Metric and Hilbert Spaces

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 4 November 2014

Lecture 8: Connected in R are intervals

Let J with J. The subset J is connected if and only if J is an interval.


: Assume J is not an interval.
Let x,yJ and z with x<z<y,x,yJ andzJ. Let A=(-,z)J and B=(z,)J.
Then A and B are open subsets of J and A,B, AB=andA B=J. So J is not connected.

: Assume J is an interval.
To show: J is connected.
Proof by contradiction.
Assume J is not connected.
Let AJ and BJ be open subsets of J such that AB=, A, Band AB=J. Then f:J{0,1} given by f(z)= { 0, ifzA, 1, ifzB is a continuous surjective function.
Let x1,y1J with f(x1)=0 and f(y1)=1.
Switching A and B if necessary we may assume that x1<y1.
Construct sequences x1,x2, and y1,y2, by xi+1= xi+yi2 andyi+1=yi, iff(xi+yi2)=0, xi+1=xi andyi+1= xi+yi2, iff(xi+yi2)=1. By induction, xiJ and yiJ, and, since J is an interval, xi+yi2J so that f(xi+yi2) is defined and xi+1Jand yi+1J. Also, f(xi+1)=0, f(yi+1)=1, xixi+1<yi+1yi and|xi+1-yi+1| 12|xi-yi| so that |xi+1-yi+1| 12i|x1-y1|. Since is complete and the sequence x1,x2, is increasing and bounded by y1, limnxn exists in .
Since is complete and the sequence y1,y2, is decreasing and bounded by x1, limnyn exists in .
Since limn|xn-yn|=0 then limnxn=limnyn.
Let z=limnxn =limnyn. Since x1x2xn<ynyn-1y1 for n>0 then x1<z<y1. Since J is an interval, zJ.
Since f is continuous, 0=limnf(xn) =f(z)=limnf (yn)=1. This is a contradiction.
So J is connected.

Notes and References

The proof of the theorem follows the proof given in the course notes of J. Hyam Rubinstein for Metric and Hilbert spaces at the University of Melbourne. This proof does not differ substantially from the proof in [Bou, Gen Top. Ch. IV §2 No. 5 Theorem 4] but is organised to be more self contained.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 8 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Metric and Hilbert Spaces given on August 8, 2014.

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