Metric and Hilbert Spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 4 November 2014

Lecture 14: Examples of complete spaces


Let (X,d) be a metric space.

The completion of (X,d) is a metric space (Xˆ,dˆ) with an isometry φ:XXˆ such that (Xˆ,dˆ) is complete and φ(X)=Xˆ.

HW: (Uniqueness of completions). If (Xˆ1,dˆ1) with φ1:XXˆ1 and (Xˆ2,dˆ2) with φ2:XXˆ2 are completions of (X,d) then there exists f:Xˆ1Xˆ2 such that

(a) f is an isometry,
(b) f is a bijection,
(c) fφ1=φ2.
Xˆ1 φ1 f X φ2 Xˆ2

Existence of completions

Let (X,d) be a metric space.

Let Xˆ be the set of Cauchy sequences x:>0X with x=y if limnd(xn,yn)=0, where x: >0 X n xn and y: >0 X n yn .

Define dˆ:Xˆ×Xˆ0 by d(x,y)= limn d(xn,yn), where x: >0 X n xn and y: >0 X n yn .

Define φ:XXˆ by φ(x)=(x,x,), i.e. φ(x): >0 X n x .

(Xˆ,dˆ) with φ:XXˆ is a completion of (X,d).


To show:
(a) (Xˆ,dˆ) is a metric space.
(b) (Xˆ,dˆ) is complete.
(c) φ:XXˆ is an isometry.
(d) φ(X)=Xˆ.
(c) To show: If x,yX then d(φ(x),φ(y))=d(x,y).
Assume x,yX.
To show: d(φ(x),φ(y))=d(x,y). d(φ(x),φ(y)) = limnd(φ(x)n,φ(y)n) = limnd(x,y) = d(x,y). So φ is an isometry.
To show: (Xˆ,dˆ) is a metric space.
To show:
(aa) dˆ:Xˆ×Xˆ0 given by dˆ(x,y)=limnd(xn,yn), is a function.
(ab) If x,yXˆ then dˆ(x,y)=dˆ(y,x).
(ac) If xXˆ then dˆ(x,x)=0.
(ad) If x,yXˆ and dˆ(x,y)=0 then x=y.
(ae) If x,y,zXˆ then dˆ(x,y)dˆ(x,z)+dˆ(z,y).
(aa) To show: If x,yXˆ then there exists a unique z0 such that z=limnd(xn,yn).
Assume x,yXˆ with x=(x1,x2,) and y=(y1,y2,).
Let d1,d2, be the sequence in 0 given by dn=d(xn,yn). To show: There exists z0 such that z=limndn.
Since limits in metric spaces are unique when they exist, z will be unique if it exists, see Rubinstein Notes Proposition 2.9.
To show: d1,d2, is a Cauchy sequence in 0.
This will show that z exists since Cauchy sequences in 0 converge, since 0 is complete, see Rubinstein notes Theorem 4.6.
To show: If ε>0 then there exists N>0 such that if m,n>0 and m>N and n>N then dm-dn<ε.
Assume ε>0.
Let N=max(N1,N2), where N1 is such that if n,m>N1 then d(xm,xn)<ε2,
N2 is such that if n,m>N2 then d(ym,yn)<ε2.
(N1 and N2 exist since x and y are Cauchy sequences).
To show: If m,n>0 and m>N and N>N then dm-dn<ε.
Assume m,n>0 and m>N and n>N.
To show: dm-dn<ε. dm-dn = d(xm,ym)- d(xn,yn) < d(xn,xm)+ d(yn,ym) , since d(xn,yn)d(xn,xm)+d(xm,ym)+d(yn,ym).
So dm-dn< ε2+ε2=ε. So d1,d2, is a Cauchy sequence in 0.
So z=limndn exists in 0.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 14 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Metric and Hilbert Spaces given on August 20, 2014.

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