Problem Set - Theorems

Problem Set -- Theorems
620-295 Semester I 2010

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Last updates: 18 May 2010

(1) Theorems


Prove that if (an) is a sequence in and (an) converges then limn an is unique.

Prove that if (an) is a sequence in and (an) converges then (an) is bounded.

Prove that if (an) and (bn) are sequences in and limn an =a and limn bn =b then limn an + bn =a+b .

Prove that if (an) and (bn) are sequences in and limn an =a and limn bn =b then limn an bn =ab .

Prove that if (an) and (bn) are sequences in and limn an =a and limn bn =b and bn 0 for all n >0 then limn an bn = ab .

Prove that if (an) , (bn) and (cn) are sequences in and limn an = and limn cn = and an bn cn for all n >0 then limn bn = .
Prove that if (an) is a sequence in and (an) is increasing and bounded above then (an) converges.
Prove that if (an) is a sequence in and (an) is not bounded then (an) diverges.
Prove that if (an) is a contractive sequence in then (an) is Cauchy. Give an example to show that the converse is not true.
Prove that if (an) is a Cauchy sequence in then (an) converges.
Give an example of a Cauchy sequence (an) in that does not converge.
Let X be a metric space. Prove that if (an) is a convergent sequence in X then (an) is Cauchy.
Find a sequence an in such that if r [0,1] there is a subsequence of an which converges to r .
Let X be a metric space. Let f:X and g:X be functions and let aX. Assume that limxa f x and limxa g x exist. Show that lim xa f x + g x = lim xa f x + lim x a g x .
Let X be a metric space. Let f:X and g:X be functions and let aX. Assume that limxa f x and limxa g x exist. Show that if c then lim x a c f x = c lim x a f x ,
Let X be a metric space. Let f:X and g:X be functions and let aX. Assume that limxa f x and limxa g x exist. Show that lim x a f x g x = lim xa f x lim x a g x
Let X be a metric space. Let f:X and g:X be functions and let aX. Assume that limxa f x and limxa g x exist. Show that f is continuous at x = a if and only if lim xa f x = f a .
Assume that lim x a g x =l and lim y l f y exists. Show that lim y l f y = limxa f g x .
Let an and b n be sequences in . Assume that lim n an exists and lim n bn exists. Show that if an b n then lim n a n lim n b n .
Let x. Show that lim n x n = 0, if x <1, diverges, if x > 1, 1, if x=1, diverges, if x =1 and x1.
Let x. Prove that limn 1+x+ x2+ + xn = lim n 1- x n+1 1-x = 1 1-x , if x < 1, diverges, if x 1.
Let k >0 . Show that n=1 1 nk converges if k>1 and n=1 1 nk diverges if k1 .
Prove that lim x0 ex = e 0 .
Let a. Prove that lim xa e x = e a .
Let n >0 and a . Show that the function f: given by f(x) =xn is continuous at x=a .
Let a . Show that the function f: given by f(x) = ex is continuous at x=a .
Let r,s . Assume n=0 an sn converges. Show that if r < s then n=0 an r n converges.
Let an be a sequence in . Show that if n=1 a n converges then n=1 a n converges.
Let an be a sequence in such that an 0 , if n >0 then an a n+1 , and lim n a n =0 . Show that n=1 -1 n-1 a n converges.
Let f : a b and g : a b and let β γ . Let c a b and assume that f c and g c exist. Prove that β f + γ g c = β f c + γ g c .
Let f : a b and g : a b and let c a b . Assume that f c and g c exist. Prove that f g c = f c g c + f c g c .
Let f : a b be given by f x = x and let c a b . Prove that f c = 1 .
Let f : a b and let c a b . Prove that if f c exists then f is continuous at x = c .
Prove that exp(x)= exp(x) .
Carefully state and prove the intermediate value theorem.
Carefully state and prove the max-min theorem.
Carefully state and prove Rolle's theorem.
Carefully state and prove the mean value theorem.
Carefully state and prove Taylor's theorem with Lagrange's remainder.
Carefully state and prove the fundamental theorem of calculus.
Carefully state the trapezoidal integral approximation and the bound on the error.
Carefully state Simpson's integral approximation and the bound on the error.
Prove that is a field.
Prove that is a field.
Prove that is a field.
Prove that is an ordered field.
Prove that is an ordered field.
Prove that is not an ordered field.
Carefully state and prove Lagrange's identity.
Carefully state and prove the Schwarz inequality.
Carefully state and prove the triangle inequality.
Prove that is a metric space.
Prove that n is a metric space.
Prove that is a topological space.
Prove that n is a topological space.
Let X be a metric space. Prove that X is a topological space.
Let E . Show that E is connected if and only if E is an interval.
Let E . Show that E is connected and compact if and only if E is a closed and bounded interval.
Let S be a set with a partial order and let E be a subset of S . Show that if supE exists then it is unique.