Problem Set - Sets, Orders and functions

Problem Set -- Sets, Orders and functions
620-295 Semester I 2010

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Last updates: 2 May 2010

(1) Absolute value and inequalities
(2) Induction, or perhaps not
(3) Orders on ,, ,
(4) Cardinality
(5) Sets and functions

Absolute value and inequalities

Let x . Define |x| .
Let x . Define |x| .
Let xn . Define |x| .
Let x . Show that |x| = |x+0i| .
State and prove Lagrange's identity for .
State and prove the Schwarz identity for .
State and prove Lagrange's identity for 2 .
State and prove the Schwarz identity for 2 .
Let xn . Show that |-x| =|x| .
Let x,y . Show that |x+y| |x| + |y| .
Let x,y . Show that |x+y| |x| + |y| .
Let x,yn . Show that |x+y| |x| + |y| .
Let x,y,z n . Show that |x+y+z| |x| + |y| + |z| .
Let x,y . Show that |x+y| 2 + |x-y| 2 = 2( |x|2 + |y|2 ) . Is this identity true for x,yn ?
Let x,y . Show that |x+y| 2 = |x|2 + |y|2 + 2Re(xy) .
Let x,y . Show that |x+y| | |x| - |y|| .

Let x,y . Show that |x-y| | |x| - |y|| .
Let x,y,z . Show that |x+y+z| | |x| - |y| - |z| | .
For x, give solutions to the following inequalities in terms of intervals:
(a) |x| >3.
(b) |1+2x| 4.
(c) |x+2| 5.
For x, rewrite each of the following inequalities in terms of intervals:
(a) |x+3| >1
(b) |x-2| <3
(c) |x+2| 2 and |x| >1
(d) |x+2| 2 or |x| >1
For x, give solutions to the following inequalities in terms of intervals:
(a) |x-2| <3 or |x+1| <1 .
(b) |x-2| <3 and |x+1| <1 .
(c) |x-5| < |x+1| .
Let a,b and let ϵ such that 0<ϵ <|b| . Show that | a+ϵ b+ϵ | |a|+ϵ |b|+ϵ .
Prove that if a1, a2, , an then | k=1 n ak | k=1 n | ak | . Is this identity true for a1, a2, , an n ?
Prove that if a1, a2, , an then | k=1 n ak | |ap| - k=1 ,kp n | ak | . Is this identity true for a1, a2, , an n ?
Find the minimal N >0 such that n< 2n for all nN .
Find the minimal N >0 such that n!> 2n for all nN .
Find the minimal N >0 such that 2n > 2n3 for all nN .
(Bernoulli's inequality) Prove that if a and a>-1 then (1+a) n 1+na for n >0 .
Prove that if x then 1+x ex .
Prove that if x >0 then logx x-1 x .
Prove that if x,y 0 and p with 0<p<1 then (x+y) p xp+ yp .
(Jensen's inequality) Let I be an interval in and let f:I be a convex function. If x1, , xn and t1, , tn [0,1] with t1+ + tn =1 , then f(t1 x1+ + tnxn) t1 f(x1) + + tn f(xn) .
If x1, , xn 0 and t1, , tn 0 with t1+ + tn =1 , then t1 x1+ + tnxn x1 t1 xn tn .

Induction, or perhaps not

Prove that if n >0 then 3 is a factor of n3-n+3 .
Prove that if n >0 then 9 is a factor of 10n+1 +310n +5 .
Prove that if n >0 then 4 is a factor of 5n-1 .
Prove that if n >0 then x-y is a factor of xn-yn .
Prove that if n >0 then 72n-48n-1 is divisible by 2304.
Prove that if n >0 then 2+4+6++2n =n(n+1) .
Prove that if n >0 then 1+4+7++ (3n-2) = 1 2 n(3n-1) .
Prove that if n >0 then 2+7+12++ (5n-3) = 1 2 n(5n-1) .
Prove that if n >0 then 1+22 +322 +423 + + n2n-1 = 1+ (n-1) 2n .
Prove that if n >0 then 12 + 22 + 32 + + n2 = 1 6 n(n+1) (2n+1) .
Prove that if n >0 then 1 12 + 1 23 + 1 34 + + 1 n(n+1) = n n+1 .
Prove that if n >0 then 3 + 32 + 33 + + 3n = 3 2 (3n-1) .
Prove that if n >0 then ( 1 + 25 + + n5 ) + ( 1 + 27 + + n7 ) = 2 ( n(n+1) 2 ) 4 .
Prove that if n >0 then 1 + r + r2 + + rn = 1-rn 1-r .
Prove that if n >0 then k=1 n (2k-1) = n2 .
Prove that k=1 nk = 12 n(n+1) .
Prove that k =1 n (3k-2) = 12 n(3n-1) .
Prove that k=1 n k2 = 16 n (n+1) (2n+1) .
Prove that k=1 n k3 = 14 n2 (n+1) 2 .
Prove that k=1 n k3 = ( k=1 n k )2 .
Prove that k=1 n 1k(k+1) = nn+1 .
Define a sequence by a1 =0 , a2k = 12 a2k-1 and a2k+1 = 12+ a2k . Show that a2k = 12- ( 12 )k .
Prove that if n >0 then 3 is a factor of n3 -n+3 .
Prove that if n >0 then 9 is a factor of 10n+1 +3 10n +5 .
Prove that if n >0 then 4 is a factor of 5n -1 .
Prove that if n >0 then x-y is a factor of xn - yn .
Let D be a diagonal matrix, D=diag( λ1, λs) , where Dii = λi , Dij =0 , for ij . Prove, by induction that, for each positive integer n , Dn =diag( λ1n ,, λsn ).
Let A be a matrix such that A=PDP-1 , where D is diagonal. Prove, by induction, that for each positive integer n , An = PDn P-1 .

Orders on , , , and

Define the order on >0 .
Define the order on 0 .
Define the order on .
Define the order on .
Show that ab cd if and only if abd2 cdb2 .
Define the order on .
Show that there is no order on such that is a totally ordered field.
Show that if x,y,z and xy and yz then xz.
Show that if x,y and xy and yx then x=y.
Show that if x,y,z and xy then x+z y+z.
Show that if x,y and x0 and y0 then xy0.
Show that if x and x0 then x2>0 .
Show that if x,y and 0<x<y then y-1< x-1 .
(The Archimedean property of ) Show that if x,y and x >0 then there exists n 0 such that nx>y.
Show that the Archimedean property is equivalent to >0 is an unbounded subset of .
( is dense in ) Show that if x,y and x<y then there exists p such that x<p<y.
( - is dense ) Show that if x,y and x<y then there exists p - such that x<p<y.
If x,y and x<y show that there exist infinitely many rational numbers between x and y as well as infinitely many irrational numbers.
Let x >0 and n >0 . Then there exists a unique y >0 such that yn=x .
For each of the following subsets of find the maximum, the minimum, an upper bound, a lower bound, the supremum, and the infimum:
(a) A={ p , | , p2 <2 } ,
(b) B={ p , | , p2 >2 } ,
(c) E1={ r , | , r <0 } ,
(d) E2={ r , | , r 0 } ,
For each of the following subsets of find the maximum, the minimum, an upper bound, a lower bound, the supremum, and the infimum:
(a) S= { 1n , | , n >0 } ,
(b) S= [0,1) ,
(c) S= >0 ,
(d) S= { x , | , x0 , or , (x>0 , and , x2>2 )} ,
For each of the following subsets of find the maximum, the minimum, an upper bound, a lower bound, the supremum, and the infimum:
(a) S= ,
(b) S= [ 2,2] ,
(c) S= ( 2,2) ,
(d) S= { x , | , x= (-1)n n, , n >0 } ,
For each of the following subsets of find the maximum, the minimum, an upper bound, a lower bound, the supremum, and the infimum:
(a) S= { 1 (|n|+1) 2 , | , n } ,
(b) S= { n+1n , | , n >0 } ,
(c) S= { 2-m - 3n , | , m,n 0 } ,
(d) S= { x , | , x3 -4x <0 } ,
For each of the following subsets of find the maximum, the minimum, an upper bound, a lower bound, the supremum, and the infimum:
(a) S= { 1+x2 , | , x } ,
(b) S= { x , | , x2 <9 } ,
(c) S= { x , | , x2 7 } ,
(d) S= { x , | , |x+2|2 M or M |x|>1 } .
Are the supremum and infimum (if they exist) in the set S?
For each of the following subsets of find the maximum, the minimum, an upper bound, a lower bound, the supremum, and the infimum:
(a) S= { x , | , |2x+1|<5 } ,
(b) S= { x , | , |x-2|<3 , and , |x+1|<1 } ,
(c) S= { x , | , x , and , x2 <7 } ,
(d) S= { x , | , |x+2|2 , or , |x|>1 } .
Are the supremum and infimum (if they exist) in the set S?
Find an upper bound for the function f(x) = 2 x2 +1 x+3 for x and |x|<1.
Find an upper bound for the function f(x) = x3 +3x+1 10- x2 for x and |x+1|<2.
Let S be a nonempty subset of . Show that x=supS if and only if
(a) x is an upper bound of S , and
(b) for every ϵ >0 there exists y S such that x-ϵ < yx .
State and prove a characterization of infS analogous to the characterization of supS in the previous problem.
Let c and let S be a subset of . Show that if S is bounded then c+S ={c+s , | , s } is bounded.
Let c and let S be a subset of . Show that if S is bounded then cS ={cs , | , s } is bounded.
Let c and let S be a subset of . Show that sup(c+S) = c+supS .
Let c 0 and let S be a subset of . Show that sup(cS) = csupS .
Let c and let S be a subset of . Show that inf(c+S) = c+infS .
Let c 0 and let S be a subset of . Show that inf(cS) = cinfS .


Define (a) cardinality, (b) finite, (c) infinite, (d) countable, and (e) uncountable.
Prove that Card( abcde ) = Card( 12345 ) .
Show that Card( >0 ) = Card( 0 ) .
Show that Card( ) = Card( 0 ) .
Show that Card( >0 ) = Card( ) .
Show that Card( {x , | , 0<x1 } ) = Card( >0 ) .
Show that Card( {x , | , 0<x1 } ) Card( >0 ) .
Show that Card( >0 ) = Card( ) .
Show that Card( >0 ) Card( ) .
Show that Card( ) = Card( ) .
Let S be a set. Show that Card( S) = Card( S) .
Show that if Card( S) = Card( T) then Card( T) = Card( S) .
Show that if Card( S) = Card( T) and Card( T) = Card( U) then Card( S) = Card( U) .
Define Card( S) Card( T) if there exists an injective function f:ST . Show that if Card( S) Card( T) and Card( T) Card( S) then Card( S) = Card( T) .

Sets and functions

Let A , B and C be sets. Show that AB C = A BC .
Let A and B be sets. Show that AB = BA .
Let A be a set. Show that A = A .
Let A , B and C be sets. Show that AB C = A BC .
Let A and B be sets. Show that AB = BA .
Let A , B and C be sets. Show that A BC = AB AC .
Define (a) partial order, (b) total order, (c) partially ordered set, and (d) totally ordered set.
Define (a) maximum, (b) minimum, (c) upper bound, (d) lower bound, (e) bounded above, (f) bounded below.
Define (a) upper bound, (b) lower bound, (c) least upper bound, (d) greatest lower bound, (e) supremum and (f) infimum.
Let S be a set. Show that the set of subsets of S is partially ordered by inclusion.
Give an example of a partially ordered set S with more than one maximal element.
Let S be a partially ordered set and let E be a subset of S. Show that if a greatest lower bound of E exists in S then it is unique.
Show that does not have the least upper bound property.
Show that has the least upper bound property.
Which of >0 , 0 , , have the least upper bound property?
Let S , T and U be sets and let f : S T and g : T U be functions. Show that
  1. if f and g are injective then g f is injective,
  2. if f and g are surjective then g f is surjective, and
  3. if f and g are bijective then g f is bijective.

Let f : S T be a function and let U S . The image of U under f is the subset of T given by f U = f u | u U .

Let f : S T be a function. The image of U under f is the subset of T given by im U = f s | s S . Note that im f = f S .

Let f : S T be a function and let V T . The inverse image of V under f is the subset of S given by f -1 V = s S | f s V .

Let f : S T be a function and let t T . The fiber of f over t is the subset of S given by f -1 t = s S | f s = t .

Let f : S T be a function. Show that the set F = f -1 t | t T of fibers of the map f is a partition of S .

  1. Let f : S T be a function. Define f : S im f s f s . Show that the map f is well defined and surjective.
  2. Let f : S T be a function and let F = f -1 t | t im f = f -1 t | t T \ be the set of nonempty fibers of the map f . Define f ^ : F T f -1 t t . Show that the map f ^ is well defined and injective.
  3. Let f : S T be a function and let F = f -1 t | t im f = f -1 t | t T \ be the set of nonempty fibers of the map f . Define f ^ : F im T f -1 t t . Show that the map f ^ is well defined and bijective.

Let S be a set. The power set of S , 2 S , is the set of all subsets of S .

Let S be a set and let 0 1 S be the set of all functions f : S 0 1 . Given a subset T S define a function f T : S 0 1 by f T s = 0 , if  s T , 1 , if  s T .

Show that the map φ : 2 S 0 1 S T f T is a bijection.

Let : S × S S be an associative operation on a set S . An identity for is an element e S such that e s = s e = s for all s S .

Let e be an identity for an associative operation on a set S . Let s S . A left inverse for s is an element t S such that t s = e . A right inverse for s is an element t S such that s t = e . An inverse for s is an element s -1 S such that s -1 s = s s -1 = e .

  1. Let be an operation on a set S . Show that if S contains an identity for then it is unique.
  2. Let e be an identity for an associative operation on a set S . Let s S . Show that if s has an inverse then it is then it is unique.

  1. Let S and T be sets and let ι S and ι T be the identity maps on S and T respectively. Show that for any function f : S T , ι T f = f , and f ι S = f .
  2. Let f : S T be a function. Show that if an inverse function to f exists then it is unique. (Hint: The proof is very similar to the proof in Ex. 5b above.)


[Ca] S. Carnie, 620-143 Applied Mathematics, Course materials, 2006 and 2007.

[Ho] C. Hodgson, 620-194 Mathematics B and 620-211 Mathematics 2 Notes, Semester 1, 2005.

[Hu] B.D. Hughes, 620-158 Accelerated Mathematics 2 Lectures, 2009.

[Wi] P. Wightwick, UMEP notes, 2010.