Metric and Hilbert Spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 4 November 2014

Lecture 29: Norms of linear operators

Let V and W be vector spaces over 𝔽.

A linear operator is a function T:VW such that

(a) if v1,v2V then T(v1+v2)=T(v1)+T(v2),
(b) if vV and λ𝔽 then T(λv)=λT(v).

Let V and W be normed vector spaces over 𝔽, where 𝔽 is or .

A bounded linear operator from V to W is a linear operator T:VW such that there exists c>0 such that
if xV then Txcx.

The operator norm of a bounded linear operator T:VW is T=sup { Txx |xVand x0 } . (*)

HW: Let V and W be normed vector spaces. Show that B(V,W)= { bounded linear operatorsT:VW } with norm ·:B(V,W)0 given by (*) is a normed vector space.

Let V and W be normed vector spaces. If W is a Banach space then B(V,W) is a Banach space.


Assume W is a Banach space.
To show: B(V,W) is complete.
To show: If T1,T2, is a Cauchy sequence in B(V,W) then T1,T2, converges to TB(V,W).
Assume T1,T2, is a Cauchy sequence in B(V,W).
To show: There exists TB(V,W) such that limnTn-T=0.
Let T:VW be given by T(x)=limn Tn(x).
To show:
(a) limnTn(x) exists in W.
(b) TB(V,W).
(c) limnTn-T=0.
From here it is possible to follow the proof in the Rubinstein notes.

Let V and W be normed vector spaces and let T:VW be a linear operator. Then

(a) TB(V,W) if and only if T is continuous.
(b) T is continuous if and only if T is uniformly continuous.


To show:
(a) If TB(V,W) then T is uniformly continuous.
(b) If T is uniformly continuous then T is continuous.
(c) If T is continuous then TB(V,W).
(b) was a direct consequence of the way that we set up the definitions of 'uniformly continuous' and 'continuous'.
(a) Assume TB(V,W).
To show: T is uniformly continuous.
To show: If ε>0 then there exists δ>0 such that if x,yV and d(x,y)<δ then d(Tx,Ty)<ε.
This is a consequence of the computation d(Tx,Ty)= Tx-Ty= T(x-y) Tx-y= Td(x,y).
(c) To show: If T is continuous then TB(V,W).
Assume T is continuous.
To show: T is bounded.
To show: There exists C>0 such that if uV then TuCu.
Since T is continuous, T is continuous at 0.
So, there exists δ>0 such that if xV and xδ then Tx<1.
Let C=2δ.
To show: If uV then TuCu.
Assume uV.
Let x=δ2uu so that x<δ2.
Then 1>Tx= T(δ2uu)= δ2uTu. So Tu<2δ u=Cu. So T is bounded.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 29 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Metric and Hilbert Spaces given on September 16, 2014.

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