Real Analysis

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 12 July 2014

Lecture 13

Conditional convergence and alternating series

Let an be a sequence in ???. If n=1|an| converges then n=1an converges.

A series n=1an is conditionally convergent if n=1an converges but n=1|an| diverges.

A series n=1an is absolutely convergent if n=1|an| converges.

(Favourite example) Does n=1(-1)n-11n converge? n=1(-1)n 1n=1-12+1/3-14 +15-16+ Since 11-x=1+x+ x2+x3+ then 11+x=1-x+x2 -x3+x4- and log(1+x)= 11+xdx=x -x22+x33 -x44+x55 - So if 1-12+1/3-14+15-16+ converges it is equal to log(1+1)=log2. A quick experiment indicates that it does converge. However n=1 |(-1)n-11n| =n=11n diverges (harmonic series). So n=1(-1)n-11n is conditionally convergent and not absolutely convergent.

(Liebniz's Theorem) If (an) is a sequence in such that

(a) an0,
(b) if n>0 then anan+1,
(c) limnan=0
then n=1(-1)n-1an converges.


Assume (an) is a sequence in and an0, and if n>0 then anan+1 and limnan=0.

To show: n=1(-1)n-1an=a1-a2+a3-a4+a5- converges.

Let s2m= (a1-a2)+ (a3-a4)++ (a2m-1-a2m). Then s2ms2(m+1).

Since s2m=a1-(a2-a3)-(a4-a5)--(a2m-2-a2m-1)-a2m, then s2ma1.

So the sequence (s2,s4,s6,) is increasing and bounded above. So limns2m exists.

Let =limms2m.

Since s2m+1=s2m+a2m+1 then limm s2m+1 = limms2m+ limma2m+1 = +0=. So limmsm=.


Since ddx (logxx) = ddx (x-12logx) = x-121x+-12 x-32logx = x-32 (1-12logx) is less than 0 for x>e2, the sequence lognn is decreasing for x>9.

Since limnlognn12=limne-12lognlogn=limye-12yy=0 Leibniz theorem gives that n=1(-1)n-1lognn converges.

Thinking about rearrangements

1-12+1/3-14+ 15-16+17- 18+=log2. -12-14-16-18 - = -12(1+12+1/3+14+) = -12(VERY VERY LARGE) 1+1/3+15+17+ 19+>12+14+ 16+=VERY VERY LARGE Pick a number >0.

If we take 1+1/3+15+17 ++1299just until we get larger than , then add -12-14-16- -170just until we get smaller than, then add 1301+1303+ just until we get larger thanagain, then add -172-174- just until we get smaller thanagain This process will create a series that converges to .

Assume that an is a sequence in or If n=1|an| converges then n=1an converges.


Let An=|a1|+|a2|++|an| and sn=a1+a2++an.

Since n=1|an|=(A1,A2,A3,) converges the sequence An is Cauchy.

Since |sm-sn| = |an+1++am| |am+1|++ |an|=|Am-An|, the sequence sn is Cauchy.

Since Cauchy sequences converge in or (or any complete metric space) n=1an= (sn) converges.

Notes and References

These are notes from a 2010 course on Real Analysis 620-295. This page comes from 100329suggLect13.pdf and was given on 29 March 2010.

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