University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mathematics Department

Math 340
Elementary Matrix and
Linear Algebra
Lecturer: Arun Ram

Fall 2007

About the course: This is a first course in linear algebra—systems of linear equations, matrix theory with computations and applications, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner product spaces, and eigenvalues/eigenvectors.

In order to do well in this course it will help to have a good study ethic.

Special goal: One of the goals of this course is to teach everybody how to write mathematics well.

Lectures: MWF 12:05-12:55 in B105 Van Vleck

Text: The textbook for the course is

Course Notes:

How to do proofs: postscript file or pdf file

Office hours: MWF 9:45-10:45 in 711 Van Vleck and TTh 12:15-1:15pm in B235 Van Vleck. If you are having any problems, questions or concerns please come talk about it. If you do not keep me informed I cannot help.

Grading: The term grade will be based on homework and the exams as follows: Homework: 8% Each midterm: 20% Final Exam: 32%. Final grades are computed by totalling the points from the homework, the midterms and the final. Grade letters will be assigned with the following curve as a guideline: 20% A's, 30% B's, 30% C's, 20% D's and F's.

Homework: Homework will be weekly, due by 9am on Wednesdays. All claims that you make in your homework MUST BE PROVED in order to receive credit.

Homework assignments:

Homework assignment 1: DUE September 12, 2007
Homework assignment 2: DUE September 19, 2007
Homework assignment 3: DUE September 26, 2007 some solutions
Homework assignment 4: DUE October 3, 2007
Midterm Exam I: Friday October 5, 2007 in class, covers HW 1,2,3,4
Homework assignment 5: DUE October 10, 2007
Homework assignment 6: DUE October 17, 2007
Homework assignment 7: DUE October 24, 2007
Homework assignment 8: DUE October 31, 2007
Midterm Exam II : Friday November 2, 2007, in class covers HWs 5,6,7,8
Homework assignment 9: DUE November 9, 2007
Homework assignment 10: DUE November 14, 2007
Homework assignment 11: DUE November 21, 2007
Homework assignment 12: DUE November 30, 2007
Midterm Exam III : Friday November 30, 2007, in class covers HWs 9, 10, 11, 12
Homework assignment 13: DUE Never
Homework assignment 14: DUE December 12, 2007
Final Exam: 5:05pm Monday December 17, 2007 in Van Vleck Hall B105 , cumulative.

Vocabulary lists: One of the challenges when one is first starting to learn mathematics writing, is to remember the rules of the game (the definitions). This EXTREMELY IMPORTANT part of mathematical writing is easy since it is just regurgitation.

Vocabulary list 1

Exams: There will be three 50 minute in-class midterms: October 5, November 2 and November 30. There will be a 2 hour final exam at 5:05pm Monday December 17 in Van Vleck Hall B105. The final exam will be cumulative.

Syllabus: The following are the topics to be covered.

  1. Weeks 1-3: Chapters 1 and 2
  2. Weeks 3-4: Chapter 3
  3. Week 5, 6, 7 and 8: Chapters 4 and 6
  4. Week 9 and 10: Chapter 7
  5. Weeks 11 and 12: Chapter 5