Problem Sheet - Sequences

Problem Set: Sequences
620-295 Semester I 2010

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Last updates: 15 March 2010

(1) Sequence analysis
(2) Definitions and proofs
(3) Picard and Newton iteration

Sequence analysis

For each of the following sequences:

(a) explicitly write out the first 7 terms,
(b) graph the sequence,
(c) determine if it is bounded,
(d) determine if it is increasing or decreasing,
(e) determine if it is Cauchy,
(f) determine the sup and inf,
(g) determine the lim sup and lim inf,
(h) determine if it is convergent or divergent,
(i) determine the limit if it is convergent,
(m) determine if it is contractive.

Analyse the sequence an= n .

Analyse the sequence an= (-1) n n .

Analyse the sequence an= n2 .

Analyse the sequence an= 12n-n3 .

Analyse the sequence an= n! .

Analyse the sequence an= 1n .

Analyse the sequence an= 3-1n .

Analyse the sequence an= 1 np .

Analyse the sequence an= 1n! .

Analyse the sequence an= n n(n+1) .

Analyse the sequence an= 1n -1 n+1 .

Analyse the sequence an= (-1) n+1 .

Analyse the sequence an= (-1) n+1 n .

Analyse the sequence an= (-1) n (1+ 1n ) .

Analyse the sequence an= n2n+1 .

Analyse the sequence an= 2nn+1 .

Analyse the sequence an= nn2+1 .

Analyse the sequence an= 3n+1 2n+5 .

Analyse the sequence an= n2-1 2n2+3 .

Analyse the sequence an= in n2 .

Analyse the sequence an= n+2i n .

Analyse the sequence an= 4n+3 4n2 +3n+1 .

Analyse the sequence ak= 1 ( 3k4 - 7k2 + 5 ) 13 .

Analyse the sequence an= (n!)2 (2n)! .

Analyse the sequence an= (n!)2 5n (2n)! .

Analyse the sequence an= (-1)n .

Analyse the sequence an= n1/n .

Analyse the sequence an= ( 1 + 1n ) n .

Analyse the sequence an= e inπ/7 .

Analyse the sequence an= n .

Analyse the sequence an= 1n .

Analyse the sequence an= n+1 -n .

Analyse the sequence an= n ( n+1 -n ) .

Let x with |x|<1 . Analyse the sequence an= xn .

Let x with x>0 . Analyse the sequence an= x1/n .

Let x . Analyse the sequence an= ( 1 + xn ) n .

Let x . Analyse the sequence an= 1- x n+1 1-x .

Let x . Analyse the sequence an= 1+x+ + xn .

Analyse the sequence given by a1= 3 and an= 12 ( an-1 + 5 an-1 ) .

Let a with a>0 . Fix a positive real number x1 . Analyse the sequence given by xn+1 = 12 (xn + a xn ) .

Let α,β >0 . Analyse the sequence given by a1=α and an+1 = β+an .

Let α,β >0 . Analyse the sequence given by a1=α and an+1 = β+an .

Analyse the sequence given by x1=1 and xn+1 = 12+xn .

Fix a real number x1 between 0 and 1. Analyse the sequence given by xn+1 = 17 (xn3+2 ) .
Estimate the solution to x3-7x+2 =0 to three decimal places and verify that the limit is a solution to the equation x3-7x+2 =0 .

Analyse the sequence given by a1=0 ,   a2k =12 a2k+1 ,   and a2k+1 =12+ a2k .

Analyse the sequence an= n 2n+3 .
Analyse the sequence an= n n+1 - n+1 n .
Analyse the sequence an= 1-n n3 .
Analyse the sequence an= 3n-1 2n+5 .
Analyse the sequence an= n+1 n .
Analyse the sequence an= n n+1 .
Analyse the sequence an= 1+ (-1) n+1 .
Analyse the sequence an= n (-1) n .
Analyse the sequence an= an when an= 3 .
Analyse the sequence an= n 2n .
Analyse the sequence an= cos nπ 2 .
Analyse the sequence an= (1+ (-1) n ) 1 n .
Analyse the sequence an= 4n2-2n +cosn 3n2+7n+6 .
Analyse the sequence an= 3n-5 2n2+1 + 3n2+4 .
Analyse the sequence an= 2n2+6n +2 3n3-n2 -n .
Analyse the sequence an= n2+3n - n2+4 .
Analyse the sequence an= 1 3n+5 .
Analyse the sequence an= 3+ (-1)n n .
Analyse the sequence an= n-2 n+2 .
Analyse the sequence an= ( n 25 ) 1/3 .
Analyse the sequence an= 22n n! .
Analyse the sequence given by a1=2 and an+1= 2+an . In particular, show that an is increasing and bounded above by 3.
Analyse the sequence given by a1=2 and an+1= 3- 1 n . In particular, show that an is increasing and an<3 for all n .
Suppose the nth pass through a manufacturing process is modelled by the linear equations xn =An x0 , where x0 is the initial state of the system and A= 1 5 ( 3 2 2 3 ) . Show that An = ( 12 12 12 12 ) + ( 15 )n ( 12 -12 -12 12 ) . Then with the initial state x0 = ( p 1-p ) , calculate limn xn .
The Fibbonaci sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13, ... is described by the difference equation Fk+2 = Fk+1 + Fk and the initial conditions F0 =0 , F1 =1 . Writing uk = ( Fk+1 Fk ) , show that uk+1 = Auk , where A= ( 1 1 1 0 ) . Solve for uk in terms of u0 = ( 1 0 ) and show that Fk = 1 5 ( ( 1+5 2 ) k - ( 1-5 2 ) k ) , and therefore find the limit as k of the ratio Fk+1 / Fk .

Definitions and proofs

What is a sequence?
What is a convergent sequence?
What is a divergent sequence?
What is the limit of a sequence?
What is the sup of a sequence?
What is the inf of a sequence?
What is the lim sup of a sequence?
What is the lim inf of a sequence?
What is a bounded sequence?
What is an increasing sequence?
What is a decreasing sequence?
What is a monotone sequence?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a contractive sequence?
Prove that if (an) is a sequence in and (an) converges then limn an is unique.

Prove that if (an) is a sequence in and (an) converges then (an) is bounded.

Prove that if (an) and (bn) are sequences in and limn an =a and limn bn =b then limn an + bn =a+b .

Prove that if (an) and (bn) are sequences in and limn an =a and limn bn =b then limn an bn =ab .

Prove that if (an) and (bn) are sequences in and limn an =a and limn bn =b and bn 0 for all n >0 then limn an bn = ab .

Prove that if (an) , (bn) and (cn) are sequences in and limn an = and limn cn = and an bn cn for all n >0 then limn bn = .

Prove that if (an) , is a sequence in and (an) is increasing and bounded above then (an) converges.

Prove that if (an) , is a sequence in and (an) is not bounded then (an) diverges.

Find a sequence an in such that if r [0,1] there is a subsequence of an which converges to r .

Picard and Newton iteration

Let f: (0, 12π ) is given by f(x) = 12 tanx . Estimate numerically the solution to x=f(x) with x(0, 12π) using Picard iteration.

Let f: (0, 12π ) is given by f(x) = 12 tanx . Estimate numerically the solution to x=f(x) with x(0, 12π) using Newton iteration (let F(x) =x-f(x) ).

Show that the equation g(x) = x3+x-1 =0 has a solution between 0 and 1. Transform the equation to the form x= f(x) for a suitable function f: [0,1] [0,1] . Use Picard iteration to find the solution to 3 decimal places. (Try f(x) = 1/(x2+1) ).

Show that the equation g(x) = x4-4x2 -x+4 =0 has a solution between 3 and 2. Transform the equation to the form x= f(x) for a suitable function f: [3,2] [3,2] . Use Picard iteration to find the solution to 3 decimal places. (Try f(x) = 2+x ).

Applying Newton's method to solve the equation f(x) =x2-2=0 gives a sequence xn defined recursively by xn+1 = xn - f(xn) f(xn) , for each n1 . We choose x1 =2 as our initial approximate solution.
(a) Verify that xn+1 = xn 1 + 1 xn . Use this to calculate x2 and x3 .
(b) Show that if the limit limn xn =L exists, then it must satisfy L2-2=0 .
(c) Show, by induction on n , that 2 <xn2 , for all n .
(d) Show that xn+1 < xn , for all n .
(e) Deduce that the sequence xn has a limit, and that limn xn = 2 .


[Ca] S. Carnie, 620-143 Applied Mathematics, Course materials, 2006 and 2007.

[Ho] C. Hodgson, 620-194 Mathematics B and 620-211 Mathematics 2 Notes, Semester 1, 2005.

[Wi] P. Wightwick, UMEP notes, 2010.