Metric and Hilbert Spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 4 November 2014

Lecture 6: Continuous functions and connected sets

Let (X,𝒯) be a topological space. Let 𝒞 be a collection of connected subsets of X such that A𝒞A. Prove that A𝒞A is connected.


Let M=A𝒞A and let xA𝒞A.
Proof by contradiction.
Assume M is not connected.
Let B and C be open sets such that MBC, MBC=, MBand MC. Then xB or xC.
Assume xB.
Let U𝒞 be such that CU.
Since xA𝒞A then xU, so that xBUandBU . Since UM then UBCand UBC=. This is a contradiction to U be connected.
So M is connected.

Let (X,𝒯) be a topological space and let AX be connected. Show that A is connected.


Proof by contradiction.
Assume A is not connected.
Let M and N be open subsets of A such that MN=A, M, Nand MN=. Then (MA)(NA) =Aand(MA) (NA)=. There exists xAM, x is a close point of A and, since M is open, M is a neighbourhood of x.
So MA.
There exists yAN, y is a close point of A and, since N is open, N is a neighbourhood of y.
So NA.
This is a contradiction to A is connected.
So A is connected.

Let (X,𝒯) be a topological space. Let xX. The connected component of x is Cx= AconnectedxA A, the union of the connected subsets of X containing x.

(a) Cx is connected.
(b) Cx is closed.
(c) If yCx then Cy=Cx.
(d) If x,yX then Cx=Cy or CxCy.


(a) This follows from Example 1.

(b) By Example 2, Cx is a connected set that contains x. So CxCx. So Cx=Cx.

(c) Assume yCx. Then Cx is a connected set containing y. So CxCy. Then Cy is a connected set containing x. So CyCx. so Cx=Cy.

(d) Assume x,yX and CxCy. Let zCxCy. So zCx and zCy. By (c), Cx=Cz=Cy. So Cx=Cy.

Let (X,𝒯) be a topological space. Then X is connected if and only if there does not exist a continuous surjective function f:X{0,1}, where {0,1} has the discrete topology.


To show: If there exists a continuous surjective function f:X{0,1} then X is not connected.
Assume that f:X{0,1} is a continuous surjective function.
Let A=f-1(0) andB=f-1(1). Since f is continuous, A and B are open.
Since f is surjective, f-1(0)=A and f-1(1)=B.
Then AB=f-1 ({0,1})=X and AB=f-1 (0)f-1 (1)=. So X is not connected.

To show: If X is not connected then there exists a continuous surjective function f:X{0,1}.
Assume X is not connected.
Then there exist open sets A and B such that AB=X, A, Band AB=. Define f:X{0,1} by f(x)= { 0, ifxA, 1, ifxB. Since X=AB and AB=, f is well defined.
Since A and B, f is surjective.
Since A=f-1(0) and B=f-1(1) are open, f is continuous.
So there exists a continuous surjective function f:X{0,1}.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 6 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Metric and Hilbert Spaces given on August 6, 2014.

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