Hecke algebra generalities
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last updated: 27 November 2014
Hecke algebra generalities
Let be a group and let be a subgroup of Let
be a set of representatives of the double cosets of in so that
where the union is disjoint. For each define
and assume that
Let be the collection of unions of left cosets of For each
is a on
and is a measure on with respect to
Define to be the set of complex valued
functions on with
support, i.e. a function is in
(a) |
for all
(b) |
The convolution product
into an associative algebra.
(a) |
The characteristic functions
form a basis of
(b) |
The structure constants defined by
are given by
(c) |
We have unless
Proof. |
(b) Let Then
(c) It follows from the formula for in part (b) that if
then there exist
such that
It follows that
(a) |
The map
is an algebra homomorphism.
(b) |
For each
Proof. |
This is an easy calculation.
Example 1: Let be a locally compact topological group and let be a compact open subgroup. Let
be a Haar measure on normalized so that
Then the pair
satisfies the condition in () and
is the measure defined in (). The Hecke algebra
is a subalgebra of the convolution algebra of continuous functions on
with compact support.
Example 2: Let be a finite group. Then the discrete topology on makes into a locally
compact group and with this topology any subgroup is compact and open. This is a particularly nice special case of example 1.
(a) |
The Haar measure on normalized so that
is given explicitly by
for a function
(b) |
The map
is an isomorphism of algebras.
(c) |
The Hecke algebra is a subalgebra of
and restriction of the isomorphism
gives an isomorphism
(d) |
Proof. |
The module
(a) |
The vector space with product given by convolution
is an associative algebra over
(b) |
is a subalgebra of the
with identity
(c) |
The vector space is a left
module and a right
where the action of is by convolution on the left
and the action of
is by convolution on the right.
Proof. |
Let us only show that if
The other facts are proved similarly. Let
Then, if and
Putting we have
It remains to show that is
Let such that
and let
such that
only if and i.e. only if
which is Thus
Let us show that if
Let and
Then, if and
Putting we have
For each define
For each define
The map
is an anti-isomorphism of algebras.
Proof. |
Surjectivity: Let be as in the statement and let Then
and, if
Injectivity: Suppose that
and Then
so Thus is injective.
The trace and the bilinear form
Define a function
and define a bilinear map
If the group is unimodular then
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
for all
(d) |
If is finite then
(e) |
The bilinear form is symmetric and nondegenerate and the
dual basis of the basis of
given by
Proof. |
(c) is always true if the group is unimodular (or the measure is both left and right invariant). (2) We have
It follows that
for all
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