graded (1.6):
and has no ideal
such that
(by construction)
Since is stable under the involution
(1.6) we have an involution
under which
we have
for all , hence interchanges
and .
The following lemma is frequently useful:
Let be such that
Then .
Let be such that
Then .
Proof. |
We shall prove (i), and then (ii) will follow by use of the involution .
then we have
for . Hence
for each and each ; in other words we may assume
homogeneous. Consider the ideal
say, generated by .
( acting via ad). Since
(1.7) we have (corollary of P-B-W)
By assumption,
has only positive components, hence .
Hence ((1.7)(vi)) , i.e. 0?
Example Suppose (the
zero matrix). What does look like?
We have
for all , hence the relations (1.2) give
and likewise
Consider now
We have
whence by (1.8)
Hence is abelian, i.e.
, and
Note that has dimension
(because here ).
The algebra
be the derived algebra of .
(1.9) is the
subalgebra of generated by
where is the subspace of generated by
iff det .
Proof. |
Let denote the subalgebra of
generated by
and let
for all , and since
such that
it follows that
and therefore
Next, by (1.7)(v), and are
subalgebras of ; and since
it follows that , whence
Finally, I claim that is an ideal in .
We have to check that
The first of these is obvious. As to the second, we have
is proved similarly. Since
is abelian, it follows that
(1), (2), (3) complete the proof.
Remark The algebra
is also sometimes called the Kac-Moody algebra associated to the matrix (if is a
Cartan matrix). We can give a more direct construction of ,
as follows: Let
denote the Lie algebra with generators
subject to the relations
be a free abelian group on generators
is –graded by assigning degrees 0, ,
respectively ,
and there exists a unique maximal –graded ideal
subject to
as above). Then
We can then construct as a semidirect product of
by a suitable algebra
of derivations.
Semidirect products
In general, let be a Lie algebra, an ideal in
, a subalgebra of , such that
(vector space direct sum). If
in which the first 3 terms on the right lie in (because is
an ideal in ).
The Lie algebra acts (via ad) on as an algebra of derivations:
Conversely, if we are given Lie algebras and a Lie algebra
we construct the semidirect product
as follows:
as a vector space, and the Lie bracket
in is defined by
One has of course to check the Jacobi identity, which is tedious but straightforward.
In the present case, let be a vector space complement of
in : then
with an ideal (1.9) and
a subalgebra. Hence may
be constructed as the semidirect product
with acting as an (abelian) algebra of derivations.
The centre of
(1.10) The algebras
have the same centre :
We have dim , hence
iff is nonsingular.
Proof. |
commutes with
(principal grading); then
so that
for and all
. By (1.8) it follows that
if ,
and similarly for what goes here?.
Hence . But then (1.2)
so that
, whence
Conversely, if
for , then by (1.2) we have
and of course .
This shows that the centre of is
since the are independent linear forms on , we have
dim dim .
Finally, I claim that . For
has rank , it follows that
has dimension . Hence
as claimed and therefore
is also the centre of .
Let us say that two matrices
and are
if such that
i.e. if is obtained from by applying the
same permutation to rows and columns. Clearly
we have merely reindexed the generators. Now suppose that satisfies the condition
We associate with a graph
, as follows: the vertices of
are the indices
, and distinct vertices
and are joined by an edge iff
(1.11) Assume that satisfies (). Then the following conditions
on are equivalent:
is equivalent to a nontrivial diagonal sum
There exist non-empty complimentary subsets of
that for
and ;
is not connected.
Proof. |
If these equivalent conditions are satisfied, we say that is decomposable.
(1.12) If is decomposable, say
(direct product).
Proof. |
which is a Lie algebra generated by
Check that these generators satisfy relations (1.2) (for the –graded matrix
); hence is a homomorphic image of
i.e. we have a surjective homomorphism
say is an ideal of such that .
But is a direct product, hence
where is an ideal in
which intersects
. Hence (1.7)
and therefore , consequently
induces a surjective homomorphism
The kernel of is an ideal such that
is injective), hence (1.7). Hence is an isomorphism.
then Supp() connected.
Ideals in
Assume that satisfies the condition
Suppose is indecomposable. Then every ideal in
either contains
or is contained in the centre .
is simple iff
is indecomposable and nonsingular.
Proof. |
Let be an ideal in .
By (1.7)(vi), is –graded, hence we may write
(principal grading).
Suppose first that . If
, then
for some . But then
hence and therefore (1.10)
something. This contradicts the assumption
that is indecomposable. Hence .
It now follows by induction on that for
all . For if where
, then
by ind. hyp., hence by (1.8). Likewise
for and therefore
Now suppose that . Let
, .
By (1.10) we have
for some , hence
similarly (for this value of ), and
. Since is connected (1.11)
such that
; since
it follows that , and likewise
. It now follows that
for every index connected to by a path in the graph
– i.e.
hence (1.9) .
If is decomposable, is not simple,
by (1.12). Again, if is singular, i.e. , then
(1.10) and again
is not simple.
If is nonsingular () then
and . Now use (i).
Note for later use the following corollary of (1.13):
(1.13). Assume indecomposable. Then the following conditions
are equivalent:
- is infinite-dimensional
- is infinite
For each there exists
such that .
Proof. |
(i) (ii) is clear from the root space decomposition
(iii) (ii) is clear
(ii) (iii) If (iii) is false, there exists a positive root such
. Let
Then we have
from which it follows that
and therefore the ideal
generated by in is
Hence unless
. But by (1.13) we have
(because clearly ), hence in particular
. It follows that all roots
are , whence
and therefore is finite.
Thus if is finite there is a unique highest root such that
for all .
The algebra
We have
by (1.9), and (1.10), hence
(so that dim
Assume that is indecomposable (and that
The proof of (1.13)(i) shows that any –graded ideal
in such that
is contained in . Hence
has no nontrivial –graded ideal such that
From this it follows that (1.8) is valid for the algebra
We shall make use of this remark in the proof of the following proposition:
(1.14) Assume that is indecomposable and that each root has a nonzero
restriction to . Then the algebra
is simple.
Proof. |
Let be an ideal in
Each is of the form
where is some finite subset of , each
Call the length of ,
and the number
the height of . Choose in
of minimal length.
Suppose that the chosen has height , so that
. Since
we have
for some , by the remark above; hence
is a nonzero element
of , of minimal length and height . By proceeding
in this way we shall obtain an element of of
minimal length and height 0, say
(and ), and
Similarly, if has height , we use the
rather than the to
achieve the same result.
From (1) we have, for all
which is an element of of length ,
hence is 0. Hence
for all and all
, i.e.
By hypothesis, therefore is empty and therefore
Since we have
(by (1.something)) for some , and therefore
for this value of
But now it follows as in the proof of (1.13) that
all lie in
, whence
Remark: The converse of (1.14) is true if is a Cartan matrix (proof later) I do not
know whether it is so in general.
I shall conclude this chapter with some properties of that are valid only
when is a Cartan matrix. So assume now that the matrix satisfies the condition
For each let
denote the subspace of
spanned by
From (1.2) we have
(1.15) is a subalgebra of
, isomorphic to
Proof. |
The relations just written show that is a 3-dimensional subalgebra of
. The mapping
is an isomorphism of onto
Next we require the following lemma:
(1.16) Let be elements of an associative ring .
Then for each positive integer we have
Proof. |
We shall prove (ii); the proof of (i) is analogous. Let
denote respectively left and right multiplication by in .
Since is associative they commute with each other and hence also with
Let us apply this formula with
we have
and therefore
(1.18) In we have
whenever .
Proof. |
It is enough to prove one of these relations, because the other then follows by applying the involution .
By (1.8), in order to show that it
is enough to show that
There are 3 cases to consider:
. Then
commutes with and
(1.2), hence with .
. Then
commutes with , hence
If this is zero, whilst if
(by (c)), so again it is 0.
. We have, using the formula (1.17)
Remark For an arbitrary Cartan matrix , it is still an open question whether the relations (1.2) together
with (1.17) are a complete set of defining relations for the algebra : or,
equivalently, whether the left sides of the relations (1.18) generate the ideal in
. At any rate this is known to be true
(proof later, perhaps) if is symmetrizable.
In general, a derivation of a Lie algebra is said to be locally nilpotent if
for each there exists a positive integer
such that
i.e. if for each is killed by some power of . In that case
is well defined, because the series
terminates for each . The Leibniz formula shows that
and hence that is an automorphism of the Lie algebra (with inverse what does this say??).
(1.19) and
are locally nilpotent derivations of
(and of ). (Consequently
are automorphisms of and of
Proof. |
It is enough to consider , say.
Let be the subspace of consisting of
all killed by some power of .
Since is a derivation, is a subalgebra of , by
virtue of the Leibnitz formula: if and
, then
Hence to show that it is enough to show that the generators
belong to
For this follows from (1.18). for we have
whence . Finally, for
we have
if , and
The Lie algebra defined by a principal submatrix
be any matrix with entries in . For any non-empty subset of
be the principal submatrix defined by the subset . Write
We wish to see how is related to
Let be a minimal realization of
, so that say. Let
which are subspaces of .
(a) Let be a vector subspace of . Then the restrictions
are linearly independent (as linear forms on ) iff .
Proof. |
Take annihilators:
(in ).
But is the subspace of spanned
by the ,
whence the result.
Note that
(b) Let be minimal among subspaces of
satisfying (i) ; (ii)
. Let check the following
is a minimal realization of .
Proof. |
By (a), the elements of are linearly independent in
. It remains to show that
be the projection. We have
just as in the proof of (1.10); also
, so that
say where .
Clearly must be such that
is a vector space complement of in
, and therefore
and finally
(c) From (1.3) we have
is the free Lie algebra generated by the
(resp. by the ). Hence
is a subalgebra of , and if we put
we have
with components
the same as those in
(d) Let be the unique largest ideal in
(so that
). Then
and hence
Proof. |
. this is an ideal in which intersects
trivially, hence certainly
Conversely, let
, so that
Let , where ; I claim
that in .
Suppose for example , and proceed by induction on
If then (1.6), so certainly
. If , consider
. There are two cases:
if , then
by the inductive hypothesis, because
if , then since
we have
but is not a root, because
(say) and . Hence
in both cases, and therefore by (1.8) .
Likewise if . It follows that
(e) From (d) it follows that the embedding of
induces an embedding of
in .
We have
from (c) and (d); but
(summand of ). Hence
Hence is (resp. ) is the set of roots of
) we have
, and the multiplicity of
a root of
is the same as its multiplicity as a root of .
I.G. Macdonald
Issac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
20 Clarkson Road
Cambridge CB3 OEH U.K.
Version: October 30, 2001
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