g,n counting and recursions

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 1 December 2014

Why do I care?

Okounkov symmetric functions = Witten Kontsevich "physics" = g,n Number Theory = counting points in polytopes algebraic combinatorics T-equivariant cohomology Grothendieck-Lefschetz Brion-Vergne Localization ofTfixed points
Grothendieck Dessin d'Enfants Curves over Drinfeld QuasiHopf algebras and deformations Langlands program

(Okounkov-Pandharipande) [g,n(X,d)]virt πc1(i)ki= λ=d (dimλd!)2-2genus(X) i Pki+1*(X) (ki+1)! where Pk*(λ)=i ( (λi-i+12)k- (-i+12)k ) . Pk*λ is the central character of a completed k cycle 1kC(k)+ smaller permutations.

Fat graphs

A fat graph Γ=(V,E,??) is an undirected graph (V,E) with a cyclic ordering Zv of the edges that contain v, for each vV, and such that each vertex vV is in >2 edges.

A boundary component of Γ is a sequence of distinct edges ( {v0,v1},, {v-1,v0} ) such that for i=1,,-1, {vi,vi+1} is the successor of {v0,v1} is the successor of {v-1,v0} at v0. Let n = # of boundary components ofΓ, d = # of edges ofΓ, d = # of vertices ofΓ. The genus and Euler characteristic of Γ are g=d-d+n2-1 and χ=χ-d, respectively.

Norbury polynomials

A metric fat graph is a pair (Γ,x) where Γ is a fat graph and x0d.

The length of an edge e is xe and the length of a boundary component (e0,,e-1) is xe0++xe-1.

Let Γ be a fat graph with boundary components labeled 1,2,,n. For b1,,bn0 let PΓ(b1,,bn) = { metric fat graphs(Γ,x)with boundary component lengthsb1,,bn } = { x0d| AΓx=b } where (AΓ)eB= # of timeseappears inB. Define NΓ(b1,,bn) = Card(PΓ(b1,,bn)r) and Ng,n(b1,,bn) = ΓFatg,n NΓ(b1,,bn) Aut(Γ) , where Fatg,n = { fat graphs with genusgandn boundary components labeled1,2,,n } , Aut(Γ) = {automorphisms ofΓ}.


Let Γ=(V,E,Z) be a fat graph.

Let E= { (vi,vj), (vj,vi) | {vi,vj} E } so that (V,E) is a directed graph with 2d edges.

Define σ0,σ12S2d by σ12((vi,vj)) =(vj,vi), and (σ0σ12) ((vi,vj))= (vj,vk), where {vj,vk} is the successor of {vi,vj} at vj. Then, in cycle notation σ-1=σ0 σ12=(B1,,Bn), where Bi are the boundary components of Γ, and σ0σ12σ=1, in Sd.

Γ= e1 e2 e3 , Z1 = (e1e2e3), Z2 = (e1e3e2), B1 = (e1e2), B2 = (e2e3), B3 = (e1e3) ,AΓ= ( 110 011 101 ) , e1 e2 e3 e1 e2 e3 σ0 = 1 1 2 2 3 3 , σ12 = 1 1 2 2 3 3 . Then σ-1=σ0σ12 has cycles (e1e2)(e1e3)(e2e3) and σ0σ12σ=1. To consider the metric fat graph (Γ,(2,2,1)) insert vertices in e1 and e2. e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 Then σ0 = 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 , σ12 = 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 has cycles (e1,e2,e4,e5), (e1,e5,e3), (e2,e3,e4) and (b1,b2,b3)=(4,3,3).

Base case examples

(g,n)=(0,3) where N0,3=1. There are 7 labeled fat graphs and 3 unlabeled fat graphs. Γ = e1 e2 e3 , AΓ = ( 211 010 001 ) , Γ = e1 e2 e3 , AΓ = ( 110 011 101 ) , Γ = e1 e2 , AΓ = ( 11 10 01 ) .

(g,n)=(1,1) where N1,1(b1)=148(b12-4). Γ = e1 e2 e3 , AΓ = (222), AutΓ = 6, Γ = e1 e2 , AΓ = (22), σ0 = 1 1 2 2 σ12 = 1 1 2 2 AutΓ = /4.

Relation to g,n

g,n= {genusgcurves withnmarked points}, curve = Riemann surface,oriented,conformal class connected,compact g,ncomb (b1,,bn)= ΓFatg,n PΓ(b1,,bn) g,n.

Relation to branched covers of 1

A branched cover of 1 is a map Σ 1 where Σ is ....

Three permutations σ0,σ12,σS2d such that Σ 1 σ0 σ12 σ 0 12 σ0σ12σ=1 specify a degree d branched cover of 1.

Notes and References

This is a typed copy of notes for the Algebra, Geometry and Topology seminar given on August 4, 2008 at the University of Melbourne.

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