Metric and Hilbert Spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 4 November 2014

Lecture 37: Norms of self adjoint operators

(13.3) Let H be a Hilbert space. Let T:HH be a bounded self adjoint. Then T=sup { Tx,x|x=1. }


To show:
(a) Tsup{Tx,x|x=1}.
(b) Tsup{Tx,x|x=1}.
(a) Assume xH and x=1.
To show: T|Tx,x|. Tx,x Txx, by Cauchy-Schwarz T = sup { Txx |xH } ,by definition = sup { Tx| x=1 } .
(b) Let xH with Tx0 and x=1.
Let y=TxTx and let β=sup{Tx,x|x=1}.
Then Tx = Tx,TxTx = Tx,y = ReTx,y = 14(4ReTx,y) = 14(2Tx,y+2Tx,y) = 14(2Tx,y+2y,Tx) = 14(2Tx,y+y,T*x) = 14(2Tx,y+2Ty,x), sinceTis self adjoint, = 14(T(x+y),x+y-T(x-y),x-y) 14 T(x+y),x+y- T(x-y),x-y 14 ( T(x+y),x+y+ T(x-y),x-y ) 14 ( T(x+y)x+y, x+yx+y x+y2 + T(x-y)x-y, x-yx-y x-y2 ) 14 ( βx+y2+ βx-y2 ) = 14β ( x+y,x+y+ x-y,x-y ) = 14β ( x2+ x2+ y2+ 2Rex,y- 2Rex,y+ y2 ) = 14β ( x2+ y2 ) ·2 = 14β(1+1)·2 = 14β·2·2 = β = sup{Tx,x|x=1}.

Let H be a Hilbert space and let T:HH be a nonzero self adjoint compact operator. Then there exists xH such that x=1 and
if uH and u=1 then Tu,uTx,x.


By Theorem 13.3 T=sup { Tu,u |u=1 } . Let x1,x2,H with xn=1 and limnTxn,xn =T. Then xn1,xn2, be a subsequence of x1,x2, such that limk Txnk,xnk exists. Use that T is compact to find a subsequence xnk1,xnk2, of xn1,xn2, such that w=limjTxnkj exists. Let x=ww.
To show:
(a) Tx,x=T.
(b) Tx=λx with T=λ.
Let λ=T.
Since 0 (λI-T)(xnkj)2 = λxnkj-Txnkj2 = λxnkj- Txnkj, λxnkj- Txnkj = λ2xnkj- λxnkj,Txnkj- Txnkj,λxnkj+ Txnkj2 = λ2xnkj- 2λxnkj,Txnkj +Txnkj2 λ2-2λ xnkj,Txnkj +T2. Since the right hand side approaches λ2-2λ2+ T2=0 asj then limj (λI-T)(xnkj)2=0 so that limj (λI-T) (xnkj)=0. So λw = limjλ Txnkj = limj T(λxnkj) = limjT ((λI-T)xnkj+Txnkj) = T(0+w) = Tw.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 37 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Metric and Hilbert Spaces given on October 7, 2014.

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